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朱晓农,1957年12月14日生于江苏省南通市。1982 年毕业于北京航空航天大学,获学士学位。1987年毕业于北京理工大学,获硕士学位。1991 年毕业于英国St. Andrews大学物理、天文系,获博士学位。1993-1994年在加拿大Laval大学激光光电子中心做博士后研究。现为南开大学特聘教授,博士生导师,美国光学学会会员,中国光学学会高级会员,光电信息技术科学教育部重点实验室(南开大学 天津大学)主任。

1991-2001年间先后在英国St. Andrews大学、加拿大Laval大学、Toronto大学、美国 Quantronix公司、加拿大国家研究院、加拿大JDS-Uniphase公司从事超短脉冲激光技术与应用、先进固体激光系统和新型光通信元器件的研究开发工作。曾任加拿大国家研究院集成制造技术研究所副研究员、飞秒激光精密加工项目负责人,美国Quantronix公司研发部副主管。







攻读博士期间在导师,国际著名激光、光电子技术专家Wilson Sibbitt教授的指导下,对由光孤子激光器延伸出的耦合腔激光超短脉冲产生技术进行了系统的研究。用KCT:TI色心激光器产生了1.5um光通信波段上当时在整个欧州最短的激光脉冲。首次在单模光纤中观察到自由相位调制引发的四波混频繁现象,并实验证实利用这一现象可由1.5um的飞秒脉冲上转换产生1.3um飞秒脉冲。

1994年,在加拿大Laval大学从事博士后研究期间,研制出加拿大第一台<20飞秒掺钛蓝宝石激光器,并于同一时期,导出倾斜双折射晶体的琼斯矩陈解析表达式。后一结果为许多用到双折射材料的光通信元器件的设计和制造提供了分析计算的依据。由此,多次为美国光学学会“Applied Optics”杂志审评相关技术的研究论文稿件。


1998—2000年,在加拿大国家研究院工作期间,优化了250KH2高重频、掺钛蓝宝石飞秒激光放大器系统,使其输出脉宽在14皮秒—40飞秒间连续可调。在飞秒激光加工实验中,利用该装置发现了一种确定临界激光脉冲宽度的新主法。其结果发表于2000年“Applied Surface Science”杂志上,并很快被John Wiley & Sons 公司出版的“Technical Insights”快报转载报道。


2007承担国家自然科学基金重点项目“ 超短脉冲激光烧蚀推进新技术的基础研究”, 2007年。

2004承担 国家自然科学基金项目“超短脉冲激光超微细加工中的临界脉冲宽度问题研究 ”。





1. Zhang, N (Zhang, Nan); Liu, WW (Liu, Weiwei); Xu, ZJ (Xu, Zhijun); Wang, MW (Wang, Mingwei); Zhu, XN (Zhu, Xiaonong);Title: Experimental study and numerical simulation of the propulsion of microbeads by femtosecond laser filament;Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 104 (3): Art. No. 033104 AUG 1 2008 ;ISI Document Delivery No.: 338GH

2. Yang, Y (Yang, Yang); Yang, JJ (Yang, Jianjun); Liang, CY (Liang, Chunyong); Wang, HS (Wang, Hongshui); Zhu, XN (Zhu, Xiaonong); Kuang, DF (Kuang, Dengfeng); Yang, Y (Yang, Yong) ;Title: Sub-wavelength surface structuring of NiTi alloy by femtosecond laser pulses ;Source: APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, 92 (3): 635-642 AUG 2008; ISI Document Delivery No.: 330AP

3. Xu, ZJ (Xu, Z. J.); Liu, W (Liu, W.); Zhang, N (Zhang, N.); Wang, MW (Wang, M. W.); Zhu, XN (Zhu, X. N.) ;Title: Effect of intensity clamping on laser ablation by intense femtosecond laser pulses ;Source: OPTICS EXPRESS, 16 (6): 3604-3609 MAR 17 2008 ;ISI Document Delivery No.: 276DL


4. Yang, JJ (Yang, Jianjun); Zhang, N (Zhang, Nan); Zhu, XN (Zhu, Xiaonong); Title: Self-induced nonlinear polarization change of femtosecond laser pulse propagation in an optically isotropic glass ;Source: APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, 89 (2-3): 261-266 NOV 2007 ; ISI Document Delivery No.: 227AP

5. Yang, J (Yang, J.); Zhao, Y (Zhao, Y.); Zhu, X (Zhu, X.) ;Title: Theoretical studies of ultrafast ablation of metal targets dominated by phase explosion ;Source: APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, 89 (2): 571-578 NOV 2007

6. Zhang, N (Zhang, Nan); Zhu, XN (Zhu, Xiaonong); Yang, JJ (Yang, Jianjun); Wang, XL (Wang, Xiaolei); Wang, MW (Wang, Mingwei) ;Title: Time-resolved shadowgraphs of material ejection in intense femtosecond laser ablation of aluminum ;Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 99 (16): Art. No. 167602 OCT 19 2007 ;ISI Document Delivery No.: 222KT

7. Liu, YH (Liu, Yiheng); Liang, YM (Liang, Yanmei); Tong, ZG (Tong, Zhengrong); Zhu, XN (Zhu, Xiaonong); Mu, GG (Mu, Guoguang) ;Title: Contrast enhancement of optical coherence tomography images using least squares fitting and histogram matching;Source: OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 279 (1): 23-26 NOV 1 2007 ;ISI Document Delivery No.: 220WX

8. Yang, JJ (Yang Jian-Jun); Liu, WW (Liu Wei-Wei); Zhu, XN (Zhu Xiao-Nong) ;Title: A study of ultrafast electron diffusion kinetics in ultrashort-pulse laser ablation of metals ;Source: CHINESE PHYSICS, 16 (7): 2003-2010 JUL 2007 ;ISI Document Delivery No.: 188CR

9. Jia, YQ (Jia Ya-Qing); Liang, YM (Liang Yan-Mei); Zhu, XN (Zhu Xiao-Nong) ;Title: Simulation of optical coherence tomography using Monte Carlo method ; Source: ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 56 (7): 3861-3866 JUL 2007 ;ISI Document Delivery No.: 191ME

10. Cao, SY (Cao Shi-Ying); Zhang, ZG (Zhang Zhi-Gang); Chai, L (Chai Lu); Wang, QY (Wang Qing-Yue); Yang, JJ (Yang Jian-Jun); Zhu, XN (Zhu Xiao-Nong) ; Title: Probing the spectrum evolution of femtosecond pulse filament in argon gas with a hollow fiber ;Source: ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 56 (5): 2765-2768 MAY 2007 ; ISI Document Delivery No.: 169OB

11. Zhao, YB (Zhao, Youbo); Jia, YQ (Jia, Yaqing); Yang, JJ (Yang, Jianjun); Zhu, XN (Zhu, Xiaonong) ;Title: Influence of a half-wave plate-polarizer attenuator on broadband femtosecond laser pulses ;Source: OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 46 (4): Art. No. 044301 APR 2007 ;DOI: 10.1117/1.2724814 ;ISI Document Delivery No.: 166BI

12. Zhao, Y (Zhao, Y.); Mu, G (Mu, G.); Zhu, X (Zhu, X.) ;Title: Nonlinear imaging of embedded microstructures inside transparent materials with laser- induced ionization microscopy ;Source: OPTICS LETTERS, 31 (18): 2765-2767 SEP 15 2006 ;ISI Document Delivery No.: 083GN


13. Zhang, N (Zhang Nan); Yang, JJ (Yang Jian-Jun); Wang, MW (Wang Ming-Wei); Zhu, XN (Zhu Xiao-Nong) ;Title: Fabrication of long-period fibre graings using 800 nm femtosecond laser pulses ;Source: CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, 23 (12): 3281-3284 DEC 2006 ;ISI Document Delivery No.: 110XM

14. Yang, J; Zhao, Y; Zhu, X;Title: Transition between nonthermal and thermal ablation of metallic targets under the strike of high-fluence ultrashort laser pulses ;Source: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 88 (9): Art. No. 094101 FEB 27 2006

15. Zhao, Y; Zhang, N; Yang, J; Zhu, X ;Title: Laser-induced air ionization microscopy ;Source: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 88 (24): Art. No. 241102 JUN 12 2006

16. Cao, SY (Cao Shi-Ying); Zhang, ZG (Zhang Zhi-Gang); Chai, L (Chai Lu); Wang, QY (Wang Qing-Yue); Yang, JJ (Yang Jian-Jun); Zhu, XN (Zhu Xiao-Nong) ; Title: Dependence of spectrum broadening on inner diameter of capillary restricting the filamentation in high pressure gas ;Source: ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 55 (10): 5294-5297 OCT 2006 ;ISI Document Delivery No.: 094BW

17. Cao, SY; Wang, Y; Huang, WJ; Chai, L; Wang, CY; Yang, JJ; Zhu, XN; Zhang, ZG ;Title: Experimental observation on spectrum evolution of femtosecond pulses in filamentation ;Source: OPTICS EXPRESS, 14 (12): 5492-5496 JUN 12 2006 ;ISI Document Delivery No.: 055GI

18. Jian, YQ; Yan, PG; Lu, KC; Zhang, TQ; Zhu, XN ;Title: Experimental study and numerical analysis of femtosecond pulse propagation and supercontinuum generation in highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber ;Source: ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 55 (4): 1809-1814 APR 2006 ;ISI Document Delivery No.: 029OB

19. Yan, PG; Li, YG; Ding, L; Zhang, WQ; Lu, KC; Jia, YQ; Zhang, TQ; Zhu, XN; Su, HX; Guo, QL ;Title: Highly efficient anti-Stokes generation in irregularly multicore microstructure fiber with double zero-dispersion wavelengths ;Source: MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 48 (2): 389-393 FEB 2006 ;ISI Document Delivery No.: 004PP


20. Yang, XF; Jia, YQ; Zhao, YB; Zhang, TQ; Zhu, XN ;Title: Dispersion of linearly polarized light propagating in a thin birefringent plate ;Source: JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A-OPTICS IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION, 22 (4): 752-759 APR 2005 ;ISI Document Delivery No.: 911KU


21. Jia, YQ; Zhu, XN ;Title: Study on dispersion characteristics of a tilted birefringent filter ;Source: ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 53 (9): 3065-3070 SEP 2004 ; ISI Document Delivery No.: 852YT

22. Zhang, N; Zhao, YB; Zhu, XN ;Title: Light propulsion of microbeads with femtosecond laser pulses ;Source: OPTICS EXPRESS, 12 (15): 3590-3598 JUL 26 2004 ;ISI Document Delivery No.: 841DG



1. An improved way for fabricating micro-waveguide by femtosecond laser Gong, Xiao-Jing (Department of Precision Machinery and Precision Instrumentation, University of Science and Technology of China); Chu, Jia-Ru; Yang, Jian-Jun; Zhang, Tie-Qun; Zhu, Xiao-Nong Source: Guangxue Jingmi Gongcheng/Optics and Precision Engineering, v 15, n 1, January, 2007, p 27-32 Language: Chinese

2. Application of femtosecond laser multifocusing to parallel fabrication Gong, Xiao-Jing (Department of Precision Machinery and Precision Instrumentation, University of Science and Technology of China); Chu, Jia-Ru; Wang, Xiang; Huang, Wen-Hao; Yang, Jian-Jun; Zhang, Tie-Qun; Zhu, Xiao-Nong Source: Guangxue Jingmi Gongcheng/Optics and Precision Engineering, v 16, n 1, January, 2008, p 48-54 Language: Chinese

3. Analysis of noise characteristics in an optical coherence tomographic system Mao, Youxin (Lab. of Optoelectron. Info. Sci., Inst. of Modern Optics, Nankai Univ.); Guo, Jianping; Liang, Yanmei; Jia, Yaqing; Zhao, Youbo; Zhu, Xiaonong Source: Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica, v 25, n 3, March, 2005, p 324-330 Language: Chinese

4. Broadband continuum generation in an irregularly multicore microstructured optical fiber Yan, Peiguang (Institute of Physics, Nankai University); Jia, Yaqing; Su, Hongxin; Li, Yigang; Ding, Lei; Zhang, Wei; Lu, Kecheng; Zhang, Tiequn; Zhu, Xiaonong; Guo, Qinglin; Zhou, Guiyao; Hou, Lantian Source: Chinese Optics Letters, v 3, n 6, June, 2005, p 355-357

5. Noise analyses of optical coherence tomography systems (I)-Theories and calculations Zhu, Xiao-Nong (Institute of Modern Optics, Nankai University); Mao, You-Xin; Liang, Yan-Mei; Jia, Ya-Qing; Mu, Guo-Guang Source: Guangzi Xuebao/Acta Photonica Sinica, v 36, n 3, March, 2007, p 452-456 Language: Chinese

6. Noise analyses of optical coherence tomography systems (II)-Fourier domain and time domain OCT systems Zhu, Xiao-Nong (Institute of Modern Optics, Nankai University); Mao, You-Xin; Liang, Yan-Mei; Jia, Ya-Qing; Mu, Guo-Guang Source: Guangzi Xuebao/Acta Photonica Sinica, v 36, n 3, March, 2007, p 457-461 Language: Chinese

7. Highly efficient anti-stokes generation in irregularly multicore microstructure fiber with double zero-dispersion wavelengths Yan, Pei-Guang (Institute of Physics, Nankai University); Li, Yi-Gang; Ding, Lei; Zhang, Wei; Lu, Ke-Cheng; Jia, Ya-Qing; Zhang, Tie-Qun; Zhu, Xiao-Nong; Su, Hong-Xin; Guo, Qin-Lin Source: Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, v 48, n 2, February, 2006, p 389-393

8. High resolution optical coherence tomography using femtosecond Ti:Al2O3 laser Jia, Ya-Qing (Key Lab. of Optoelectronic Information Science and Technology, Institute of Modern Optics, Nankai University); Liang, Yan-Mei; Wang, Ming-Wei; Zhu, Xiao-Nong Source: Guangdianzi Jiguang/Journal of Optoelectronics Laser, v 16, n 4, April, 2005, p 409-412 Language: Chinese

9. Dispersion characteristics of F-P etalons in devices of optical communications Jia, Ya-Qing (Lab. of Optoelectron. Info. Sci., Inst. of Modern Optics, Nankai Univ.); Zhao, You-Bo; Zhu, Xiao-Nong Source: Guangdianzi Jiguang/Journal of Optoelectronics Laser, v 15, n 2, February, 2004, p 156-159 Language: Chinese


1. 光通讯器件中F-P标准具型色散研究 贾亚青 赵友博 朱晓农 光电子 •激光 2004年 第02期

2. 高分辨飞秒光学相干断层成像系统 贾亚青 梁艳梅 王明伟 朱晓农 光电子 •激光 2005年 第04期

3. 低相干光断层扫描系统的噪声分析与研究 毛幼馨 郭建平 梁艳梅 贾亚青 赵友博 朱晓农 ... 光学学报 2005年 第03期

4. 医用OCT系统中快速扫描装置的原理和分析 贾亚青 梁艳梅 母国光 朱晓农 中国激光医学杂志 2006年 第01期

5. 束缚高压强气体中成丝的空心毛细管芯径对光谱展宽的影响 曹士英 张志刚 柴路 王清月 杨建军 朱晓农 ... 物理学报 2006年 第10期

6. 应用波分复用技术实现飞秒级超快动态过程的脉冲数字显微全息记录 王晓雷 王毅 翟宏琛 朱晓农 母国光 吴兰 ... 光学学报 2006年 第11期

7. 改进的飞秒激光加工微型光波导方法 龚小竞 褚家如 杨建军 张铁群 朱晓农 光学精密工程 2007年 第01期

8. 光学相干层析系统噪音分析(Ⅰ)——理论与计算 朱晓农 毛幼馨 梁艳梅 贾亚青 母国光 光子学报 2007年 第03期

9. 光学相干层析系统噪音分析(Ⅱ)——时域OCT和频域OCT 朱晓农 毛幼馨 梁艳梅 贾亚青 母国光 光子学报 2007年 第03期

10. 利用空心光纤探测飞秒脉冲在氩气中成丝过程中的光谱演变 曹士英 张志刚 柴路 王清月 杨建军 朱晓农 ... 物理学报 2007年 第05期

11. 光学相干层析信号的模拟分析与计算 贾亚青 梁艳梅 朱晓农 物理学报 2007年 第07期

12. 飞秒激光激发空气电离的阈值研究 王晓雷 张楠 赵友博 李智磊 翟宏琛 朱晓农 ... 物理学报 2008年 第01期

13. 飞秒激光直写金属反射光栅的实验研究 张健 王明伟 赵友博 刘伟伟 朱晓农 光电子.激光 2009年 第03期












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