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1) 1983,7-1987,7 沈阳农业大学,学士学位;

2) 1987,9-1990,7 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所,硕士学位;  

3) 1992,5-1996,1 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所,助理研究员、副研究员

4) 1996,4-2001,3 日本新泻(NIIGATA)大学,博士学位。

5) 2001,4-2002,10 日本新泻大学 研究员(Scholar Researcher)

6) 2002,10- 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所 研究员






1) 次生林生态:干扰条件下次生林生态系统主要生态过程(依托清原森林生态实验站);


2) 生态公益林经营:防护林工程(经营理论与技术)(依托辽宁省生态公益林经营管理重点实验室);


3) 北方人工用材林培育:红松、落叶松人用材林培育理论与技术(依托清原森林生态实验站)。





1) 国家重大水专项课题(2008ZX07208-007):浑河上游水质改善与水生态修复维系关键技术及示范研究(2008.10-2010.10);


2) 国家自然科学基金重点项目(30830085):次生林主要建群种天然更新过程中的光调节机制(2009.01-2012.12);


3) 国家林业公益项目课题:东北地区生态林可持续经营关键技术研究(2009.01-2012.12);


4) 中国科学院知识创新重大项目第二课题:三北防护林工程生态环境效应遥感监测与评估研究(2007.11-2010.12);


5) “十一五”国家科技支撑计划重大项目子课题:辽东山区次生林恢复与定向培育技术试验示范(2006.01-2010.12);







1)Zhu J.J. 2008. Wind shelter belts In Sven Erik Jørgensen and Brian D. Fath (Editor-in-Chief), Ecosystems. Vol. [5] of Encyclopedia of Ecology, 5 vols. pp. [3803-3812] Oxford: Elsevier. 3803-12.


2)朱教君, 刘世荣. 2007. 森林干扰生态研究.中国林业出版社, pp 348.


3)朱教君, 曾德慧, 康宏樟, 吴祥云, 范志平. 2005. 沙地樟子松人工林衰退机制, 中国林业出版社, pp 365.


4)Zhu J.J., Matsuzaki, T. and Jiang F.Q. 2004. Wind on Tree Windbreaks. China Forestry Publishing House, Beijing. pp 235. 


5)姜凤岐, 朱教君, 曾德慧, 范志平, 杜晓军, 曹成有. 2003. 防护林经营学. 中国林业出版社, pp 353.





1)Zhu J. J., Yang K., Yan Q.L., Liu Z.G., Yu L Z., Wang H. X. 2010. Feasibility of implementing thinning in pure even-aged Larix olgensis plantations to establish uneven aged larch-broadleaved mixed forests. Journal of Forest Research, 15: 70-81.


2)Yan Q. L., Zhu J. J., Zhang J. P, Yu L. Z, Hu Z. B. 2010. Spatial distribution pattern of soil seed bank in canopy gaps of various sizes in temperate secondary forests, Northeast China. Plant and Soil, 329: 469-480.


3)Yang K., Zhu J. J., Yan Q. L., Sun O. J. 2010. Changes of soil P chemistry as affected by conversion of natural secondary forests to larch plantations. Forest Ecology Management, 260: 422-428.


4)Zhu J. J., Yan Q. L., Fan A. N., Yang K., Hu Z. B. 2009. The role of environmental, root, and microbial biomass characteristics in soil respiration in temperate secondary forests of Northeast China. Trees- structure and function, 23: 189-196.


5)He L.L., Gong Z.W., Li J.S., Zhu J.J. 2009. Estimation of canopy gap size and gap shape using a hemispherical photograph. Trees-Structure and Function. 23, 1101-1108.


6)Hu L.L and Zhu J. J. 2009. Determination of canopy gap tridimensional profiles using two hemispherical photographs. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 149: 862-872.


7)Li M.C, Zhu J.J., Li L. 2009. Occurrence and altitudinal pattern of C4 plants on Qinghai plateau, Qinghai province, China. Photosynthettca. 47 (2): 298-303.


8)Li M.C., Kong G.Q., Zhu J.J. 2009. Vertical and leaf-age-related variations of nonstructural carbohydrates in two alpine timberline species, southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Forest Research. (2009) 14:229–235


9)Zhu J. J. 2008. Wind shelterbelts. Oxford: Elsevier, Encyclopedia of Ecology, 5: 3803-3812.


10)Zhu J. J., Li F. Q., Xu M. L., Kang H. Z., Wu X. Y. 2008. The role of ectomycorrhizal fungi in alleviating pine decline in semiarid sandy soil of northern China: an experimental approach. Annals of Forest Science, 65: 304p1-12.


11)Zhu J. J., Liu Z. G., Wang H. X., Yan Q. L., Fang H. Y., Hu L. L., Yu L. Z. 2008. Effects of site preparations on emergence and early establishment of Larix olgensis in montane regions of northeastern China. New Forest, 36(3): 247-260.


12)Zhu J. J., Mao Z. H., Zhang C. H., Yan Q. L., Liu Z. G. 2008. Effects of thinning on plant species diversity and composition of understory herbs in a larch plantation. Frontiers of Forestry in China, 3(4): 422-428.


13)Hu L. L. and Zhu J. J. 2008. Improving gap light index (GLI) to quickly calculate gap coordinates. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 38(9): 2337-2347.


14)Zhu J. J., Mao Z. H., Hu L. L., Zhang J. X. 2007. Plant diversity of secondary forests in response to anthropogenic disturbance levels in montane regions of northeastern China. Journal of Forest Research, 12(6): 403-416.


15)Zhu J. J., Tan H., Li F. Q., Chen M., Zhang J. X. 2007. Microclimate regimes following gap formation in a montane secondary forest of eastern Liaoning Province, China. Journal of Forestry Research, 18(3): 167-173.


16)Hu Z. B., Zhu J. J., Singh A. N. 2007. Human dominated ecosystems: A risk and benefit assessment. Book: Current Issues and Solutions on Environmental Sciences. Editor D.V. Rai, Sub-editor J. Behari, Ashwani Koul. pp 10-24.


17)Zhu J. J., Kang H. Z., Tan H., Xu M. L. 2006. Effects of drought stresses induced by polythelene glycol on germination of Pinus sylvestiris var. mongolica seeds from natural and plantation forests on sandy Land. Journal of Forest Research, 11: 319-328.


18)Zhu J. J., Tan H., Kang H. Z., Zeng D. H. 2006. Comparison of foliar nutrient concentrations between natural and plantation forest of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica on sandy land. Journal of Forestry Research, 17(3): 177-184.


19)Zhu J. J., Li X. F., Liu Z. G., Cao W., Gonda Y., Matsuzaki T. 2006. Factors affecting the snow/wind induced damage of a montane secondary forest in northeastern China. Silva Fennica, 40(1): 37-51.


20)Liu Z. G., Zhu J. J., Hu L. L., Wang H. X., Mao Z. H., Li X. F., Zang L. J. 2005. Effects of thinning on microsite conditions and regeneration of Larix olgensis plantation in mountainous secondary forest ecosystems of northeast China. Journal of Forestry Research, 16 (3): 193-199.


21)Yan Q. L., Liu Z. M., Zhu J. J., Luo Y. M., Wang H. M. 2005. Structure, pattern and mechanisms of formation of seed banks in sand dune systems in northeastern Inner Mongolia, China. Plant and Soil, 277: 175-184.


22)Zhu J. J., Li X. F., Gonda Y., Matsuzaki T. 2004. Wind profiles in and over trees. Journal of Forestry Research, 15(4): 305-312.


23)Zhu J. J., Liu Z. G., Matsuzaki T., Gonda Y. 2004. Review: Effects of wind on trees. Journal of Forestry Research, 15(2): 153-160.


24)Zhu J. J., Matsuzaki T., LI F. Q., Gonda Y. 2003. Assessment of effects of thinning on wind damage in Pinus thunbergii plantations Proceedings of the International Conference Wind Effects on Trees, Published by Lab. Buil. Environ. Aerodyn., Inst. Hydro, University of Karlsruhe, Germany. 295-302.


25)Zhu J. J., Fan Z. P., Zeng D. H, Jiang F. Q., Matsuzaki T. 2003. Comparison of stand structure and growth between plantation and natural forests of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica on sandy land. Journal of Forestry Research, 14: 103-111.


26)Zhu J. J., Gonda Y., Matsuzaki T., Yamamoto M. 2003. Modeling relative wind speed by optical stratification porosity within canopy of a coastal protective forest with different stem densities. Silva Fennica, 37: 189-204.


27)Zhu J. J., Li F. Q., Matsuzaki T., Gonda Y. 2003. Effects of thinning on wind damage in Pinus thunbergii plantation. ―Based on theoretical derivation of risk-ratios for assessing wind damage. Journal of Forestry Research, 14: 1-8.


28)Zhu J. J., Matsuzaki T., Gonda Y. 2003. Optical stratification porosity as a measure of vertical canopy structure in a Japanese pine coastal forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 173: 89-104.


29)Zhu J. J., Matsuzaki T., Li F. Q., Gonda Y. 2003. Effect of gap size created by thinning on seedling emergency, survival and establishment in a coastal pine forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 182: 339-354.



1)获2010年国际林联科学成就奖(IUFRO Scientific Achievement Award);










1、 一种测量林窗面积的方法 胡理乐; 朱教君 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所 2009-07- 08


2、 透光分层疏透度测定方法及摄影装置 朱教君; 曾德慧 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所 2005-06-29  









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