近五年,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目3项、国防“973”项目课题1项、广东省自然科学基金项目、广东省科技计划项目、广东省产学研合作项目、广州市科技计划等纵向科研课题十余项,主持多项横向课题。在Adv Mater、JACS、Appl Phys Lett、Acta Mater、Mater Design、J Appl Phys等国际和国内学术刊物上发表论文380余篇,SCI收录280余篇。1998、1999年两次获中国航空工业总公司科技进步二等奖,2017年获广东省科技三等奖。2005年获英国Daniel Doncastor Prize;2008年入选广东省“千百十工程”学术骨干;2011年入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才”。
2005年在英国谢菲尔德大学(University of Sheffield)工程材料系获博士学位
2005年至2007年初在新加坡国立大学物理系超导与磁性材料中心从事博士后研究工作,任Research Fellow。
6、英国磁学学会(UK Magnetics Society)会员。
7、英国物理学会(Institute of Physics UK)会员。
8、《Applied Physics Letters》、《Journal of Applied Physics》、 《Journal of Materials Research》、《Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics》、《Journal of Physics: Condense Matter》、《Nanotechnology》、《Journal of Crystal Growth》、《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》、《Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials》、《Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A》, Materials Science and Engineering B》、《Superconductivity》、《Superconductor Science and Technology》、《Advanced Science Letters》、 《中南大学学报》、《武汉理工大学学报-英文版》、《湖南大学学报》、《有色金属学报》等国内外学术期刊特约及匿名审稿人。
主讲硕士研究生课程《材料物理》、《磁性材料原理、工艺与应用》、《Advanced Metallic Materials and Compounds》;
1. 稀土永磁材料(钕铁硼、钐钴合金);
2. 纳米结构磁性材料与磁性纳米颗粒;
3. 磁性薄膜和其它功能薄膜;
4. 磁致冷材料与磁致冷技术;
5. 高性能非晶和纳米晶软磁材料;
6. 非晶与纳米晶材料、大块非晶;
7. 纳米结构金属与氧化物;
8. 其它功能材料与器件。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2012-2015,负责人 。
2. 教育部“新世纪优秀人才计划”资助项目,2011-2014,负责人。
3. 新金属材料国家重点实验室开放基金重点项目,2012-2013, 负责人。
4. 广东省省部产学研结合项目,2010-2013,负责人。
5. 广东省国际合作项目,2010-2013,负责人。
6. 广东省自然科学基金,2008-2010,负责人 。
7. 广东省科技计划工业攻关项目,2008-2011,负责人。
8. 新金属材料国家重点实验室开放基金,2009-2010, 负责人。
9. 教育部留学回国科研基金,2009-2012,负责人。
10. 中央高校科研基本费华工重点项目,009-2010,负责人。
11. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2009-2011,项目组织者,参加人。
12. 国家自然科学基金-广东省联合资助重点项目,2008-2010,参加人。
13. 其它项目,略,参加人。
[1]廖怡君, 刘仲武, 冯建涛, 贾颖燕, 赵利忠, 张雪峰. 前驱体及其制备方法、铝镍钴磁钢及其制备方法[P]. 浙江省: CN117210738A, 2023-12-12.
[2]廖怡君, 刘仲武, 冯建涛, 贾颖燕, 赵利忠, 张雪峰. 多组元合金粉体及其制备方法、压坯和应用[P]. 浙江省: CN117102474A, 2023-11-24.
[3]刘仲武, 高远, 余红雅, 钟喜春. 一种含Sm-Fe-Ti/Nd-Fe-B的复合粘结磁体及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN116936213A, 2023-10-24.
[4]邱万奇, 朱一方, 焦东玲, 钟喜春, 刘仲武. 一种防水雾透明导电玻璃及其制备方法和应用[P]. 广东省: CN116891346A, 2023-10-17.
[5]邱万奇, 童洋, 焦东玲, 钟喜春, 刘仲武. 一种奥氏体钢的强化方法及其应用[P]. 广东省: CN116574868A, 2023-08-11.
[6]邱万奇, 刘文杰, 焦东玲, 钟喜春, 刘仲武. 一种Al-(50)Cr-(50)/富铝刚玉结构Al-Cr-O双层薄膜及其制备方法和应用[P]. 广东省: CN116575001A, 2023-08-11.
[7]钟喜春, 郝中原, 黄譞, 刘仲武, 余红雅, 邱万奇, 焦东玲. 一种基于SPS技术的La-Fe-Si基磁制冷复合材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN116422873A, 2023-07-14.
[8]钟喜春, 李国鹏, 黄譞, 刘仲武, 余红雅, 邱万奇, 焦东玲. 一种高强度La-Fe-Si基磁制冷复合材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN116426809A, 2023-07-14.
[9]刘仲武, 袁涵, 余红雅, 胡锦文. 一种双无机包覆磁粉芯及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN116435083A, 2023-07-14.
[10]刘仲武, 王策, 余红雅, 罗盼, 袁涵. 一种高致密度非晶软磁复合材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN116313480A, 2023-06-23.
[11]余红雅, 罗盼, 刘仲武, 袁涵, 王策. 一种非晶一体成型电感及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN116246879A, 2023-06-09.
[12]宋桐翠, 龙克文, 宋水艳, 刘仲武, 赵利忠, 张雪峰. 磁开关传感器全流程数字化加工系统及加工方法[P]. 广东省: CN116088428A, 2023-05-09.
[13]刘仲武, 何家毅, 胡锦文, 魏祖春, 余红雅, 钟喜春, 赵利忠. 一种高磁性能高电阻率的钕铁硼转子磁体及其制备与应用[P]. 广东省: CN115472369A, 2022-12-13.
[14]刘仲武, 黄玮森, 廖雪峰, 余红雅, 钟喜春, 邱万奇. 一种纯高丰度稀土橡胶磁体及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN114864206A, 2022-08-05.
[15]余红雅, 李家明, 刘仲武, 袁涵. 一种无机-有机复合包覆的FeSiCrB雾化非晶磁粉及其制备方法和应用[P]. 广东省: CN114823034A, 2022-07-29.
[16]邱万奇, 帅忠源, 焦东玲, 钟喜春, 刘仲武. 一种硅基表面沉积α-氧化铝介质膜的方法[P]. 广东省: CN114807854A, 2022-07-29.
[17]邱万奇, 李航, 焦东玲, 钟喜春, 刘仲武. 一种制备单相Fe-2B渗层的方法及其应用[P]. 广东省: CN114774842A, 2022-07-22.
[18]邱万奇, 徐聪, 焦东玲, 钟喜春, 刘仲武. 一种反应磁控溅射系统中的紫外辅助沉积装置及沉积方法[P]. 广东省: CN114717529A, 2022-07-08.
[19]钟喜春, 吴雨财, 刘仲武, 余红雅, 邱万奇, 焦东玲. 一种基于高温SPS粉末自粘结技术的La-Fe-Si基磁制冷块体材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN114700491A, 2022-07-05.
[20]余红雅, 关少聪, 刘仲武, 袁涵. 一种具有双包覆层的铁基磁粉及其制备方法和应用[P]. 广东省: CN114664509A, 2022-06-24.
[21]刘仲武, 张家胜, 廖雪峰, 余红雅, 钟喜春, 邱万奇. 一种钕铁硼厚磁体的多层晶界扩散方法[P]. 广东省: CN114334415A, 2022-04-12.
[22]刘仲武, 宋文玥, 何家毅, 余红雅, 钟喜春, 邱万奇. 一种利用宏观不均匀扩散制备高矫顽力钕铁硼磁体的方法[P]. 广东省: CN113808839A, 2021-12-17.
[23]刘仲武, 吴雅祥, 袁涵, 余红雅, 钟喜春. 一种磁性复合材料热压成型固化系统及方法[P]. 广东省: CN113690041A, 2021-11-23.
[24]刘仲武, 袁涵, 吴雅祥, 余红雅, 钟喜春. 一种磁性复合材料的固化系统及方法[P]. 广东省: CN113692078A, 2021-11-23.
[25]刘仲武, 吴雅祥, 余红雅. 一种8字形经颅磁刺激线圈、磁刺激装置及磁刺激系统[P]. 广东省: CN113679948A, 2021-11-23.
[26]刘仲武, 吴雅祥, 余红雅, 钟喜春. 一种H型经颅磁刺激线圈、磁刺激装置及磁刺激系统[P]. 广东省: CN113679949A, 2021-11-23.
[27]刘仲武, 吴雅祥, 余红雅, 李静. 8字形经颅磁刺激线圈、磁刺激装置及磁刺激系统[P]. 广东省: CN113679950A, 2021-11-23.
[28]邱万奇, 李修贤, 焦东玲, 钟喜春, 刘仲武. 一种金基镶嵌结构α-氧化铝薄膜及其制备方法与应用[P]. 广东省: CN113684457A, 2021-11-23.
[29]刘仲武, 宋文玥, 何家毅, 周帮, 余红雅, 钟喜春. 一种高效扩散提高钕铁硼磁体矫顽力的方法[P]. 广东省: CN113506665A, 2021-10-15.
[30]余红雅, 冯越, 刘仲武, 赖晓翔, 钟喜春. 一种FeSiCr磁粉芯及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN113410020A, 2021-09-17.
[31]邱万奇, 罗文斌, 焦东玲, 钟喜春, 刘仲武. 一种FeNi合金层、电镀液及制备方法和应用[P]. 广东省: CN113215496A, 2021-08-06.
[32]廖绍伟, 黄泽辉, 刘仲武, 车文荃, 薛泉. 一种声波谐振电小天线及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN113224509A, 2021-08-06.
[33]余红雅, 赖晓翔, 钟喜春, 刘仲武, 冯越. 具有双包覆层的FeSiCr合金磁粉及其制备方法、磁粉芯及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN113096906A, 2021-07-09.
[34]刘仲武, 何家毅, 宋文玥, 廖雪峰, 余红雅, 钟喜春. 一种钕铁硼磁体用合金复合晶界扩散剂及其制备方法与应用[P]. 广东省: CN112941457A, 2021-06-11.
[35]刘仲武, 钟喜春, 其他发明人请求不公开姓名. 一种接触式磁性压力传感器[P]. 广东省: CN112857653A, 2021-05-28.
[36]钟喜春, 胡锦文, 刘仲武, 余红雅, 张虎, 龙克文. 一种锰锌铁氧体预烧料及其制备工艺[P]. 广东省: CN112723872A, 2021-04-30.
[37]李晖云, 李晨晖, 聂勇, 崔宁, 刘允中, 李小强, 曲盛官, 刘仲武. 一种微米级贵金属粉末的多级组合式水力旋流分级方法[P]. 广东省: CN112403695A, 2021-02-26.
[38]余红雅, 邹飞, 周庆, 刘仲武, 肖方明. 钕铁硼磁粉及其制备方法与应用[P]. 广东省: CN111681867A, 2020-09-18.
[39]焦东玲, 邱万奇, 钟喜春, 刘仲武, 张辉. 一种提高硬铬镀层与钢基体结合力的方法[P]. 广东省: CN111549372A, 2020-08-18.
[40]邱万奇, 刘欢龙, 焦东玲, 钟喜春, 刘仲武. 一种基于纯镍基体致密渗硼层的渗硼剂及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN111519131A, 2020-08-11.
[41]邱万奇, 万健, 焦东玲, 钟喜春, 刘仲武. 一种富Al刚玉结构Al-Cr-O薄膜及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN111455333A, 2020-07-28.
[42]张辉, 胡景宇, 刘仲武, 李豪, 余红雅, 钟喜春. 一种具有择优取向的Fe-Si-B-P-Cu纳米晶软磁合金材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN111411312A, 2020-07-14.
[43]钟喜春, 吴思梦, 董旭涛, 刘仲武, 张辉, 余红雅, 邱万奇, 焦东玲. 一种基于SPS技术的La-Fe-Si基室温磁制冷复合材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN111230112A, 2020-06-05.
[44]王永飞, 刘仲武, 关涛, 刘艳杰. 一种精密电流检测用钴基非晶软磁合金及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN110983112A, 2020-04-10.
[45]王永飞, 刘仲武, 关涛, 刘艳杰. 一种抗直流分量互感器用铁基非晶软磁合金及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN110993240A, 2020-04-10.
[46]刘仲武, 何家毅, 邱万奇, 余红雅, 钟喜春. 一种改善钕铁硼磁体矫顽力和耐磨耐蚀性能的方法[P]. 广东省: CN110656315A, 2020-01-07.
[47]钟喜春, 董旭涛, 刘仲武, 余红雅, 张辉, 邱万奇. 一种基于热压反应烧结的La-Fe-Si基磁制冷复合材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN110534276A, 2019-12-03.
[48]刘仲武, 廖雪峰, 张家胜, 余红雅, 钟喜春, 邱万奇. 一种纯高丰度稀土Ce,La,Y基多元纳米晶永磁合金及制备[P]. 广东省: CN110534279A, 2019-12-03.
[49]刘仲武, 唐春梅, 余红雅, 钟喜春, 邱万奇. 一种氧化铜/铜钼氧化物纳米异质结构材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN110510655A, 2019-11-29.
[50]刘仲武, 唐春梅, 余红雅, 钟喜春, 邱万奇. 一种核壳结构CuO/ZnO纳米棒阵列及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN110438443A, 2019-11-12.
[51]张虎, 钟喜春, 龙克文, 刘仲武, 余红雅, 胡锦文. 一种高功率稀土钇铁石榴石复合铁氧体材料的制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN110156453A, 2019-08-23.
[52]张虎, 钟喜春, 龙克文, 刘仲武, 余红雅, 胡锦文. 一种低损耗石榴石铁氧体材料的制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN110128129A, 2019-08-16.
[53]邱万奇, 何家毅, 焦东玲, 钟喜春, 刘仲武. 一种代铬(Ⅵ)镀层的Cr-Fe合金靶材及制备与应用[P]. 广东省: CN110079773A, 2019-08-02.
[54]张虎, 钟喜春, 龙克文, 刘仲武, 余红雅. 一种二氧化硅-石墨烯复合包覆改性AB5型储氢合金的方法[P]. 广东省: CN110052601A, 2019-07-26.
[55]刘仲武, 李兆玉, 钟喜春, 余红雅, 胡锦文. 一种高振幅磁导率MnZn铁氧体材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN110054489A, 2019-07-26.
[56]邱万奇, 何家毅, 焦东玲, 钟喜春, 刘仲武. 一种CrFe+(Cr,Fe)N代铬镀层及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN110055495A, 2019-07-26.
[57]余红雅, 彭玲香, 刘仲武, 周庆. 一种低成本熔体快淬钕铁硼合金及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN110004374A, 2019-07-12.
[58]余红雅, 左建亮, 刘仲武, 程丹妮, 吉丽. 一种耐高温耐腐蚀高熵非晶软磁合金及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN109930085A, 2019-06-25.
[59]刘仲武, 余红雅, 钟喜春, 张虎, 龙克文. 一种高性能NiZn铁氧体材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN109912302A, 2019-06-21.
[60]张虎, 钟喜春, 龙克文, 刘仲武, 余红雅. 一种表面微孔化镀镍储氢合金的制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN109913700A, 2019-06-21.
[61]张虎, 钟喜春, 龙克文, 刘仲武, 余红雅. 一种镁基储氢合金及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN109898002A, 2019-06-18.
[62]刘仲武, 李豪, 张辉, 胡景宇, 钟喜春. 一种Fe-Si-B铁基非晶软磁合金及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN109830352A, 2019-05-31.
[63]钟喜春, 刘仲武, 余红雅, 张虎, 龙克文. 一种宽温高磁导率低损耗MnZn功率铁氧体材料的制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN109704745A, 2019-05-03.
[64]彭玲香, 周庆, 刘仲武, 唐仁衡, 肖方明, 余红雅. 一种高磁性快淬钕铁硼磁粉及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN109599236A, 2019-04-09.
[65]钟喜春, 董旭涛, 彭得然, 刘仲武, 焦东玲, 张辉, 余红雅, 邱万奇. 一种La-Fe-Si基室温磁制冷复合材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN109454225A, 2019-03-12.
[66]邱万奇, 杨宇, 王耀辉, 程奕天, 焦东玲, 刘仲武, 钟喜春. 一种三层膜结构涂层及其制备方法[P]. 广东: CN109082641A, 2018-12-25.
[67]邱万奇, 王耀辉, 熊成, 焦东玲, 刘仲武, 钟喜春, 张辉. 一种柔性硼势固体渗硼剂及制备单相Fe2B渗硼层的方法[P]. 广东: CN109023226A, 2018-12-18.
[68]赵利忠, 李成利, 刘仲武, 李领伟. 一种纳米晶钕铁硼磁体的制备工艺[P]. 浙江: CN108987016A, 2018-12-11.
[69]余红雅, 高建波, 刘仲武, 程丹妮, 李开沥, 郭宝春, 陈熹, 韩光泽. 一种FeSiAl磁粉芯及其制备方法[P]. 广东: CN108987022A, 2018-12-11.
[70]刘仲武, 许可, 钟喜春, 邱万奇, 焦东玲. 一种钐铁氮永磁粉末的制备方法[P]. 广东: CN108777204A, 2018-11-09.
[71]刘仲武, 曾慧欣, 李伟, 赵利忠, 张家胜, 钟喜春, 邱万奇. 一种高矫顽力钕铁硼磁体及其制备方法[P]. 广东: CN108565105A, 2018-09-21.
[72]刘仲武, 邓沃湛, 钟喜春, 余红雅. 一种二次料制备锰锌铁氧体的氧分压控制烧结方法[P]. 广东: CN108484153A, 2018-09-04.
[73]刘仲武, 田忆兰, 钟喜春, 邱万奇, 焦东玲. 一种利用钕铁硼固体废料制备Nd2Fe14B/α-Fe纳米复合磁粉的方法[P]. 广东: CN108470616A, 2018-08-31.
[74]钟喜春, 彭得然, 董旭涛, 刘仲武, 焦东玲, 邱万奇, 张辉. 一种基于晶界扩散技术的LaFeSi基磁制冷复合块体材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东: CN108242302A, 2018-07-03.
[75]曾志超, 鲁晓燕, 田忆兰, 刘仲武. 一种超薄散热性能优良的磁场屏蔽片及其制备方法[P]. 广东: CN108235677A, 2018-06-29.
[76]邱万奇, 李浩, 刘仲武, 莫东强, 孙歌, 卢启棠. 一种铜基嵌入式组合热沉及其制备方法[P]. 广东: CN107871722A, 2018-04-03.
[77]钟喜春, 董旭涛, 彭得然, 刘仲武, 焦东玲, 邱万奇. 一种La#Fe#Si基磁制冷复合材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东: CN107689278A, 2018-02-13.
[78]钟伟杰, 焦东玲, 刘仲武, 许文勇, 李周, 张国庆. 一种镍基高温合金粉末中非金属夹杂物的定量表征方法[P]. 广东: CN107607567A, 2018-01-19.
[79]刘仲武, 张振扬, 钟喜春, 邱万奇. 一种双合金纳米晶稀土永磁体及其制备方法[P]. 广东: CN107424695A, 2017-12-01.
[80]焦东玲, 钟伟杰, 刘仲武, 许文勇, 李周, 张国庆. 一种微米级镍基高温合金粉末透射电镜薄膜样品的制备方法[P]. 广东: CN107121316A, 2017-09-01.
[81]邱万奇, 甄永辉, 王书林, 刘仲武, 钟喜春, 焦东玲. 一种镶嵌结构界面α#氧化铬涂层及其制备方法[P]. 广东: CN106967947A, 2017-07-21.
[82]邱万奇, 王书林, 钟喜春, 刘仲武, 焦东玲. 一种纳米α#氧化铝/氧化铬复合涂层及其制备方法[P]. 广东: CN106939404A, 2017-07-11.
[83]钟喜春, 黄旭文, 沈小艳, 刘仲武, 焦东玲, 张辉, 邱万奇. 一种Gd#Co基非晶纳米晶磁制冷材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东: CN106702245A, 2017-05-24.
[84]钟喜春, 沈小艳, 刘仲武, 焦东玲, 邱万奇. 一种复合磁制冷材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东: CN106601399A, 2017-04-26.
[85]钟喜春, 封小亮, 刘仲武, 焦东玲, 邱万奇. 一种La#Fe基磁制冷复合材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东: CN106381133A, 2017-02-08.
[86]刘仲武, 周庆, 钟喜春, 郑志刚. 一种改善钕铁硼磁体性能的固体扩散工艺[P]. 广东: CN104505247A, 2015-04-08.
[87]余红雅, 朱忠仁, 郑志刚, 曾德长, 钟喜春, 刘仲武. 一种Mn-Fe-P-Si磁制冷材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东: CN104357727A, 2015-02-18.
[88]郑志刚, 余红雅, 张家胜, 刘仲武, 曾德长. 一种Fe基非晶纳米晶软磁材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东: CN104233121A, 2014-12-24.
[89]曾德长, 马海力, 刘仲武, 余红雅. 一种纳米结构可控的稀磁半导体材料及其制备方法与装置[P]. 广东: CN104200947A, 2014-12-10.
[90]刘仲武, 邓向星, 肖志瑜, 余红雅, 钟喜春, 曾德长, 郑志刚, 王刚. 一种各向异性纳米晶钕铁硼磁体及其制备方法与应用[P]. 广东: CN104134529A, 2014-11-05.
[91]刘仲武, 赵利忠, 郑志刚, 李伟, 王刚, 钟喜春, 余红雅, 曾德长. 一种钕铁硼永磁材料及制备方法与磁场辅助直接铸造装置[P]. 广东: CN103894587A, 2014-07-02.
[92]焦东玲, 黎民颂, 曾德长, 刘仲武. 一种在低碳合金钢表面制备的高氮奥氏体层及制备方法[P]. 广东: CN103774085A, 2014-05-07.
[93]曾德长, 郑惠丰, 余红雅, 刘仲武, 匡同春. 一种化学抛光液及合金表面抛光处理方法[P]. 广东: CN103757636A, 2014-04-30.
[94]曾德长, 吴姚莎, 李尚周, 刘仲武, 余红雅, 钟喜春. Ni基合金-TiB2纳米涂层的制备方法[P]. 广东: CN103589984A, 2014-02-19.
[95]曾德长, 吴姚莎, 李尚周, 刘仲武, 余红雅, 钟喜春. 高性能Ni基合金-TiB2纳米粉末及其制备方法[P]. 广东: CN103556002A, 2014-02-05.
[96]刘仲武, 李伟, 郑志刚, 赵利忠. 一种提供钕铁硼辅助铸造磁场的永磁体系统[P]. 广东: CN103489561A, 2014-01-01.
[97]钟喜春, 张启沛, 邱万奇, 匡同春, 曾德长, 刘仲武, 余红雅. 一种工模具材料表面的TiN双层镀层及其制备方法[P]. 广东: CN103397295A, 2013-11-20.
[98]钟喜春, 张启沛, 曾德长, 邱万奇, 匡同春, 刘仲武, 余红雅. 一种切削刀具材料表面的Ti/TiN/TiAlN复合镀层及其制备方法[P]. 广东: CN103334082A, 2013-10-02.
[99]曾德长, 檀竹才, 郑志刚, 钟喜春, 刘仲武, 余红雅. 一种MnFePSi基室温磁制冷材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东: CN102881393A, 2013-01-16.
[100]钟喜春, 刘名涛, 刘仲武, 曾德长, 邱万奇, 李尚周. 一种纳米复合结构颗粒喂料及其制备方法[P]. 广东: CN102864403A, 2013-01-09.
[101]钟喜春, 刘名涛, 曾德长, 刘仲武, 邱万奇, 余红雅, 李尚周. 一种高温合金表面纳米复合涂层及其制备方法[P]. 广东: CN102828137A, 2012-12-19.
[102]钟喜春, 闵继雄, 曾德长, 刘仲武, 余红雅, 邱万奇. 一种Gd-Mn基非晶磁制冷材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东: CN102828129A, 2012-12-19.
[103]曾德长, 高贝贝, 郑志刚, 钟喜春, 刘仲武, 余红雅, 金智渊, 金勇, 高云. 一种Gd基磁制冷材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东: CN102703038A, 2012-10-03.
[104]刘泓, 陶洪亮, 刘仲武, 宋鹏涛, 刘跃华. 金属陶瓷结合剂金刚石/CBN 砂轮的制备工艺[P]. 广东: CN102363289A, 2012-02-29.
[105]曾德长, 柏占, 郑志刚, 钟喜春, 刘仲武, 余红雅, 邱万奇. 一种室温磁制冷机用永磁体系统[P]. 广东: CN102360700A, 2012-02-22.
[106]钟喜春, 刘云鹤, 黄有林, 曾德长, 刘仲武, 余红雅, 邱万奇. 一种粘结复合磁体及其制备方法[P]. 广东: CN102360918A, 2012-02-22.
[107]刘仲武, 钟明龙, 邱万奇, 钟喜春, 余红雅, 焦东玲, 曾德长. 一种纳米结构三氧化钼的制备方法[P]. 广东: CN102351249A, 2012-02-15.
[108]曾德长, 柏占, 郑志刚, 钟喜春, 刘仲武, 余红雅, 邱万奇. 摆动式室温磁制冷机[P]. 广东: CN102305491A, 2012-01-04.
[109]邱万奇, 潘建伟, 吴强, 刘仲武, 钟喜春, 余红雅, 曾德长. 一种钢铁基镶嵌金刚石涂层及其制备方法[P]. 广东: CN102286743A, 2011-12-21.
[110]刘仲武, 钟明龙, 邱万奇, 钟喜春, 余红雅, 曾德长. 一种一维金属氧化物纳米材料的制备方法[P]. 广东: CN102259932A, 2011-11-30.
[111]钟喜春, 唐鹏飞, 曾德长, 刘仲武, 邱万奇, 余红雅. 一种Gd基室温磁制冷材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东: CN102242301A, 2011-11-16.
[112]钟喜春, 曾德长, 刘仲武, 邱万奇, 余红雅. 一种稀土锡基低温磁制冷材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东: CN102162056A, 2011-08-24.
[113]刘仲武, 苏昆朋, 邱万奇, 余红雅, 钟喜春, 曾德长. 一种交换耦合双相纳米复合永磁颗粒及其制备方法[P]. 广东: CN102000816A, 2011-04-06.
[114]邱万奇, 刘仲武, 孙歌, 余红雅, 钟喜春, 曾德长, 蔡明. 一种低温掺杂发光氮化铝薄膜及其制备方法[P]. 广东: CN101948999A, 2011-01-19.
[115]刘仲武, 曾德长. 用于电磁波吸收材料的多层空心金属微球的制备方法[P]. 广东: CN101941076A, 2011-01-12.
[116]邱万奇, 曾艳祥, 钟喜春, 余红雅, 刘仲武, 曾德长. 一种铜-金刚石复合镀层及其制备方法[P]. 广东: CN101941311A, 2011-01-12.
[117]邱万奇, 刘仲武, 钟喜春, 余红雅, 曾德长, 贺礼贤. 一种铜基镶嵌结构界面金刚石涂层及其制备方法和应用[P]. 广东: CN101935837A, 2011-01-05.
[118]邱万奇, 孙歌, 钟喜春, 余红雅, 刘仲武, 曾德长. 一种热作模具钢的低温渗碳方法[P]. 广东: CN101928912A, 2010-12-29.
[119]邱万奇, 曾艳祥, 余红雅, 钟喜春, 刘仲武, 曾德长. 一种铜-铬-钼三元合金镀层及其制备方法[P]. 广东: CN101892502A, 2010-11-24.
[1]钟喜春, 吴雨财, 刘仲武, 余红雅, 邱万奇, 焦东玲. 一种基于高温SPS粉末自粘结技术的La-Fe-Si基磁制冷块体材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN114700491B, 2023-08-18.
[2]邱万奇, 李航, 焦东玲, 钟喜春, 刘仲武. 一种制备单相Fe-2B渗层的方法及其应用[P]. 广东省: CN114774842B, 2023-06-20.
[3]刘仲武, 张家胜, 廖雪峰, 余红雅, 钟喜春, 邱万奇. 一种钕铁硼厚磁体的多层晶界扩散方法[P]. 广东省: CN114334415B, 2023-03-24.
[4]刘仲武, 宋文玥, 何家毅, 余红雅, 钟喜春, 邱万奇. 一种利用宏观不均匀扩散制备高矫顽力钕铁硼磁体的方法[P]. 广东省: CN113808839B, 2022-12-16.
[5]余红雅, 赖晓翔, 钟喜春, 刘仲武, 冯越. 具有双包覆层的FeSiCr合金磁粉及其制备方法、磁粉芯及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN113096906B, 2022-11-18.
[6]余红雅, 冯越, 刘仲武, 赖晓翔, 钟喜春. 一种FeSiCr磁粉芯及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN113410020B, 2022-11-18.
[7]钟喜春, 胡锦文, 刘仲武, 余红雅, 张虎, 龙克文. 一种锰锌铁氧体预烧料及其制备工艺[P]. 广东省: CN112723872B, 2022-10-14.
[8]刘仲武, 何家毅, 宋文玥, 廖雪峰, 余红雅, 钟喜春. 一种钕铁硼磁体用合金复合晶界扩散剂及其制备方法与应用[P]. 广东省: CN112941457B, 2022-09-20.
[9]钟伟杰, 焦东玲, 刘仲武, 许文勇, 李周, 张国庆. 一种镍基高温合金粉末中非金属夹杂物的定量表征方法[P]. 广东省: CN107607567B, 2022-08-12.
[10]邱万奇, 罗文斌, 焦东玲, 钟喜春, 刘仲武. 一种FeNi合金层、电镀液及制备方法和应用[P]. 广东省: CN113215496B, 2022-06-14.
[11]廖绍伟, 黄泽辉, 刘仲武, 车文荃, 薛泉. 一种声波谐振电小天线及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN113224509B, 2022-06-14.
[12]刘仲武, 钟喜春, 其他发明人请求不公开姓名. 一种接触式磁性压力传感器[P]. 广东省: CN112857653B, 2022-05-17.
[13]王永飞, 刘仲武, 关涛, 刘艳杰. 一种抗直流分量互感器用铁基非晶软磁合金及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN110993240B, 2022-02-18.
[14]焦东玲, 钟伟杰, 刘仲武, 许文勇, 李周, 张国庆. 微米级镍基高温合金粉末透射电镜薄膜样品的制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN107121316B, 2021-12-21.
[15]刘仲武, 唐春梅, 余红雅, 钟喜春, 邱万奇. 一种核壳结构CuO/ZnO纳米棒阵列及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN110438443B, 2021-11-23.
[16]刘仲武, 余红雅, 钟喜春, 张虎, 龙克文. 一种高性能NiZn铁氧体材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN109912302B, 2021-11-16.
[17]王永飞, 刘仲武, 关涛, 刘艳杰. 一种精密电流检测用钴基非晶软磁合金及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN110983112B, 2021-11-02.
[18]刘仲武, 唐春梅, 余红雅, 钟喜春, 邱万奇. 一种氧化铜/铜钼氧化物纳米异质结构材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN110510655B, 2021-10-26.
[19]邱万奇, 王耀辉, 焦东玲, 钟喜春, 刘仲武. 一种渗硼剂及电场辅助低温制备单相Fe-2B渗层的方法[P]. 广东省: CN109972079B, 2021-09-21.
[20]邱万奇, 杨宇, 程奕天, 焦东玲, 钟喜春, 刘仲武. 一种AlCr+α-Al-2O-3溅射靶材及制备与应用[P]. 广东省: CN109989044B, 2021-09-21.
[21]钟喜春, 董旭涛, 刘仲武, 余红雅, 张辉, 邱万奇. 一种基于热压反应烧结的La-Fe-Si基磁制冷复合材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN110534276B, 2021-09-21.
[22]张辉, 胡景宇, 刘仲武, 李豪, 余红雅, 钟喜春. 一种具有择优取向的Fe-Si-B-P-Cu纳米晶软磁合金材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN111411312B, 2021-08-10.
[23]邱万奇, 万健, 焦东玲, 钟喜春, 刘仲武. 一种富Al刚玉结构Al-Cr-O薄膜及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN111455333B, 2021-08-10.
[24]钟喜春, 董旭涛, 彭得然, 刘仲武, 焦东玲, 张辉, 余红雅, 邱万奇. 一种La-Fe-Si基室温磁制冷复合材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN109454225B, 2021-07-20.
[25]赵利忠, 李成利, 刘仲武, 李领伟. 一种纳米晶钕铁硼磁体的制备工艺[P]. 浙江省: CN108987016B, 2021-06-18.
[26]张虎, 钟喜春, 龙克文, 刘仲武, 余红雅, 胡锦文. 一种低损耗石榴石铁氧体材料的制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN110128129B, 2021-06-15.
[27]张虎, 钟喜春, 龙克文, 刘仲武, 余红雅. 一种二氧化硅-石墨烯复合包覆改性AB5型储氢合金的方法[P]. 广东省: CN110052601B, 2021-06-11.
[28]余红雅, 左建亮, 刘仲武, 程丹妮, 吉丽. 一种耐高温耐腐蚀高熵非晶软磁合金及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN109930085B, 2021-05-14.
[29]刘仲武, 邓沃湛, 钟喜春, 余红雅. 一种二次料制备锰锌铁氧体的氧分压控制烧结方法[P]. 广东省: CN108484153B, 2021-01-19.
[30]邱万奇, 何家毅, 焦东玲, 钟喜春, 刘仲武. 一种CrFe+(Cr,Fe)N代铬镀层及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN110055495B, 2020-12-22.
[31]张虎, 钟喜春, 龙克文, 刘仲武, 余红雅. 一种镁基储氢合金及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN109898002B, 2020-10-27.
[32]张虎, 钟喜春, 龙克文, 刘仲武, 余红雅. 一种表面微孔化镀镍储氢合金的制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN109913700B, 2020-10-27.
[33]邱万奇, 王耀辉, 熊成, 焦东玲, 刘仲武, 钟喜春, 张辉. 一种柔性硼势固体渗硼剂及制备单相Fe_2B渗硼层的方法[P]. 广东省: CN109023226B, 2020-09-22.
[34]刘仲武, 田忆兰, 钟喜春, 邱万奇, 焦东玲. 一种利用钕铁硼固体废料制备Nd_2Fe_(14)B/α-Fe纳米复合磁粉的方法[P]. 广东省: CN108470616B, 2020-07-28.
[35]刘仲武, 许可, 钟喜春, 邱万奇, 焦东玲. 一种钐铁氮永磁粉末的制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN108777204B, 2020-05-22.
[36]邱万奇, 杨宇, 王耀辉, 程奕天, 焦东玲, 刘仲武, 钟喜春. 一种三层膜结构涂层及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN109082641B, 2020-05-22.
[37]刘仲武, 张振扬, 钟喜春, 邱万奇. 一种双合金纳米晶稀土永磁体及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN107424695B, 2019-12-10.
[38]邱万奇, 李浩, 刘仲武, 莫东强, 孙歌, 卢启棠. 一种铜基嵌入式组合热沉及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN107871722B, 2019-10-18.
[39]钟喜春, 彭得然, 董旭涛, 刘仲武, 焦东玲, 邱万奇, 张辉. 一种基于晶界扩散技术的LaFeSi基磁制冷复合块体材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN108242302B, 2019-07-16.
[40]钟喜春, 封小亮, 刘仲武, 焦东玲, 邱万奇. 一种La-Fe基磁制冷复合材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN106381133B, 2019-07-12.
[41]邱万奇, 甄永辉, 王书林, 刘仲武, 钟喜春, 焦东玲. 一种镶嵌结构界面α-氧化铬涂层及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN106967947B, 2019-06-18.
[42]邱万奇, 王书林, 钟喜春, 刘仲武, 焦东玲. 一种纳米α-氧化铝/氧化铬复合涂层及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN106939404B, 2019-04-09.
[43]钟喜春, 黄旭文, 沈小艳, 刘仲武, 焦东玲, 张辉, 邱万奇. 一种Gd-Co基非晶纳米晶磁制冷材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN106702245B, 2019-01-18.
[44]钟喜春, 沈小艳, 刘仲武, 焦东玲, 邱万奇. 一种复合磁制冷材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN106601399B, 2018-05-15.
[45]雷小洪, 林涛, 刘仲武. 手动升降机械控制器及其控制方法[P]. 广东省: CN105576892B, 2017-11-10.
[46]曾德长, 马海力, 刘仲武, 余红雅. 一种纳米结构可控的稀磁半导体材料及其制备方法与装置[P]. 广东省: CN104200947B, 2017-10-20.
[47]曾德长, 吴姚莎, 李尚周, 刘仲武, 余红雅, 钟喜春. Ni基合金-TiB2纳米涂层的制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN103589984B, 2017-01-18.
[48]刘仲武, 赵利忠, 郑志刚, 李伟, 王刚, 钟喜春, 余红雅, 曾德长. 一种钕铁硼永磁材料及制备方法与磁场辅助直接铸造装置[P]. 广东省: CN103894587B, 2016-10-05.
[49]余红雅, 朱忠仁, 郑志刚, 曾德长, 钟喜春, 刘仲武. 一种Mn-Fe-P-Si磁制冷材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN104357727B, 2016-10-05.
[50]刘仲武, 李伟, 郑志刚, 赵利忠. 一种提供钕铁硼辅助铸造磁场的永磁体系统[P]. 广东省: CN103489561B, 2016-08-17.
[51]刘仲武, 邓向星, 肖志瑜, 余红雅, 钟喜春, 曾德长, 郑志刚, 王刚. 一种各向异性纳米晶钕铁硼磁体及其制备方法与应用[P]. 广东省: CN104134529B, 2016-08-17.
[52]郑志刚, 余红雅, 张家胜, 刘仲武, 曾德长. 一种Fe基非晶纳米晶软磁材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN104233121B, 2016-06-29.
[53]曾德长, 檀竹才, 郑志刚, 钟喜春, 刘仲武, 余红雅. 一种MnFePSi基室温磁制冷材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN102881393B, 2016-06-22.
[54]曾德长, 郑惠丰, 余红雅, 刘仲武, 匡同春. 一种化学抛光液及合金表面抛光处理方法[P]. 广东省: CN103757636B, 2016-06-22.
[55]曾德长, 吴姚莎, 李尚周, 刘仲武, 余红雅, 钟喜春. 高性能Ni基合金-TiB-(2)纳米粉末及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN103556002B, 2016-03-02.
[56]钟喜春, 张启沛, 邱万奇, 匡同春, 曾德长, 刘仲武, 余红雅. 一种工模具材料表面的TiN双层镀层及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN103397295B, 2016-03-02.
[57]焦东玲, 黎民颂, 曾德长, 刘仲武. 一种在低碳合金钢表面制备的高氮奥氏体层及制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN103774085B, 2016-03-02.
[58]钟喜春, 张启沛, 曾德长, 邱万奇, 匡同春, 刘仲武, 余红雅. 一种切削刀具材料表面的Ti/TiN/TiAlN复合镀层及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN103334082B, 2016-01-06.
[59]钟喜春, 闵继雄, 曾德长, 刘仲武, 余红雅, 邱万奇. 一种Gd-Mn基非晶磁制冷材料的制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN102828129B, 2014-12-03.
[60]曾德长, 高贝贝, 郑志刚, 钟喜春, 刘仲武, 余红雅, 金智渊, 金勇, 高云. 一种Gd基磁制冷材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN102703038B, 2014-10-08.
[61]钟喜春, 刘名涛, 曾德长, 刘仲武, 邱万奇, 余红雅, 李尚周. 一种高温合金表面纳米复合涂层及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN102828137B, 2014-06-11.
[62]曾德长, 柏占, 郑志刚, 钟喜春, 刘仲武, 余红雅, 邱万奇. 摆动式室温磁制冷机[P]. 广东省: CN102305491B, 2014-05-07.
[63]曾德长, 柏占, 郑志刚, 钟喜春, 刘仲武, 余红雅, 邱万奇. 一种室温磁制冷机用永磁体系统[P]. 广东省: CN102360700B, 2014-04-02.
[64]刘仲武, 钟明龙, 邱万奇, 钟喜春, 余红雅, 焦东玲, 曾德长. 一种纳米结构三氧化钼的制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN102351249B, 2013-08-28.
[65]邱万奇, 曾艳祥, 钟喜春, 余红雅, 刘仲武, 曾德长. 一种铜-金刚石复合镀层及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN101941311B, 2013-07-17.
[66]刘仲武, 苏昆朋, 邱万奇, 余红雅, 钟喜春, 曾德长. 一种交换耦合双相纳米复合永磁颗粒及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN102000816B, 2013-07-03.
[67]钟喜春, 曾德长, 刘仲武, 邱万奇, 余红雅. 一种稀土锡基低温磁制冷材料及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN102162056B, 2013-07-03.
[68]邱万奇, 潘建伟, 吴强, 刘仲武, 钟喜春, 余红雅, 曾德长. 一种钢铁基镶嵌金刚石涂层及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN102286743B, 2013-02-13.
[69]邱万奇, 刘仲武, 钟喜春, 余红雅, 曾德长, 贺礼贤. 一种铜基镶嵌结构界面金刚石涂层及其制备方法和应用[P]. 广东省: CN101935837B, 2012-05-30.
[70]邱万奇, 孙歌, 钟喜春, 余红雅, 刘仲武, 曾德长. 一种热作模具钢的低温渗碳方法[P]. 广东省: CN101928912B, 2012-05-23.
[71]邱万奇, 曾艳祥, 余红雅, 钟喜春, 刘仲武, 曾德长. 一种铜-铬-钼三元合金镀层及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN101892502B, 2012-02-01.
[72]邱万奇, 刘仲武, 孙歌, 余红雅, 钟喜春, 曾德长, 蔡明. 一种低温掺杂发光氮化铝薄膜及其制备方法[P]. 广东省: CN101948999B, 2011-12-28.
[1]李晖云, 李晨晖, 聂勇, 崔宁, 刘允中, 李小强, 曲盛官, 刘仲武. 一种微米级贵金属粉末的多级组合式水力旋流分级设备[P]. 广东省: CN213792244U, 2021-07-27.
[2]李晖云, 李晨晖, 聂勇, 崔宁, 刘允中, 李小强, 曲盛官, 刘仲武. 一种带超声振动系统的3D打印粉缸结构及铺粉送粉系统[P]. 广东省: CN213794214U, 2021-07-27.
[3]李晖云, 李晨晖, 聂勇, 崔宁, 刘允中, 李小强, 曲盛官, 刘仲武. 一种3D打印刮刀[P]. 广东省: CN213798112U, 2021-07-27.
[4]曾志超, 鲁晓燕, 田忆兰, 刘仲武. 一种超薄散热型磁场屏蔽片[P]. 广东: CN207978250U, 2018-10-16.
[5]刘仲武, 赵利忠, 郑志刚, 李伟, 王刚, 钟喜春, 余红雅, 曾德长. 一种钕铁硼永磁材料的磁场辅助直接铸造装置[P]. 广东: CN203817347U, 2014-09-10.
[6]刘仲武, 李伟, 郑志刚, 赵利忠. 一种提供钕铁硼辅助铸造磁场的永磁体系统[P]. 广东: CN203521094U, 2014-04-02.
[7]钟喜春, 张启沛, 曾德长, 邱万奇, 匡同春, 刘仲武, 余红雅. 一种切削刀具材料表面的复合镀层[P]. 广东: CN203360554U, 2013-12-25.
[8]曾德长, 柏占, 郑志刚, 钟喜春, 刘仲武, 余红雅, 邱万奇. 一种室温磁制冷机用永磁体系统[P]. 广东: CN202258630U, 2012-05-30.
[9]曾德长, 柏占, 郑志刚, 钟喜春, 刘仲武, 余红雅, 邱万奇. 摆动式室温磁制冷机[P]. 广东: CN202216447U, 2012-05-09.
在Adv Mater、JACS、Appl Phys Lett、Acta Mater、Mater Design、J Appl Phys等国际和国内学术刊物上发表论文380余篇,SCI收录280余篇。
[1] Jiayi He, Xuefeng Liao, Xuexia Lan, Wanqi Qiu, Hongya Yu, Jiasheng Zhang, Wenbing Fan, Xichun Zhong, Zhongwu Liu*, Annealed Al-Cr coating: A hard anticorrosive coating with grain boundary modification effect for sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 870 (2021) 159229
[2] Xuefeng Liao, Jiasheng Zhang, Jiayi He, Wenbin Fan, Hongya Yu, Xichun Zhong, Zhongwu Liu*, Development of nanocrystalline multi-component (Ce,La,Y)-Fe-B alloys without critical RE elements for cost-effective permanent magnets, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 76 (2021) 215-221
[3] Jiasheng Zhang, Xuefeng Liao, Ke Xu, Jiayi He, Wenbin Fan, Hongya Yu, Xichun Zhong, Zhongwu Liu*, Enhancement in hard magnetic properties of nanocrystalline (Ce,Y)–Fe–Si–B alloys due to microstructure evolution caused by chemical heterogeneity, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 8 (2020) 14855-14863
[4] Jingwen Hu, Zhaoyu Li, Hongya Yu, Xichun Zhong, Zhongwu Liu*, Kewen Long, Jing Li*, Modifying the soft magnetic properties of Mn-Zn ferrites by Ce2O 3-doping and sintering temperature optimization, Journal of Electronic Materials, 49 (2020) 6501-6509
[5] Ke Xu, Junru Xiao, Zhongwu Liu*, Effective rare earth extraction from Nd-Fe-B waste by liquid cuprum extraction method, Journal of Rare Earths, 38 (2020) 1337-1343
[6] Lizhong Zhao, Huacun Tian, Xichun Zhong, Zhongwu Liu, Jean-Marc Greneche, R.V. Ramanujan, Influence of Gd and Dy substitution on the magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect of Fe78−xRExSi4Nb5B12Cu1 amorphous alloys, Journal of Rare Earths, 38 (2020) 1317-1321
[7] Xuan Zhou, Zhongwu Liu, Hongya Yu, Hui Zhang, Guoqing Zhang, Composition optimization of rapidly quenched binary Co-Zr and (Co,Fe)-Zr alloys for rare earth free permanent magnetic materials, Physica B, 599 (2020) 412549.
[8] Yukun Liu, Jiayi He, Hongya Yu, Xichun Zhong, Yunzhong Liu, Xiaoqiang Li, Zhongwu Liu*, Understanding the composition effects on the hot-deformed Nd-Fe-B magnets based on two different melt spun powders, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 516 (2020) 167339
[9] Yukun Liu, Jiayi He, Hongya Yu, Zhongwu Liu, Guoqing Zhang, Restoring and enhancing the coercivity of waste sintered (Nd,Ce,Gd)FeB magnets by direct Pr-Tb-Cu grain boundary diffusion, Applied Physics A, 126 (8) (2020) 657
[10] Mozaffar Hussain, Xuefeng Liao, Rizwan Akram, Gleb Milyutin, Madiha Khan, and Zhongwu Liu, Elevated temperature behavior of rapidly quenched La/Ce substituted nanocrystalline NdFeB alloys with various compositions, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 845 (2020) 156292
[11] Abdul Jabbar Khan, Asad Khan, Muhammad Sufyan Javed*, Muhammad Arshid, Sumreen Asim, Muhammad Khalid, Sajid Hussain Siyal, Shahid Hussain, MuddasirHanif, Zhongwu Liu*, Surface assembly of Fe3O 4 nanodiscs embedded in reduced graphene oxide as ahigh-performance negative electrode for supercapacitors, Ceramics International, 46 (11) (2020) 19499-19505
[12] Meixia Wu, Xiang Zhou, Mark Croft, Steven Ehrlich, Syed Khalid, Man-Rong Li, Zhongwu Liu, Sang-Wook Cheong, Single crystal growth and room-temperature magnetocaloric effect of X-type hexaferrite Sr2Co 2Fe 28O 46, Inorganic Chemistry, 59 (10) (2020) 6755-6762
[13] Abdul Jabbar Khan, Muddasir Hanif*, Muhammad Sufyan Javed*, Shahid Hussain, Weijie Zhong, Muhammad Saleem, Zhongwu Liu*, Energy storage properties of hydrothermally processed nanostructured porous CeO2 nanoparticles, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 865 (2020) 114158
[14] Xuefeng Liao, Jiasheng Zhang, Wei Li, Abdul Jabbar Khan, Hongya Yu, Xichun Zhong, Zhongwu Liu*, Performance improvement and element segregation behavior in Y substituted nanocrystalline (La,Ce)-Fe-B permanent magnets without critical RE elements, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 834 (2020) 155226
[15] Yukun Liu, Xuefeng Liao, Jiayi He, Hongya Yu, Xichun Zhong, Qing Zhou, Zhongwu Liu*, Magnetic properties and microstructure evolution of in-situ Tb-Cu diffusion treated hot-deformed Nd-Fe-B magnets, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 504 (2020) 166685
[16] Xichun Zhong, X.T. Dong, D.R. Peng, J.H. Huang, H. Zhang, D.L. Jiao, H. Zhang, Z.W. Liu, R.V. Ramanujan, Table-like magnetocaloric effect and enhanced refrigerant capacity of HPS La(Fe,Si)13 based composites by Ce-Co grain boundary diffusion, Journal of Materials Science, 55 (2020) 5908-5919
[17] Xuan Zhou, Jiasheng Zhang, Xuefeng Liao, Jiayi He, Kaili Li, Zhongwu Liu*, Beneficial effects of Cr addition on the nanocrystalline Si and B modified Co-Zr permanent magnetic alloys, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 501 (2020) 166483.
[18] Kaili Li, Danni Cheng, Hongya Yu, Zhongwu Liu*, Process optimization and magnetic properties of soft magnetic composite cores based on phosphated and mixed resin coated Fe powders, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 501 (2020) 166455.
[19] Chunmei Tang, Fei Sun, Zoufei Chen, Hongya Yu, Deyang Chen, Zhongwu Liu*, Facile synthesis and nanoscale related physical properties of core-shell structured CuO/ZnO nanorod arrays on Si substrate, Applied Surface Science, 509 (2020) 144903
[20] D.R. Peng, X.C. Zhong, X.T. Dong, J.H. Huang, H. Zhang, L. Ma, S.M. Wu, D.L. Jiao, Z.W. Liu, H.Y. Yu, H. Zhang, W.Q. Qiu, R.V. Ramanujan, Microstructure, phase evolution and magnetocaloric properties of LaFe11.6Si1.4/La70Co30 composite, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 823 (2020) 153726
[21] Ke Xu, Zhongwu Liu*, Hongya Yu, Xichun Zhong, Hui Zhang, Zhijian Liu, Improved efficiency for preparing hard magnetic Sm2Fe17NX powders by plasma assisted ball milling followed by nitriding, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 500 (2020) 166383
[22] Danni Cheng, Kaili Li, Hongya Yu*, Jianliang Zuo, Xi Chen, Baochun Guo, Guangze Han, Zhongwu Liu, Effects of Secondary Particle Size Distribution on the Magnetic Properties of Carbonyl Iron Powder Cores, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 497 (2020) 166062
[23] Abdul Jabbar Khan, Muhammad Sufyan Javed*, Muddasir Hanif, Yasir Abbas, Xuefeng Liao, Gulzar Ahmed, Muhammad Saleem, Sining Yun, Zhongwu Liu*, Facile synthesis of a novel Fe3O4-rGO-MoO 3 ternary nano-composite for high performance hybrid energy storage applications, Ceramic International, 46 (3) (2020) 3124-3131
[24] S.L Hu, J. Liu, Y.K Liu, J.S. Zhang, H.Y. Yu, K.P. Su, Y.L. Huang, Z.W. Liu, Enhancing the properties of spark-plasma-sintered nanocrystalline NdFeB magnets by the addition of Cu-Zn alloy and Dy2O 3 powders, Journal of Electronic Materials, 49 (2020) 720-727
[25] H.X. Zeng, Z.W. Liu, J.S. Zhang, X.F. Liao, H.Y. Yu, Towards the diffusion source cost reduction for NdFeB grain boundary diffusion process, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 36 (2020) 50-54
[26] D.N. Chen, L. Huang, H.Y. Yu, X.C. Zhong, Z.W. Liu, Improving the magnetic properties of FeSiB soft magnetic composites by adding untreated or phosphated Fe powders, Journal of Magnetics, 24 (3) (2019) 485-490
[27] Lv Wangyan, Zheng Keqin, Wang Yibo, Liu Zhongwu, Influence of electric current on the corrosion behavior of Cu for the electric contact in the isolation switch, Materials and Corrosion, 70 (2019) 1900-1906
[28] K.P. Su, S.L. Hu, H.O. Wang, S. Huang, X.X. Chen, J.J. Liu, D.X. Huo, L. Ma, S. L. Hu, Zhongwu Liu, Structural and magnetic properties of Mn50Al46Cu4C3 flakes obtained by surfactant-assisted ball milling, Materials Research Express, 6 (2019) 106125
[29] Wei Li, Lizhong Zhao, Zhongwu Liu*, Micromagnetic investigation by a simplified approach on the demagnetization fields of the permanent magnets with nonmagnetic phase inside, Frontier of Materials, 13 (2019) 323-333
[30] Gulzar Ahmed, Fazal Raziq, Muddasir Hanif, Javid Khan, Khurram Munawar, Mingmei Wu, Xingzhong Cao, Zhongwu Liu, Oxygen-Cluster-Modified Anatase with Graphene Leads to Efficient and Recyclable Photo-catalytic Conversion of CO2 to CH4 supported by the Positron Annihilation Study, Scientific Reports, 9 (2019) 13103.
[31] Xuefeng Liao, Jiasheng Zhang, Hongya Yu, Xichun Zhong, Abdul Jabbar Khan, Xuan Zhou, Hui Zhang, Z.W. Liu*, Exceptional elevated temperature behavior of nanocrystalline stoichiometric Y2Fe14B alloys with La or Ce substitutions, Journal of Materials Science, 54 (2019) 14577-14587
[32] H.X. Zeng, H.Y. Yu, Q. Zhou, J.S. Zhang, X.F. Liao, Z.W. Liu*, Clarifying the effects of La and Ce in the grain boundary diffusion sources on sintered NdFeB magnets, Materials Research Express, 6 (2019) 106105
[33] Huixin Zeng, Qixiang Wang, Jiasheng Zhang, Xichun Zhong, Hongya Yu, Zhongwu Liu*, Grain boundary diffusion treatment of sintered NdFeB magnets by low cost La-Al-Cu alloys with various Al/Cu ratios, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 490 (2019) 165498
[34] Abdul Jabbar Khan, Muddasir Hanif, Muhammad Sufyan Javed, Shahid Hussain*, Zhongwu Liu*, Synthesis, characterization and charge storage properties of C60-fullerene microparticles as a flexible negative electrode for supercapacitors, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 30(9) (2019) 8568-8576
[35] Xuefeng Liao, Jiasheng Zhang, Hongya Yu, Xichuan Zhong, Yukun Liu, Yitong Liu, Zhongwu Liu* Understanding the phase structure, magnetic properties and anti-corrosion behavior of melt-spun (La,Y)2Fe14B alloys, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 489 (2019) 165444
[36] J.S. Zhang, W. Li, X.F. Liao, H.Y. Yu, L.Z. Zhao, H.X. Zeng, D.R. Peng, Z.W. Liu*, Improving the hard magnetic properties by intragrain pinning for Ta doped nanocrystalline Ce-Fe-B alloys, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 35 (2019) 1877-1885
[37] Chunmei Tang, Fei Sun, Zoufei Chen, Deyang Chen, Zhongwu Liu*, Improved thermal oxidation growth of non-flaking CuO nanorod array on Si substrate from Cu film and their nanoscale electrical properties for electronic devices, Ceramics International, 45 (2019) 14562-14567
[38] Yitian Cheng, Wanqi Qiu, Kesong Zhou, Yu Yang, Dongling Jiao, Zhongwu Liu, Xichun Zhong, Low-temperature deposition of α-Al2O 3 film using Al+α-Al2 O 3 composite target by radio frequency magnetron sputtering, Materials Research Express, 6(8) (2019) 086412
[39] Y.L. Huang, Z.H. Li, X.J. Ge, Z.Q. Shi, Y.H. Hou, G.P. Wang, Z.W. Liu, Z.C. Zhong, Microstructure, magnetic anisotropy, plastic deformation, and magnetic properties: The role of PrCu in hot deformed CeFeB magnets, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 797 (2019) 1133-1141
[40] X.F. Liao, L.Z. Zhao, J.S. Zhang, G. Ahmed, A.L. Khan, X.H. Zeng, H.Y. Yu, X.C. Zhong, Z.W. Liu, G.Q. Zhang, Clarifying the basic phase structure and magnetic behavior of directly quenched (Ce,La)2Fe14B alloys with various Ce/La ratios, Current Applied Physics, 19 (2019) 733-738
[41] Y.T. Cheng, W.Q. Qiu, K.S. Zhou, D.L. Jiao, Z.W. Liu, X.C. Zhong, H. Zhang, The influence of Cr content on the phase structure of the Al-rich Al-Cr-O films deposited by magnetron sputtering at low temperature, Ceramics International, 45 (2019) 8175-8180.
[42] X. Zhou, Y.L. Tian, H.Y. Yu, H. Zhang, X.C. Zhong, Z.W. Liu*, Synthesis of hard magnetic NdFeB composite particles by recycling the waste using microwave assisted auto-combustion and reduction method, Wastes Management, 87 (2019) 645-651
[43] X.F. Liao, J.S. Zhang, H.Y. Yu, X.C. Zhong, L.Z. Zhao, K. Xu, D.R. Peng, Z.W. Liu*, Maximizing the hard magnetic properties of melt spun Ce-La-Fe-B alloys, Journal of Materials Science, 54 (2019) 7288-7299
[44] Y.L. Tian, Z.W. Liu*, G.Q. Zhang, Recovering REEs from NdFeB wastes with high purity and efficiency by leaching and selective precipitation process with modified agents, Journal of Rare Earths, 37 (2019) 205-210
[45] Xichun Zhong, D. R. Peng; X. T. Dong; J. H. Huang; H. Zhang; D. L. Jiao; H. Zhang; Z. W. Liu; R. V. Ramanujan, Improvement in the magnetocaloric properties of sintered La(Fe,Si)13 based composites processed by La-Co grain boundary diffusion, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 780 (2019) 873-880
[46] Jiasheng Zhang, Lizhong Zhao, Xuefeng Liao, Huixin Zeng, Deran Peng, Hongya Yu, Xichun Zhong, Zhongwu Liu*, Suppressing the CeFe2 phase formation and improving the coercivity and thermal stability of Ce-Fe-B alloys by Si substitution, Intermetallics, 107 (2019) 75-80
[47] W. Chen, Y.L. Huang, J.M. Luo, Y.H. Hou, X.J. Ge, Y.W. Guan, Z.W. Liu, Z.C. Zhong, G.P. Wang, Microstructure and improved properties of sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets by grain boundary diffusion of non-rare earth, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 476 (2019) 134-141
[48] Lizhong Zhao*, Chengli Li, Zhipeng Hao, Xiaolian Liu, Xuefeng Liao, Jiasheng Zhang, Kunpeng Su, Lingwei Li, Hongya Yu, Jean-Marc Greneche, Jiaying Jin, Zhongwu Liu*, Influences of element segregation on the magnetic properties in nanocrystalline Nd-Ce-Fe-B alloys, Materials Characterization, 148 (2019) 208-213
[49] Wei Li, Lizhong Zhao, Zhongwu Liu*, Micromagnetic simulation for the effects of core-shell structure on the magnetic properties of dual-main-phase Nd-Fe-B based magnets, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 476 (2019) 302-310
[50] Chunmei Tang, Hanyin Zhang, Dongling Jiao, Renzong Hu* and Zhongwu Liu*, Hierarchical C-doped CuO nanorods on carbon cloth as flexible binder-free anode for lithium storage, Materials and Design, 162 (2019) 52-59.
[51] S.L. Hu, J. Liu, H.Y. Yu, Z.W. Liu*, Synthesis and properties of barium ferrite nano-powders by chemical co-precipitation method, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 473 (2019) 79-84
[52] H.X. Zeng, W. Li, J.S. Zhang, L.Z. Zhao, D.R. Peng, Z.W. Liu*, Significantly enhancing the coercivity of NdFeB magnets by ternary Pr-Al-Cu alloys diffusion and understanding the elements diffusion behavior, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 471 (2019) 97-104
[53] L.Z. Zhao, H.Y. Yu, W. Li, X.F. Liao, J.S. Zhang, X.C. Zhong, Z.W. Liu*, K.P. Su, J.M. Greneche, Magnetic characteristics of the ferromagnetic Fe-rich clusters in bulk amorphous Nd60Fe30Al10 alloy, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 469 (2019) 151-154
[54] X.C. Zhong, X.L. Feng, J.H. Huang, D.L. Jiao, H. Zhang, W.Q. Qiu, Z.W. Liu, R.V. Ramanujan, A bimodal particle size distribution enhances mechanical and magnetocaloric properties of low-temperature hot pressed Sn-bonded La0.8Ce>0.2(Fe0.95Co0.05)11.8Si1.2 bulk composites, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 469 (2019) 133-137.
[55] D.R. Peng, X.C. Zhong, J.H. Huang, H. Zhang, Y.L. Huang, X.T. Dong, D.L. Jiao, Z.W. Liu, R.V. Ramanujan, Novel processing of Cu-bonded La–Ce–Fe–Co–Si magnetocaloric composites for magnetic refrigeration by low-temperature hot pressing, MRS Communications (2018), 8, 1216–1223
[56] Wei Li, Lizhong Zhao, Zhongwu Liu*, Micromagnetic simulation on the magnetic properties of Nd2Fe14B/α-Fe nanocomposites with Fe nanowires as the soft phase, Frontier of Materials Science. 12 (4), (2018) 348-353
[57] D.L. Jiao, X.C. Zhong, H. Zhang, W.Q. Qiu, Z.W. Liu, R.V. Ramanujan, Thermal stability, magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of Gd55Co35M10 (M=Si, Zr and Nb) melt-spun ribbons, Current Applied Physics, 18 (12) (2018) 1523-1527
[58] X.C. Zhong, H.Y. Yu, Z.W. Liu, R.V. Ramanujan, Influence of crystallization treatment on structure, magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect of Gd71Ni29 melt-spun ribbons, Current Applied Physics, 18 (11) (2018) 1289-1293
[59] Meixia Wu, Laijun Liu, Zhongwu Liu*, Investigation on the electric and magnetoelectric properties of BaSrCo2Fe 11.5Ga 0.5O 22 Ferrite, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 29 (20) (2018) 17865-17871
[60] M. Hussain, Zubair Ahmad, L.Z. Zhao, Rizwan Akram, Z.Y. Zhang, A. Gulzar, X.C. Zhong, Z.W. Liu*, Magnetic properties and exchange interaction of rapidly quenched La or Ce substituted nanocrystalline NdFeB alloys with various compositions, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 468 (2018) 141-147
[61] Xiaoyan Sun, Zhongwu Liu, Zhigang Zheng, Hongya Yu, Dechang Zeng, Improved adsorption of Congo red by nanostructured flower-like FeII-FeIII hydroxy complex, Water Science and Technology, 78 (4) (2018) 506-514
[62] J.S. Zhang, M.L. Zhong, L.Z. Zhao, X.F. Liao, H.X. Zeng, X.C. Zhong, Z.C. Zhong, Z.W. Liu*, Reducing Dy content by Ce substitution in nanocomposite (Nd,Dy)-Fe-B/α-Fe alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 766 (2018) 1061-1066
[63] Q. Zhou, R.Z. Tang, F.M. Xiao, Z.W. Liu, Coercivity enhancement of Nd-Ce-Fe-B sintered magnets by the grain boundary diffusion process using Nd-Al-Cu alloy, IEEE Transaction on Magnetics. 54(11) (2018) 2102804
[64] Y.X. Wu, H.Y. Yu, Z.W. Liu*, Numerical investigation of the magnetic and electric field distributions produced by biconical transcranial magnetic stimulation coil for optimal design, IEEE Transaction on Magnetics. 54 (11) (2018) 5001105
[65] Hui Zhang, Zhongwu Liu, X.C. Zhong, Dongling Jiao, W.Q. Qiu, Molecular dynamics simulation of diamond and graphite structures without setting any initial Bravais lattice and with Lennard-Jones interatomic potentials,
[66] Hui Zhang, Zhongwu Liu, X.C. Zhong, Dongling Jiao, W.Q. Qiu, Molecular dynamics simulation of crystallization and non-crystallization of Lennard-Jones particles without setting any initial Bravais lattice
[67] Jun Cao, Y. L. Huang, Y. H. Hou, G.Q. Zhang, Z.Q. Shi, Z.C. Zhong, Z.W. Liu, Effects of intergranular phase on the coercivity for MnBi magnets prepared by spark plasma sintering, AIP Advances 8(5) 2018: 055132
[68] X.F. Liao, L.Z. Zhao, J.S. Zhang, X.C. Zhong, D.L. Jiao, Z.W. Liu*, Enhanced formation of 2:14:1 phase in La-based rare earth-iron-boron permanent magnetic alloys by Nd substitution, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 464 (2018) 31-35
[69] D.L. Jiao, X.C. Zhong, W.Q. Qiu, Z.W. Liu, G.Q. Zhang, Structure and electric conduction in pulsed laser-deposited ZnO thin films individually doped with N, P, or Na, Journal of Electronic Materials, 47 (7) (2018) 3521-3528
[70] X.C. Zhong, X.L. Feng, J.H. Huang, Y.L. Huang, Z.W. Liu, R.V. Ramanujan, Influence of particle size on the mechanical properties and magnetocaloric effect of La0.8Ce 0.2(Fe 0.95Co 0.05) 11.8Si 1.2/Sn composites, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 463 (2018) 23-27
[71] K.P. Su, C.Y. Zhao, H.O. Wang, S. Huang, Z.W. Liu, D.X. Huo, Synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of CoFe2O4 ferrite nanoparticles, Materials Research Express, 5 (5) 2018, 056102
[72] K.P. Su, H.O. Wang, S. Huang, X.X Chen, J.J. Liu, D.X. Huo, L. Ma, Z.W. Liu, Magnetic anisotropy and enhanced remanence in textured polycrystalline MnAlCuC-based flakes, Journal of Materials Science, 53 (13) (2018) 9823-9829
[73] H.Y. Mo, X.C. Zhong, D.L. Jiao, Z.W. Liu, H. Zhang, W.Q. Qiu, R.V. Ramanujan, Table-like magnetocaloric effect and enhanced refrigerant capacity in crystalline Gd55Co35Mn10 alloy melt spun ribbons, Physics Letters A, 382 (2018) 1679–1684
[74] Lizhong Zhao, Jiasheng Zhang, Gulzar Ahmed, Xuefeng Liao, Zhongwu Liu*, and Jean-Marc Greneche Understanding the element segregation and phase separation in the Ce-substituted Nd-(Fe,Co)-B based alloys, Scientific Reports, 8 (2018) 6826
[75] Gulzar Ahmed, Muddasir Hanif, Shuzhi Hu, Lizhong Zhao, Jiasheng Zhang, Zhongwu Liu*, ZnO flowers and graphene oxide hybridization for efficient photocatalytic degradation of o-xylene, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 212 (2018) 479-489
[76] Xiaoyan Sun, Zhongwu Liu, Hongya Yu, Zhigang Zheng, Dechang Zeng, Facile synthesis of BiFeO 3 nanoparticles by modified microwave-assisted hydrothermal method as visible light driven photocatalysts, Materials Letters, 219 (2018) 225-228
[77] Q. Zhou, W. Li, Y. Hong, L.Z. Zhao, X.C. Zhong, H.Y. Yu, L.L. Huang, Z.W. Liu*, Microstructure improvement related coercivity enhancement for sintered NdFeB magnet after optimized additional heat treatment, Journal of Rare Earths, 36 (2018) 379-394
[78] Gulzar Ahmed, Muddasir Hanif, Khalid Mahmood, Rihui Yao, Honglong Ning, Dongling Jiao, Mingmei Wu, Javid Khan, Zhongwu Liu*, Lattice defects of ZnO and hybrids with GO: characterization, EPR and optoelectronic properties, AIP Advances, 8 (2018) 025218
[79] W. Li, L.Z. Zhao, Q. Zhou, X.C. Zhong, Z.W. Liu*, Effects of grain boundary configuration and characteristics on the demagnetization process and coercivity of anisotropic NdFeB magnets, Computational Materials Science, 148 (2018) 38-45
[80] X.T. Dong, X.C. Zhong, D.R. Peng, J.H. Huang, H. Zhang, D.L. Jiao, Z.W. Liu, R.V. Ramanujan, La0.8Ce 0.2(Fe 0.95Co 0.05) 11.8Si 1.2/Sn42Bi 58 magnetocaloric composites prepared by low temperature hot pressing, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 737 (2018) 568-574
[81] M. Fang, C.M. Tang, Z.W. Liu*, Microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of Cu-doped ZnO single crystal nanoparticles with modified photoluminescence and confirmed ferromagnetism, Journal of Electronic Materials, 47(2) (2018) 1390-1396
[82] W. Li, Q. Zhou, L.Z. Zhao, Q.X. Wang, X.C. Zhong, Z.W. Liu*, Micromagnetic simulation of anisotropic diffusion in the grain boundary diffusion processed sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 451 (2018) 704-709
[83] X.C. Zhong, X.L Feng, J.W. Huang, H. Zhang, Y.L. Huang, Z.W. Liu, D.L. Jiao, Microstructure evolution and large magnetocaloric effect of La0.8Ce 0.2(Fe 0.95Co 0.05) 11.8Si 1.2 alloy prepared by strip-casting and annealing, AIP Advances 8(4) (2018): 048102
[84] X.C. Zhong, X.J. Guo, S.Y. Zou, H.Y. Yu. Z.W. Liu, Y.F. Zhang, K.X. Wang, Improving soft magnetic properties of Mn-Zn ferrite by rare earth ions doping, AIP Advances 8(4) (2018): 047807
[85] X.C. Zhong, X.Y. Shen, H.Y. Mo, D.L. Jiao, Z.W. Liu, W.Q. Qiu, H. Zhang, R.V. Ramanujan, Table-like magnetocaloric effect and large refrigerant capacity in Gd65Mn25Si10-Gd composite materials for near room temperature refrigeration, Materials Today Communications, 14 (2018) 22–26
[86] X.C. Zhong, H.Y. Mo, X.W. Wang, X.Y. Shen, X.L. Feng, D.L. Jiao, Z.W. Liu, Effects of crystallization treatment on the structure and magnetic properties of Gd65Fe 25Zn 10 alloy ribbons for magnetic refrigeration, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 730 (2018) 493-500
[87] L.Z. Zhao, W.T. Guo, Z.Y. Zhang, D.L. Jiao, J.S. Zhang, Z.W. Liu*, Jean Marc Greneche Structure, magnetic properties and Mössbauer study of melt-spun nanocrystalline Ce-rich ternary Ce-Fe-B alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 715 (2017) 60-64
[88] M. Fang, Z.W. Liu*, Controllable size and photoluminescence of ZnO nanorod arrays on Si substrate prepared by microwave-assisted hydrothermal method, Ceramics International, 43 (2017) 6955-6962
[89] C.M. Tang, X.Y. Liao, W.J. Zhong, H.Y. Yu, Z.W. Liu*, Electric field assisted growth and field emission properties of thermally oxidized CuO nanowires, RSC Advances, 7 (2017) 6439
[90] Zubair Ahmad, Zhongwu Liu*, A. ul Haq, Synthesis, magnetic and microstructural properties of Alnico magnets with additives, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 428 (2017) 125-131
[91] L.Z. Zhao, Q. Zhou, J.S. Zhang, D.L. Jiao, Z.W. Liu*, J.M. Greneche, A nanocomposite structure in directly cast NdFeB based alloy with low Nd content for potential anisotropic permanent magnets, Materials and Design, 117 (2017) 326-331
[92] X.Y. Shen, X.C. Zhong*, X.W. Huang, H.Y. Mo, X.L. Feng, Z.W. Liu, D.L. Jiao, Achieving a table-like magnetocaloric effect and large refrigerant capacity in in situ multiphase Gd65Mn25Si10 alloys obtained by crystallization treatment, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50 (3) (2017) 035005
[93] Y.L Huang, W.B. Fan, Y.H. Hou, K.X. Guo, Y.F. Ouyang, Z.W. Liu, Effects of intrinsic defects on the electronic structure and magnetic properties of CoFe2O4: A first-principles study, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 421 (2017) 300-305
[94] Y.H. Hou,Y.L. Huang, S.J. Hou, S.C. Ma, Z.W. Liu,Y.F. Ouyang, Structural, electronic and magnetic properties of RE3+-doping in CoFe2O4: A first-principles study, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 421 (2017) 300-305
[95] Y.P. Zeng, E. Mikmeková, Z.W. Liu*, Magnetoresistance effects associated with various electrical conduction mechanisms in nanostructured [C/FeCo]n multilayers, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 421 (2017) 39-43
[96] L.Z. Zhao, H.Y. Yu, W.T. Guo, J.S. Zhang, Z.Y. Zhang, M. Hussain, Z.W. Liu*, J.M. Greneche, Phase and hyperfine structures of melt-spun nanocrystalline (Ce1-xNdx)16Fe78B6 alloys, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 53 (11) (2017) 1800205
[97] Z.Y. Zhang, L.Z. Zhao, J.S. Zhang, X.C. Zhong, W.Q. Qiu, D.L. Jiao, Z.W. Liu*, Phase precipitation behavior of rapidly quenched ternary La-Fe-B alloys and the effects of Nd substitution, Materials Research Express, 4 (8) (2017) 086503
[98] Javid Khan, Jiuwang Gu, Shiman He, Xiaohui Li, Gulzar Ahmed, Zhongwu Liu, Muhammad Nadeem Akhtar, Wenjie Mai, and Mingmei Wu, Rational Design of Tripartite Layered TiO2 Photoelectrode: A Candidate for Enhanced Power Conversion Efficiency in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells, Nanoscale, 9 (2017) 9913-9920
[99] L.Z. Zhao, X.X. Deng, H.Y. Yu, H.J. Guan, X.Q. Li, Z.Y. Xiao, Z.W. Liu*, J.M. Greneche, Structure and performance of anisotropic nanocrystalline NdFeB hard magnets fabricated by high-velocity compaction followed by deformation, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 443 (2017) 51-57
[100] Z.Y. Zhang, L.Z. Zhao, X.C. Zhong, D.L. Jiao, Z.W. Liu*, Phase precipitation behavior of melt-spun ternary Ce2Fe 14B alloy during rapid quenching and heat treatment, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 441 (2017) 429-435
[101] L.Z. Zhao, W.T. Guo, Z.Y. Zhang, D.L. Jiao, J.S. Zhang, Z.W. Liu*, Jean Marc Greneche, Structure, magnetic properties and Mössbauer study of melt-spun nanocrystalline Ce-rich ternary Ce-Fe-B alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 715 (2017) 60-64
[102] M. Fang, Z.W. Liu*, Structure and properties variations in Zn1-xCoxO nanorods prepared by microwave-assisted hydrothermal method, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 57 (2017) 233-238
[103] L.Z. Zhao, W. Li, X.H. Wu, M. Hussain, Z.W. Liu*, G.Q. Zhang, J.M. Greneche, Inducing magnetic anisotropy and optimized microstructure in rapidly solidified Nd-Fe-B based magnets by thermal gradient, magnetic field and hot deformation, Materials Research Express, 3 (2016) 105001
[104] X.C. Zhong*, X.W. Huang, X.Y. Shen, H.Y. Mo, Z.W. Liu, Thermal stability, magnetic properties and large refrigerant capacity of ternary Gd55Co35M10 (M = Mn, Fe and Ni) amorphous alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 682 (2016)476-480
[105] D.Y. Feng, L.Z. Zhao, Z.G. Zheng, H.Y. Yu, G.Q. Zhang, Z.W. Liu*, An investigation on nanocrystalline TbCu7-type SmCo6.4Si 0.3Zr 0.3C 0.2 alloys with Sm partially substituted by various light and heavy rare earth elements, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 52 (2016) 2102106
[106] M.X. Wu, L.J. Liu, X.S. Gao, Z.W. Liu*, Electric and magnetic properties of Y-type Ba2Mg 2Fe 12O 22 hexaferrites with various Co doping, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 27 (2016) 10516–10524
[107] C.M. Tang, Y.B. Wang, R.H. Yao, H.L. Ning, Z.W. Liu*, Enhanced adhesion and field emission of CuO nanowires synthesized by simply modified thermal oxidation technique, Nanotechnology, 27 (2016) 395605
[108] Z.G. Qiu, D.C. Zeng, L.Z. Zhao, J. Wang, H.Y. Yu, J.P. Liu, Z.W. Liu, K.S. Zhou, Effects of non-magnetic phase and deposition temperature on magnetic properties of FePt-MgO granular thin films on single-crystal MgO substrate, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 500 (2016) 111-117
[109] X.C. Zhong*, X.L. Feng, X.W. Huang, X.Y. Shen, Z.W. Liu, Structure and magnetocaloric effect of La0.7Ce 0.3(Fe 0.92Co 0.08)11.4Si1.6 bulk alloy prepared by powder metallurgy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 685 (2016) 913-916
[110] Y.H. Hou, Y.L. Wang, Y.L. Huang*, W. Wang, S. Li, S.C. Ma, Z.W. Liu*, D.C. Zeng, L.Z. Zhao, Z.C. Zhong, Effects of Nd-rich phase on the improved properties and recoil loops for hot deformed Nd-Fe-B magnets, Acta Materialia, 115 (2016) 385-391
[111] D.Y. Chen, D.C. Zeng, Z.W. Liu, Synthesis, structure, morphology evolution and magnetic properties of single domain strontium hexaferrite particles, Materials Research Express, 3 (2016) 045002
[112] Z.G. Qiu,H.Y. Yu, Z.W. Liu, D.C. Zeng,J.P. Liu, Effects of TiN intermediate layer on microstructure and magnetic anisotropy of FePt thin films, Applied Physics A, 122 (2016) 350
[113] Z.G. Qiu, H.Y. Yu, L.Z. Zhao, J.W. Lai, Z.W. Liu, D.C. Zeng, J.P. Liu, Effects of deposition temperature and quenching rate on the surface morphology and magnetic properties of FePt/TiN films, Thin Solid Films, 604 (2016) 12-17
[114] L.Z. Zhao, Y. Hong, D.L. Jiao, Z.G. Qiu, Q. Zhou, M. Hussain, Z.W. Liu*, J.M. Greneche, G.Q. Zhang, Influences of intergranular structure on the magnetic properties of directly cast nanocrystalline NdFeCoTiNbBC alloys, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 49 (2016) 185005
[115] X.C. Zhong, X.Y. Shen, Z.W. Liu, Magnetocaloric properties, microhardness and corrosion resistance of Gd100-xZrx alloys, Journal of Rare Earths, 34(9) (2016) 889-894
[116] K.P. Su*, X.X. Chen, H.O. Wang, D.X. Huo*, Z.W. Liu, Effect of milling on the structure and magnetic properties in Mn54Al46 flakes prepared by surfactant-assisted ball milling, Materials Characterization, 114 (2016) 263-266
[117] L.Z. Zhao, Y. Hong, X.G. Fang, Z.G. Qiu, X.C. Zhong, X.S. Gao, Z.W. Liu*, High coercivity microcrystalline Nd-Fe-Co-Al-B bulk magnets prepared by direct copper mold casting, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 408 (2016) 152-158
[118] X.H. Wu, G. Wang, L.Z. Zhao, D.C. Zeng, Z.W. Liu, Phase field simulation of dendrite growth in binary Ni–Cu alloy under the applied temperature gradient, Computational Materials Science 117 (2016) 286–293
[119] D.Y. Feng, L.Z. Zhao, Z.W. Liu*, Magnetic-field-induced irreversible antiferromagnetic-ferromagnetic phase transition around room temperature in as-cast Sm-Co based SmCo7-xSix alloys, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 487 (2016) 25-30
[120] M. Hussain, L. Z. Zhao, C. Zhang, H.Y. Yu, X.C. Zhong, Z. W. Liu*, Composition-dependent magnetic properties of melt spun La or/and Ce substituted nanocomposite NdFeB alloys, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 483 (2016) 69-74
[121] M. Hussain, J. Liu, X. C. Zhong, Z.W. Liu*, Composition related magnetic properties and coercivity mechanism for melt spun [(La0.5Ce 0.5) 1-xRE x]10Fe84B6 (RE=Nd or Dy) nanocomposite alloys, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Material, 399 (2016) 26-31
[122] Y.L. Huang, Y. Wang, Y.H. Hou, Y.L. Wang, Y. Wu, S.C. Ma, Z.W. Liu, D.C. Zeng, Y. Tian, W.X. Xia, Magnetic microstructure and magnetic properties of spark plasma sintered NdFeB magnets, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Material, 399 (2016) 175-178
[123] Gulzar Ahmed, Muddasir Hanif, Lizhong Zhao, Mozaffar Hussain, Javid Khan, Zhongwu Liu*, Defect engineering of ZnO nanoparticles by graphene oxide leading to enhanced visible light photocatalysis, Journal of Molecular Catalysis. A, Chemical, 425 (2016) 310-321
[124] Q. Zhou, Z.W. Liu*, X.C. Zhong, G.Q. Zhang, Properties improvement and structural optimization of sintered NdFeB magnets by non-rare earth compound grain boundary diffusion, Materials and Design, 86 (2015) 114-120
[125] J. Wang, Z.W. Liu, Z.G. Zheng, H.Y. Yu, G.P. Tang, D.C. Zeng, Effect of rare earth additions on microstructure, thermal stability and crystallization behavior of melt spun Fe80.65Cu 1.35Si 2B 14RE 2 (RE= Y, Gd, TB and DY) soft magnetic alloys, Materials Letters, 159 (2015) 76-79
[126] X.X. Deng, L.Z. Zhao, H.Y. Yu, Z.W. Liu*, and Z.Y. Xiao, Preparation of isotropic and anisotropic nanocrystalline NdFeB magnets by high-velocity compaction and hot deformation, IEEE Trans. Magn, 51 (11) (2015), 2104804
[127] Y. Hong, L.Z. Zhao, G. Wang, Z.W. Liu, D.C. Zeng, Micromagnetic Simulation of Magnetization Reversal Process Using Magnetic Force Microscope Image, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 51 (11) (2015) 7100304
[128] Z.W. Liu*, L.Z. Zhao, S.L. Hu, H.Y. Yu, X.C. Zhong, and X.X. Gao, Coercivity and thermal stability enhancement for spark plasma sintered nanocrystalline Nd-Fe-B magnets with Dy2O 3 and Zn additions, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 51(11) (2015), 2101204
[129] Z.W. Liu*, K.P. Su, Y.T. Cheng, R.V. Ramanujan, Structure and properties evolutions for hard magnetic MnAl and MnGa based alloys prepared by melt spinning or mechanical milling, Material Science and Engineering with Advanced Research, 1(1) (2015) 12-19
[130] D.Y. Feng, Z.W. Liu*, Z.G. Zheng, X.C. Zhong, G.Q. Zhang, Hard magnetic properties and thermal stability for TbCu7-type SmCo6.4Si 0.3Zr 20.3 alloys with Sm substituted by various rare-earth elements, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 51 (10) (2015) 2100604
[131] M.X. Wu, X.S. Gao, Z.W. Liu*, Field-dependent magnetoelectric effects in polycrystalline Co2Y-type Ba 0.5Sr 1.5Co 2(Fe 1-xAl x) 12O 22 hexaferrites, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 98 (8) (2015) 2498-2502
[132] X.H. Wu, G. Wang, D.C. Zeng, Z.W. Liu, Prediction of the glass-forming ability of Fe–B binary alloys based on a continuum-field-multi-phase-field mode, Computational Materials Science, 108 (2015) 7-33
[133] L.Z. Zhao, Z.G. Zheng, X. Chen, Z.G. Qiu, J.W. Lai, G. Wang, Z.W. Liu*, R.V. Ramanujan, Magnetic characteristics for the mould-cast hard magnetic Nd70-xFe30Alx (x=0-10) alloys, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 51 (8) (2015) 2100406
[134] X.X. Deng, Z.W. Liu*, H.Y. Yu, Z.Y. Xiao, G.Q. Zhang, Isotropic and anisotropic nanocrystalline NdFeB bulk magnets prepared by binder-free high-velocity compaction technique, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 390 (2015) 26-30
[135] X.C. Zhong*, H.C. Tian, S.S. Wang, Z.W. Liu, Z.G. Zheng, D.C. Zeng, Thermal, magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of Fe80−xMxB10Zr9Cu1 (M = Ni, Ta; x = 0, 3, 5) amorphous alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 633 (2015) 188-193
[136] X.C. Zhong, Z.W. Liu, J.X. Min, Karl A. GschneidnerJr, V. K. Pecharsky, Magnetic properties and magnetic entropy changes of MRE2Co 7 compounds, Science China - Physics Mechanics & Astronomy, 58 (2015) 597501
[137] J.W. Lai, Z.G. Zheng, X.C. Zhong, V. Franco, R. Montemayor, Z.W. Liu, D.C. Zeng, Table-like magnetocaloric effect of Fe88-xNdxCr8B4 composite materials, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 390 (2015) 87-90
[138] K.P. Su, J. Wang, H.O. Wang, D.X. Huo, L.W. Li, Y.Q. Cao, Z.W. Liu, Strain-induced coercivity enhancement in Mn51Al46C3 flakes prepared by surfactant-assisted ball milling, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 640 (2015) 114-117
[139] D.Y. Qian, M. Hussain, Z.G. Zheng, X.X. Gao, Z.W. Liu*, Compositional optimization for nanocrystalline hard magnetic MRE-Fe-B-Zr alloys via modifying RE and B contents, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 384 (2015) 87-92
[140] Y.Y. Meng, D.Y. Chen, Y.T. Sun, D.L. Jiao, D.C. Zeng, Z.W. Liu*, Adsorption of Cu2+ ions using chitosan-modified magnetic Mn ferrite nanoparticles synthesized by microwave-assisted hydrothermal method, Applied Surface Sciences, 324 (2015) 745-750
[141] Zubair Ahmad, Mi Yan, Shan Tao, S. Wilayat Husain, Zhongwu Liu, Effects of gadolinium and silicon substitution on magnetic properties and microstructure of Nd–Fe–B–Nb bulk nanocomposite magnets, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 378 (2015) 558-564
[142] LIU Hong, GAN Wei-ping, LIU Zhong-wu, ZHENG Feng. Composition change and capacitance properties of ruthenium oxide thin film. Journal of Central South University. 22 (2015) 8-13
[143] J.X. Min, X.C. Zhong, V. Franco, H.C. Tian, Z.W. Liu, Z.G. Zheng, D.C. Zeng, Structure, magnetic properties and giant magnetocaloric effect of Tb4Gd 1Si 2.035Ge 1.935Mn 0.03 alloy. Intermetallics, 57 (2015) 68-72
[144] K.P. Su*, D.L. Tao, J. Wang, D.X. Huo, Y.Q. Cao, Z.W. Liu*, Y.J. Zhang, Preparation of MnAlC flakes by surfactant assisted ball-milling and the effects of annealing, International Journal of Materials Research, 106 (1) (2015) 75-79
[145] H.C. Tian, X.C. Zhong, Z.W. Liu, Z.G. Zheng, J.X. Min, Achieving table-like magnetocaloric effect and large refrigerant capacity around room temperature in Fe78−xCexSi4Nb B12Cu1 (x=0–10) composite materials, Materials Letters, 138 (2015) 64-66
[146] M.X. Wu, W.J. Zhong, X.S. Gao, L.J. Liu, Z.W. Liu*, Analysis of the alternating currentconductivity and magnetic behaviors for the polycrystalline Y-type Ba0.5Sr 1.5Co 2(Fe 1-xAl x) 12O 22 hexaferrites, Journal of Applied Physics, 116 (2014) 224103
[147] D.D. Hu, X. Liao, H.L. Ma, Z.G. Zheng, Z.W. Liu*, Preparation of ferrimagnetic CoFe2O 4 and ferroelectric BiFe O 3 thin films by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis, Journal of Surfaces and Interfaces of Materials (JSIM), 2 (3) 2014, 213-219
[148] Meng, Yuying, Voiry, Damien, Goswami, Anandarup, Zou, Xiaoxin, Huang, Xiaoxi, Chhowalla, Manish, Liu, Zhongwu, Asefa, Tewodros, N-, O- and S-Tridoped Nanoporous Carbons as Selective Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction and Alcohol Oxidation Reactions, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 136(39), 2014, 13554–13557
[149] Xi-Chun Zhong*, Zhong-Wu Liu, De-Chang Zeng, Karl A. Gschneidner Jr., Vitalij K. Pecharsky, Magnetocaloric effect of Pr2Fe17-xMnx alloys, Rare Metals 33 (5) (2014) 552–555
[150] Meng Yuying, Zou Xiaoxin, Huang Xiaoxi, Goswami Anandarup, Liu Zhongwu*, Asefa Tewodros*, Polypyrrole-Derived Nitrogen-Doped Mesoporous Carbons as Metal-Free Catalyst for Hydrazine Electrooxidation, Advanced Materials, 26 (2014) 6510-6516
[151] J.W. Lai, Z.G. Zheng, R. Montemayor, X.C. Zhong, Z.W. Liu, D.C. Zeng, Magnetic phase transitions and magnetocaloric effect of MnCoGe1−xSix Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 372(2014) 86-90
[152] Xie Ren , Wei Jun , Liu Zhong-Wu , Tang Yan-Mei ,Tang Tao , Tang Shao-Long* , Du You-Wei , Evolution of magnetic domain structure of martensite in Ni–Mn–Ga films under the interplay of the temperature and magnetic field, Chinese Physics B 23 (6) (2014) 068103
[153] Z.W. Liu*, M.L. Zhong, C.M. Tang, Large-scale oxide nanostructures grown by thermal oxidation (Invited), ISAM2013, Islamabad, Pakistan, Sept 23-27, 2013, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 60 (2014) 012022
[154] Z.W. Liu*, Y.L. Huang, S L Hu, X C Zhong, H Y Yu, X X Gao, Properties enhancement and recoil loop characteristics for hot deformed nanocrystalline NdFeB permanent magnets (invited), ISAM2013, Islamabad, Pakistan, Sept 23-27, 2013, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 60 (2014) 012013
[155] L. Ma, M.F. He, Z.W. Liu, D.C. Zeng, Z.F. Gu, G. Cheng, Structure and giant magnetoresistance of carbon-based amorphous films prepared by magnetron sputtering, Thin Solid Films. 556 (2014) 460-463
[156] X.C. Zhong*, H.C. Tian, P.F. Tang, Z.W. Liu, Z.G. Zheng, D.C. Zeng, Structure, magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effects of Fe50Mn15-xCoxNi35 alloys, Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy, 57 (3) 2014 437-441
[157] W.Q. Qiu*, Q. Wu, Z.W. Liu, D.C. Zeng, K.S. Zhou, Study on Adhesive Properties of Inlay Structure Diamond Coatings by Indentation Test, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 43 (2) (2014) 381-385
[158] D.Y. Feng, Z.W. Liu*, G. Wang, Z.G. Zheng, D.C. Zeng, Z. Li, G.Q. Zhang, Zr and Si co-substitution for SmCo7 alloy with enhanced magnetic properties and improved oxidation and corrosion resistances, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 610 (2014) 341-346
[159] D.Y. Feng, Z.W. Liu*, Z.G. Zheng, D.C. Zeng, G.Q. Zhang, Improving the structure, magnetic properties and thermal stability of rapidly quenched TbCu7-type SmCo6.4Si 0.3Zr 0.3 alloy by carbon addition, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 446 (2014) 63-66
[160] J.X. Min, X.C. Zhong*, Z.W. Liu, Z.G. Zheng, D.C. Zeng, Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effects of Gd-Mn-Si ribbons in amorphous and crystalline states, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 606 (2014) 50-54
[161] Z.W. Liu*, D.Y. Qian, L.Z. Zhao, Z.G. Zheng, X.X. Gao, R.V. Ramanujan, Enhancing the coercivity, thermal stability and exchange coupling of nanocomposite (Nd,Dy,Y)-Fe-B alloys with reduced Dy content by Zr addition, J Alloy Comp, 606 (2014) 44-49
[162] Jing Liu, Y.P. Zeng, H.Y. Yu, D.L. Jiao, Z.G. Zheng, Z.W. Liu*, G.Q. Zhang, Development of FePt-Si-N nanocomposite thin films for magnetic recording, Appl. Surf. Sci, 300 (2014) 124-128
[163] Wan-qi QIU*, Zhi-gang HU, Zhong-wu LIU, De-chang ZENG, Ke-song ZHOU, Preparation and characterization of diamond film on Cu substrate using Cu-diamond composite interlayer, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 24 (2014) 758−763
[164] M.T. Liu, X.C. Zhong, J. Wang, Z.W. Liu, W.Q. Qiu, D.C. Zeng, Microstructure and thermal stability of MoSi2-CoNiCrAlY nanocomposite feedstock prepared by high energy ball milling, Surface and Coatings Technology,239 (2014)78-83
[165] H.J. Willy, L.Z. Zhao, G. Wang, Z.W. Liu*, Predictability of bulk metallic glass forming ability using the criteria based on characteristic temperatures of alloys,Physica B,437 (2014) 17-23
[166] Y.Y. Meng, M.H. He, Q. Zeng, D.L. Jiao, S. Shukla, R.V. Ramanujan, Z.W. Liu*, Synthesis of barium ferrite ultrafine powders by a sol-gel combustion method using glycine gels, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 583 (2014) 220-225
[167] M. L. Zhong, Z.W. Liu*, H. Y. Yu, X. C. Zhong, D. C. Zeng, R. V. Ramanujan. Low-temperature synthesis and nanomagnetism of large-area α-Fe2O 3 nanobelts, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 13 (2013) 1525-1529
[168] Z. Ahmad, M. Yan*, Z. W. Liu, S. Tao, T. Y. Ma. High coercivity (Nd8Y3)-(Fe62Nb3Cr1)-B23 magnets produced by injection casting, Journal of Materials Science, 48 (2013) 1779-1786
[169] H. J. Willy, G. Wang, Z. W. Liu*. Analysis of the glass formation for Fe-base alloys by combining the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters, Journal of Central South University, 20 (2013) 293-300
[170] Z. Ahmad, S. Tao, M. Yan*, Z. W. Liu. Fe69B 20.2Nd 4.2Nb 3.3Y 2.5Zr 0.8magnets produced by injection casting, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 332 (2013) 1-5
[171] E. J. Payton, G. Wang, M. J. Mills, Y. Wang. Effect of initial grain size on grain coarsening in the presense of an unstable population of pinning particles, Acta Materialia, 61 (2013) 1316-1326
[172] Jing Liu, Z. W. Liu*, H. Y. Yu, D. L. Jiao, D. C. Zeng, S. L. Hu, G. Q. Zhang. FePt-Si-N nano-granular thin films with improved structure and magnetic properties for high density recording medium, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 336 (2013) 55-60
[173] X. C. Zhong, B. B. Gao, Z. W. Liu, Z. G. Zheng, D. C. Zeng. Amorphous and crystallized (Gd4Co3)(100-x)B-x alloys for magnetic refrigerants working in the vicinity of 200 K, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 553 (2013) 152-156
[174] H. Wu, Y.B. Lin, J. J. Gong, F. Zhang, M. Zeng, M. H. Qin, Z. Zhang, Q. Ru, Z. W. Liu, X. S. Gao*, J. M. Liu. Significant enhancements of dielectric and magnetic properties in Bi(Fe1−xMgx)O 3-x/2 induced by oxygen vacancies, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 46 (2013) 145001
[175] X. C. Zhong*, J. X. Min, Z. W.Liu, Z. G. Zheng, D. C. Zeng, V. Franco, R. V. Ramanujan. Low hysteresis and large room temperature magnetocaloric effect of Gd5Si 2.05-xGe 1.95-xNi 2x (2x = 0.08, 0.1) alloys, Journal of Applied Physics, 113 (2013) 17A916
[176] Z. G. Zheng, X. C. Zhong, J. L. Zhang, Z. W. Liu*, V. Franco, D. C. Zeng*. Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effects in GdCo9Si2 compound with multiple magnetic phase transitions, Journal of Applied Physics, 113, (2013) 17A938
[177] K P.Su, Z W Liu*, D C Zeng, D X Huo, L W Li and G Q Zhang. Structure and size dependent properties of NdFeB nanoparticles and textured nano-flakes prepared from nanocrystalline ribbons, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 46 (2013) 245003
[178] Z. G. Zheng*, X. C. Zhong, Z. W. Liu, D. C. Zeng*, V. Franco, J. L. Zhang. Magnetocaloric effect and critical behavior of amorphous (Gd4Co3)1−xSix alloys, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 343 (2013) 184-188
[179] X. C. Zhong*, P. F. Tang, B. B. Gao, J. X. Min, Z. W. Liu, Z. G. Zheng, D. C. Zeng, H. Y. Yu, W. Q. Qiu. Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effects in amorphous and crystalline Gd55Co35Ni10 ribbons, SCIENCE CHINA, Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 56 (2013): 1096–1099
[180] Y. H. Hou, Y. L. Huang, Z. W. Liu*, D. C. Zeng, S. C. Ma, Z. C.Zhong. Hot deformed anisotropic nanocrystalline NdFeB based magnets prepared from spark plasma sintered melt spun powders, Materials Science and Engineering B, 178 (2013) 990-997
[181] H. L. Ma, Z. W. Liu*, D. C. Zeng**, M. L. Zhong, H. Y. Yu. Nanostructured ZnO films with various morphologies prepared by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis and its growing process, Applied Surface Science, 283 (2013) 1006-1011
[182] Y. P. Zeng, Z. W. Liu*, H. Y. Yu, Z. G. Zheng, D. C. Zeng, X. S. Gao. Large positive room temperature magnetoresistance in nanogranular FeCo-Si-N thin films, Materials Letters 110 (2013) 27-30
[183] D. Y. Feng, Z. W. Liu*, Z. G. Zheng, D. C. Zeng, G. Q. Zhang. The structure, anisotropy and coercivity of rapidly quenched TbCu7-type SmCo7-xZrx alloys and the effects of post treatments, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 347 (2013) 18-25
[184] Z. W. Liu, C. Chen, Z. G. Zheng, B.H. Tan, R.V. Ramanujan. Phase transition and hard magnetic properties for rapidly solidified MnAl alloys doped with C, B and rare earth elements, Journal of Materials Science, 47 (2012) 2333-2338
[185] Y. L. Huang, Z. W. Liu, X. C. Zhong, H. Y. Yu, X. X. Gao, J. Zhu, D. C. Zeng, Diffusion of Nd-rich phase in the spark plasma sintered and hot deformed nanocrystalline NdFeB magnets, Journal of Applied Physics, 111 (2012) 033913
[186] X. H. Cui, Z. W. Liu, X. C. Zhong, H. Y. Yu, D. C. Zeng. Melt spun and suction cast Nd-Fe-Co-B-Nb hard magnets with high Nd contents, Journal of Applied Physics, 111 (2012) 07B508
[187] X. C. Zhong, P. F. Tang, Z. W. Liu, D. C. Zeng, Z. G. Zheng, H. Y. Yu, W. Q. Qiu, H. Zhang, and R. V. Ramanujan. Large magnetocaloric effect and refrigerant capacity in Gd–Co–Ni metallic glasses, Journal of Applied Physics, 111 (2012) 07A919
[188] Z. G. Zheng, X. C. Zhong, H. Y. Yu, V. Franco, Z. W. Liu, D. C. Zeng. The magnetocaloric effect and critical behavior in amorphous Gd60Co40-xMnx alloys, Journal of Applied Physics, 111 (2012) 07A922
[189] D. Y. Chen, Y. Y. Meng, D. C. Zeng, Z. W. Liu, H. Y. Yu, X. C. Zhong. CTAB-assisted low temperature synthesis of SrFe12O19 ultrathin hexagonal platelets and its formation mechanism, Materials Letters, 76 (2012) 84-86
[190] G. Wang, D. C. Zeng, Z. W. Liu. Phase field study of concurrent nucleation and growth in a diffusion-controlled solid-state phase transformation, Advanced Materials Research, 490-495 (2012) 1140-1144
[191] G. Wang, D. C. Zeng, Z. W. Liu. Evaluation of glass-forming ability for metallic melts by phase field approach, Advanced Materials Research, 490-495 (2012) 3129-3133
[192] Z. W. Liu, C. K. Ong. Synthesis and properties of close packed ZnO:Al submicro-rods deposited by pulsed laser ablation, Vacuum, 86 (2012) 1924-1929
[193] Y. S. Wu, D. C. Zeng, Z. W. Liu, W. Q. Qiu, H. Y. Yu, X.C. Zhong, S. Z. Li, Y. X. Ma. Microstructure and sliding wear behavior of pseudo-alloy PS45/CuAl8 composite coating sprayed by HVAA technique, Rare Metals, 31 (2012) 204-208
[194] Z. W. Liu. New developments in NdFeB-based permanent magnets (Invited), ISAM2011, Key Engineering Materials, 510-511 (2012) 1-8
[195] Z. W. Liu, Y. L. Huang, H. Y. Huang, X. C. Zhong, H. Y. Yu, D. C. Zeng. Isotropic and Anisotropic Nanocrystalline NdFeB-based Magnets Prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering and Hot Deformation, ISAM2011, Key Engineering Materials, 510-511 (2012) 307-314
[196] Z. W. Liu, Y. M. Li, J. Wang, X. C. Zhong, H. Y. Yu, D. C. Zeng. Improved soft magnetic properties and thermal stability for Fe82.65Cu1.35Si2B14 alloys with Nb, Zr, Ta or Co addition, Materials Science and Technology, 28 (2012) 987
[197] Y. L. Huang, Z. W. Liu, X. C. Zhong, H. Y. Yu, D. C. Zeng. NdFeB-based Magnets Prepared from Nanocrystaline Powders with Various Compositions and Particle Sizes by Spark Plasma Sintering, Powder Metallurgy, 55 (2012) 124-129
[198] W. Q. Qiu, Z. W. Liu, L. X. He, D. C. Zeng, Y. W. Mai. Improved interfacial adhesion between diamond film and copper substrate using a Cu(Cr)-diamond composite interlayer, Materials Letters, 81 (2012) 155-157
[199] Y. Y. Meng, Z. W. Liu, H. C. Dai, D. C. Zeng, S. Shukla, R. V. Ramanujan. The structure and magnetic properties of nanosized Mn0.4 Zn 0.6 Fe 2-x RE x O 4 ferrites synthesized by co-precipitation and refluxing method, Powder Technology, 229 (2012) 270-275
[200] X. C. Zhong, J. X. Min, Z. G. Zheng, Z. W. Liu, D. C. Zeng. Critical behavior and magnetocaloric effect of Gd65Mn35−xGex (x=0, 5, and 10) melt-spun ribbons, J. Appl. Phys. 112 (2012) 033903
[201] G. WANG, D. C. ZENG, Z. W. LIU. Phase field calculation of interface mobility in a ternary alloy, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 22(2012) 1711-1716
[202] Gang WANG, Dechang ZENG, Zhongwu Liu, Nucleation barrier height in undercooled metallic melts, Acta Metall. Sin. (Engl. Lett.) 25 (2012) 256-264
[203] MA Lei, LIU Zhongwu, ZENG Dechang, YU Hongya, ZHONG Xiaping, ZHANG Xiaozhong, Structure and magneto-electrical properties of Fe-C films prepared by magnetron sputtering, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 55 (2012) 1594-1598
[204] G. Q. Zhang, H. Yuan, D. L. Jiao, Z. Li, Y. Zhang, Z. W. Liu. Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of T15 high speed steel prepared by twin-atomiser spray forming and thermo-mechanical processing, Materials Science & Engineering A, 558 (2012) 566-571
[205] Z. W. Liu, D. Y. Qian, D. C. Zeng. Reducing Dy content by Y substitution in nanocomposite NdFeB alloys with enhanced magnetic properties and thermal stability, IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, 48(11) (2012) 2797-2799
[206] Z. W. Liu, H. Y. Huang, X. X. Gao, H. Y. Yu, X. C. Zhong, J. Zhu, D.C. Zeng. Microstructure and property evolution of isotropic and anisotropic NdFeB magnets fabricated from nanocrystalline ribbons by spark plasma sintering and hot deformation, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 44 (2011) 025003
[207] K. P. Su, Z. W. Liu, H. Y. Yu, X. C. Zhong, W. Q. Qiu, D. C. Zeng. A feasible approach for preparing remanence enhanced NdFeB based permanent magnetic composites, Journal of Applied Physics, 109 (2011) 07A710
[208] X. C. Zhong, M. Zou, H. Zhang, Z. W. Liu, D. C. Zeng, K. A. Gschneidner, Jr., and V. K. Pecharsky. Crystal structure and magnetic properties of R5Sn4 alloys, where R is Tb, Dy, Ho, and Er, Journal of Applied Physics, 109 (2010) 07A917
[209] Z. G. Zheng, X. C. Zhong, H. Y. Yu, Z. W. Liu, D. C. Zeng. Magnetic phase transitions and magnetocaloric properties of (Gd12-xTbx)Co7 alloys. Journal of Applied Physics, 109 (2010) 07A919.
[210] Y. H. Hou, Y. J. Zhao, Z. W. Liu, H. Y. Yu, X. C. Zhong, W. Q. Qiu, and D. C. Zeng. First-principles investigation of Zn(Cd) doping effects on the electronic structure and magnetic properties in CoFe2O4. Journal of Applied Physics, 109 (2011) 07A502
[211] X. C. Zhong, P. F. Tang, Z. W. Liu, D. C. Zeng, Z. G. Zheng, H. Y. Yu, W. Q. Qiu, Magnetic properties and large magnetocaloric effect in Gd-Ni amorphous ribbons for magnetic refrigeration applications in intermediate temperature range, J. Alloys Comp. 509 (2011) 6889-6892
[212] Xichun Zhong, Hongya Yu, Wanqi Qiu, Dechang Zeng, Zhongwu Liu, Influences of heat treatment on the structure and magnetic properties of Gd5Sn4 alloy for magnetic refrigeration, Collected Proceedings: Magnetic Materials for Energy Applications, 2011
[213] K. P. Su, Z. W.Liu, X. X. Shan, Z. G. Zheng, X. C. Zhong, H. Y. Yu, D. C. Zeng. Synthesis and Characterization of Core-shell Structured Bimagnetic Cobalt-coated Iron Nanoparticles, 11th IUMRS International Conference in Asia, September 25-28, 2010, Qingdao, China, Materials Science Forum, 688 (2011) 370-375
[214] L. Ma, Z. W. Liu, D. C. Zeng, X. P. Zhong, X. Z. Zhang, Magnetic properties and Magnetoresistance of CoxC1-x granular films prepared by magnetron sputtering, 11th IUMRS International Conference in Asia, September 25-28, 2010, Qingdao, China, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 54 (2011) 1218-1222
[215] Z. G. Zheng, X. C. Zhong, K. P. Su, H. Y. Yu, Z. W. Liu, D. C. Zeng, Magnetic properties and large magnetocaloric effect in amorphous Gd-Al-Fe alloys for magnetic refrigeration, 11th IUMRS International Conference in Asia, September 25-28, 2010, Qingdao, China, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 54 (2011) 1267-1270
[216] Lei Ma, Z. W. Liu, H. Y. Yu, X. C. Zhong, Y.P. Zeng, D. C. Zeng, X. P. Zhong. High coercivity FePtSiN films with L10-FePt nanoparticles embedded in a Si-rich matrix, Intermag2011, IEEE Trans. Magn. 47 (2011) 3505-3508
[217] Z. W. Liu, C. K. Ong. Microstructure and thickness dependent magnetic properties of nanogranular Co-Zn-O thin films for microwave applications, J. Alloys Compd. 509 (2011) 10075-10079
[218] Y. S. Wu, D. C. Zeng, Z. W.Liu, W. Q. Qiu, X. C. Zhong, H. Y. Yu, S. Z. Li. Microstructure and sliding wear behavior of nanostructured Ni60–TiB2 composite coating sprayed by HVOF technique, Surface & Coatings Technology, 206 (2011) 1102–1108
[219] Y. S. Wu, W. Q. Qiu, H. Y. Yu, X. C. Zhong, Z. W. Liu, D. C. Zeng, S. Z. Li. Cycle oxidation behavior of Ni60-TiB2 nanostructured composite coating sprayed by HVOF technique, Applied Surface Science, 257 (2011) 10224-10232
[220] M. L. Zhong, Z. W. Liu, X. C. Zhong, H. Y. Yu, D.C. Zeng. Thermal growth and nanomagnetism of the quasi-one dimensional iron oxide, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 27 (2011) 985-990
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[1]余红雅, 袁涵, 李竞舟, 刘仲武, 郭宝春, 杨建民, 陈榕寅. 通过优化偶联剂含量改善磁粉芯综合性能[J]. 中国表面工程, 1-9.
[2]刘仲武, 何家毅, 曾超超, 陈世英. 高性能钕铁硼永磁晶界扩散技术最新进展与未来展望[J]. 磁性材料及器件, 2023, 54 (04): 97-106.
[3]余红雅, 李开沥, 黎向东, 刘仲武, 郭宝春, 李竞舟. 共混树脂包覆铁基磁粉芯的制备与性能[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41 (01): 315-322.
[4]钟伟杰, 焦东玲, 邱万奇, 刘仲武. 熔体温度和雾化压力对氩气雾化镍基高温合金粉末的影响[J]. 材料导报, 2023, 37 (10): 147-152.
[5]魏崇阳, 张辉, 刘仲武, 钟喜春, 焦东玲, 邱万奇, 余红雅. 利用双晶格势进行硅的分子动力学模拟及其有效性[J]. 材料科学与工程学报, 2022, 40 (06): 948-955.
[6]钟伟杰, 焦东玲, 刘仲武, 刘娜, 李周, 张国庆. 分步酸溶法提取镍基高温合金粉末中的非金属夹杂物[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程, 2022, 51 (07): 2617-2624.
[7]余红雅, 关少聪, 李竞舟, 刘仲武, 郭宝春, 陈榕寅. 基于磷化处理和双马来酰亚胺包覆铁粉的高性能磁粉芯的工艺优化[J]. 复合材料学报, 2023, 40 (04): 2216-2223.
[8]阳东, 胡锦文, 刘思成, 赵小娇, 巨文博, 王宜, 刘仲武, 龙金, 胡健. FeSiAl尺寸对纸基复合材料静态及动态磁性能的影响[J]. 中国造纸, 2022, 41 (05): 25-31.
[9]赖晓翔, 余红雅, 冯越, 钟喜春, 刘仲武. 亲疏水性SiO2复合有机树脂包覆对FeSiCr磁粉芯性能的影响[J]. 材料工程, 2022, 50 (02): 135-143.
[10]李修贤, 邱万奇, 焦东玲, 钟喜春, 刘仲武. α籽晶促进低温反应溅射沉积α-Al2 O 3 薄膜[J]. 材料研究学报, 2022, 36 (01): 8-12.
[11]刘志坚, 高远, 何坤宏, 陈远星, 刘仲武. 速凝和渗氮制备高性能钐铁氮磁粉及其粘结磁体的研究[J]. 金属功能材料, 2021, 28 (06): 37-43.
[12]刘仲武, 何家毅. 钕铁硼永磁晶界扩散技术和理论发展的几个问题[J]. 金属学报, 2021, 57 (09): 1155-1170.
[13]程丹妮, 李开沥, 余红雅, 刘仲武. 二次酸化表面改性制备高体积电阻率FeSiCr合金磁粉芯[J]. 材料科学与工程学报, 2021, 39 (02): 259-263+287.
[14]胡景宇, 张辉, 钟喜春, 刘仲武. Fe84 Si x B 10.5-x P 5 Cu 0.5 合金的微观结构、热稳定性和磁性能[J]. 磁性材料及器件, 2021, 52 (02): 12-16.
[15]赵利忠, 张雪峰, 严密, 刘仲武, Jean-Marc Greneche. 57Fe M?ssbauer spectrometry: A powerful technique to analyze the magnetic and phase characteristics in RE–Fe–B permanent magnets[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2021, 30 (01): 92-105.
[16]刘宇琨, 肖俊儒, 余红雅, 刘仲武. 利用烧结钕铁硼废料制备的各向异性再生粘结磁体[J]. 磁性材料及器件, 2020, 51 (05): 20-25.
[17]楼华山, 王大红, 楼江燕, 李宏军, 莫文锋, 刘仲武. 高性能A356铝合金轮毂开发技术研究进展之二——轮毂成形强化技术[J]. 特种铸造及有色合金, 2020, 40 (06): 619-622.
[18]楼华山, 王大红, 楼江燕, 李宏军, 莫文锋, 刘仲武. 高性能A356铝合金轮毂开发技术研究进展之一——炉内精炼净化技术[J]. 特种铸造及有色合金, 2020, 40 (05): 507-512.
[19]刘静, 胡胜龙, 刘仲武, 戴晓莉, 欧阳玲玉, 张元青, 箫笃飞, 王健. 磁控溅射法制备的FePt薄膜的结构与性能[J]. 磁性材料及器件, 2020, 51 (02): 9-15.
[20]胡胜龙, 刘静, 刘仲武, 李芸华, 姜云斐, 张元青, 徐晓宇, 刘秋生, 谢春丽. 化学共沉淀工艺及焙烧温度对钡铁氧体纳米粉末性能的影响[J]. 磁性材料及器件, 2019, 50 (06): 12-17.
[21]田忆兰, 周璇, 余红雅, 刘仲武* , 詹慧雄. 尿素共沉淀法回收钕铁硼废料中的稀土及铁元素[J]. 稀有金属, 2020, 44 (04): 427-432.
[22]郑克勤, 吕旺燕, 聂铭, 王贻波, 刘仲武. 户外高压隔离开关触头材料的腐蚀与防护分析[J]. 广东电力, 2019, 32 (07): 124-133.
[23]郑克勤, 吕旺燕, 刘仲武* . 银-石墨烯复合镀层的制备及镀层性能[J]. 材料保护, 2019, 52 (06): 84-89+105.
[24]程奕天, 邱万奇, 周克崧, 刘仲武, 焦东玲, 钟喜春, 张辉. 低温反应溅射Al+α-Al2 O 3 复合靶沉积α-Al 2 O 3 薄膜[J]. 无机材料学报, 2019, 34 (08): 862-866.
[25]李兆玉, 刘仲武, 邹姝颖, 钟喜春, 余红雅, 陈熹, 张翼飞, 王开祥. 稀土掺杂对MnZn铁氧体显微结构和磁性能的影响[J]. 磁性材料及器件, 2019, 50 (03): 1-6.
[26]邓沃湛, 刘仲武* , 张翼飞, 王开祥. 烧结氧分压对二次料制备的MnZn铁氧体性能的影响[J]. 材料科学与工程学报, 2019, 37 (02): 195-199.
[27]焦东玲, 钟喜春, 许文勇, 邱万奇, 刘名涛, 刘仲武, 李周, 张国庆. 等离子喷涂制备MoSi2 -CoNiCrAlY复合涂层的高温氧化行为[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程, 2019, 48 (04): 1135-1141.
[28]郑克勤, 吕旺燕, 王贻波, 刘仲武. 表面活性剂复配对石墨烯分散性的影响及其在复合镀银中的应用[J]. 电镀与涂饰, 2019, 38 (04): 147-152.
[29]吴雅祥, 刘仲武, 王开祥. 有限元法求解电磁场问题的误差分析[J]. 磁性材料及器件, 2019, 50 (01): 21-25+39.
[30]邱万奇, 李浩, 洪涛, 刘仲武, 钟喜春, 焦东玲, 周克崧. CuCr0.5表面制备Cu-Diamond层及其性能[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程, 2018, 47 (11): 3554-3558.
[31]钟喜春, 郭兴家, 廖僖, 刘仲武, 王开祥, 张翼飞. 不同类型电磁加热用磁条材料的成分、结构与性能对比分析[J]. 磁性材料及器件, 2018, 49 (04): 16-23.
[32]张振扬, 赵利忠, 张家胜, 钟喜春, 刘仲武* . La 2 Fe 14 B和Ce 2 Fe 14 B合金在快淬和热处理过程中相析出行为的比较[J]. 材料导报, 2018, 32 (08): 1271-1275.
[33]邱万奇, 王书林, 程奕天, 刘仲武, 钟喜春, 焦东玲, 周克崧. 低温反应溅射沉积α-(Al,Cr)_2O_3膜[J]. 材料研究学报, 2018, 32 (04): 278-282.
[34]肖俊儒, 刘仲武* , 楼华山, 詹慧雄. 利用Pr 70 Cu 30 晶界扩散改善烧结钕铁硼废料矫顽力的研究[J]. 物理学报, 2018, 67 (06): 228-236.
[35]唐春梅, 廖欣悦, 余红雅, 刘仲武* . 热氧化溅射镀铜膜制备CuO纳米棒及其光致发光特性[J]. 科学通报, 2018, 63 (02): 224-231.
[36]廖僖, 吴雅祥, 郭兴家, 钟喜春, 刘仲武* , 张翼飞, 任玉洁, 王开祥. 结构和材料参数对电磁炉锅具底部磁通密度的影响[J]. 磁性材料及器件, 2017, 48 (06): 19-23+64.
[37]邹姝颖, 钟喜春, 刘仲武, 张翼飞, 王开祥. V2 O 5 掺杂改善锰锌铁氧体组织及性能的研究[J]. 电子元件与材料, 2017, 36 (10): 27-30.
[38]刘健, 李伟, 王启祥, 许可, 周庆, 钟喜春, 刘仲武* . 压力对烧结钕铁硼磁体NdCu晶界扩散的影响[J]. 材料热处理学报, 2017, 38 (07): 28-32.
[39]田忆兰, 杨旖旎, 唐春梅, 刘仲武. 烧结NdFeB磁体表面沉积Ni膜及其耐腐蚀性[J]. 材料保护, 2017, 50 (04): 1-5+14.
[40]邹姝颖, 廖僖, 刘仲武* , 张翼飞. 电磁加热用MnZn铁氧体球磨预烧工艺研究[J]. 热加工工艺, 2017, 46 (06): 67-70.
[41]钟喜春, 沈小艳, 刘仲武. Magnetocaloric properties,microhardness and corrosion resistance of Gd100-x Zr x alloys[J]. Journal of Rare Earths, 2016, 34 (09): 889-894.
[42]刘静, 胡胜龙, 黄有林, 刘仲武. Nd_δFe14 B(δ=2.18~11)纳米晶合金的性能及矫顽力机理分析[J]. 磁性材料及器件, 2016, 47 (04): 10-13+17.
[43]郭云峰, 刘仲武. 200目FeSiAl粉末-125材料磁导率和损耗性能的改进[J]. 冶金丛刊, 2016, (03): 50-53.
[44]钟喜春* , 胡庚, 郭兴家, 刘仲武 . 流动温压成型黏结钕铁硼/锶铁氧体复合磁体的研究[J]. 材料工程, 2016, 44 (04): 9-13.
[45]钟喜春, 胡庚, 郭兴家, 刘仲武. 粘结剂对粘结钕铁硼/锶铁氧体复合磁体磁性能的影响[J]. 材料科学与工艺, 2015, 23 (05): 94-98.
[46]钟喜春, 胡庚, 郭兴家, 刘仲武. 固化条件对粘结复合磁体磁性能和抗压强度的影响[J]. 材料热处理学报, 2015, 36 (S1): 16-21.
[47]朱忠仁, 余红雅, 郑志刚, 钟喜春, 刘仲武, 曾德长, 匡同春. 铜模铸造法制备Mn1.15 Fe 0.85 P l 0.55 Si 0.45 化合物及其磁相变研究[J]. 功能材料, 2015, 46 (08): 8119-8123.
[48]张家胜, 王进, 郑志刚, 刘仲武, 余红雅, 陈燕凌, 汪民. 热处理温度对Fe83.5 B 15 Cu 1.5 合金结构及性能影响[J]. 磁性材料及器件, 2015, 46 (02): 6-9+20.
[49]侯育花, 黄有林, 刘仲武, 曾德长. 稀土掺杂对钴铁氧体电子结构和磁性能影响的理论研究[J]. 物理学报, 2015, 64 (03): 456-461.
[50]刘泓, 甘卫平, 刘仲武, 郑峰. Composition change and capacitance properties of ruthenium oxide thin film[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2015, 22 (01): 8-13.
[51]陈星婷, 邱万奇* , 刘仲武 , 匡同春, 曾德长, 周克崧. 镶嵌结构界面金刚石成膜机制的研究[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程, 2014, 43 (12): 3100-3103.
[52]黄有林, 侯育花, 马胜灿, 钟震晨, 刘仲武* , 曾德长, 高学绪, 朱洁. 应变速率对热变形NdFeB磁体微观结构和性能的影响[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程, 2014, 43 (11): 2748-2752.
[53]王进, 万娟, 郑志刚, 刘仲武* , 汪民. 铁粉芯环形磁体的制备工艺优化[J]. 电子元件与材料, 2014, 33 (11): 56-60.
[54]刘泓, 刘仲武, 尹育航. 不同烧结温度时的陶瓷基复合材料界面和性能[J]. 华南理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 42 (10): 14-19.
[55]钟喜春, 高贝贝, 王珊珊, 郑志刚, 刘仲武, 曾德长, 余红雅. Gd-Co二元非晶及晶态合金的磁性和大磁热效应[J]. 功能材料, 2014, 45 (S1): 111-116.
[56]刘泓, 刘仲武, 杨嘉春. 烧结方式对金刚石微粉氧化、形貌和砂轮磨削性能的影响[J]. 金刚石与磨料磨具工程, 2014, 34 (03): 30-33.
[57]谢忍, 韦俊, 刘仲武, 唐妍梅, 唐涛, 唐少龙, 都有为. Evolution of magnetic domain structure of martensite in Ni–Mn–Ga films under the interplay of the temperature and magnetic field[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2014, 23 (06): 578-583.
[58]刘名涛, 钟喜春, 刘仲武, 曾德长, 李周, 张国庆. 等离子喷涂制备MoSi2 -CoNiCrAlY纳米复合涂层的结构与性能[J]. 材料工程, 2014, (05): 17-22.
[59]钟明龙, 刘仲武* , 焦东玲, 钟喜春, 余红雅, 曾德长. 大面积α-Fe 2 O 3 纳米带的热氧化制备及其磁性能[J]. 功能材料, 2014, 45 (06): 6126-6130.
[60]邱万奇, 胡志刚, 刘仲武, 曾德长, 周克崧. 铜基体预沉积铜-金刚石复合过渡层金刚石膜的制备与表征(英文)[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2014, 24 (03): 758-763.
[61]刘建英, 郭盛, 刘仲武* , 肖方明. 表面活性剂辅助球磨制备的各向异性Nd-Fe-B粉末形貌与性能[J]. 磁性材料及器件, 2014, 45 (02): 18-22.
[62]邱万奇, 吴强, 刘仲武, 曾德长, 周克崧. 压痕法研究镶嵌结构界面金刚石膜粘附性能[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程, 2014, 43 (02): 381-385.
[63]刘泓, 刘仲武, 赵志系. CBN砂轮磨削参数对轴承内圆表面粗糙度的影响[J]. 金刚石与磨料磨具工程, 2013, 33 (06): 30-33.
[64]马垒, 刘仲武, 曾德长, 钟夏平, 成钢. Co-C颗粒膜的结构、磁性能和GMR效应研究[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程, 2013, 42 (08): 1659-1663.
[65]黄有林, 侯育花* , 赵宇军, 刘仲武 , 曾德长, 马胜灿. 应变对钴铁氧体电子结构和磁性能影响的第一性原理研究[J]. 物理学报, 2013, 62 (16): 387-392.
[66]杨汉高, 侯惠君, 刘仲武, 韦春贝. 结构钢等离子氮碳共渗与氧化复合处理概述和应用[J]. 热加工工艺, 2013, 42 (06): 135-139.
[67]J. H. Willy, 王刚, 刘仲武. Glass formation for iron-based alloys by combining kinetic and thermodynamic parameters[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2013, 20 (02): 293-300.
[68]闵继雄, 钟喜春, 郑志刚, 刘仲武, 曾德长, 余红雅, 邱万奇. Gd99.75 Fe 0.25 合金的大磁热效应及应用特性研究[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程, 2013, 42 (02): 362-365.
[69]杨汉高, 侯惠君, 刘仲武, 代明江, 韦春贝, 蓝恩辉. 42CrMo钢等离子氮碳共渗厚化合物层工艺及组织性能[J]. 金属热处理, 2012, 37 (12): 10-13.
[70]高贝贝, 钟喜春, 郑志刚, 刘仲武, 曾德长. 熔体快淬La1-x Ce x (Fe 0.92 Co 0.08 ) 11.4 Si 1.6 合金的结构和大磁熵变[J]. 材料研究学报, 2012, 26 (05): 511-514.
[71]郑志刚, 牛吉梅, 刘仲武, 曾德长. 基于产学研合作的材料类创新型研究生培养模式探讨[J]. 科技信息, 2012, (29): 237+263.
[72]万娟, 郑志刚, 王进, 刘仲武. Fe-Si-B非晶磁粉芯的制备及其软磁性能[J]. 电子元件与材料, 2012, 31 (10): 45-48.
[73]钟喜春, 黄有林, 刘云鹤, 刘仲武, 曾德长. NdFeB磁粉对粘结NdFeB/锶铁氧体复合磁体性能的影响[J]. 电子元件与材料, 2012, 31 (10): 41-44.
[74]王刚, 曾德长, 刘仲武. 三元合金中界面迁移率的相场法计算(英文)[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2012, 22 (07): 1711-1716.
[75]唐鹏飞, 钟喜春, 郑志刚, 余红雅, 邱万奇, 曾德长, 刘仲武. Nb掺杂Gd合金的大磁热效应和显微硬度增强[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程, 2012, 41 (06): 1090-1093.
[76]邱万奇, 潘建伟, 刘仲武, 余红雅, 钟喜春, 曾德长. 电镀铬金刚石复合过渡层提高金刚石膜/基结合力[J]. 无机材料学报, 2012, 27 (02): 205-208.
[77]刘云鹤, 钟喜春, 黄有林, 刘仲武, 曾德长, 余红雅, 邱万奇. 流动温压成型时间和温度对粘结钕铁硼/铁氧体复合磁体性能的影响[J]. 磁性材料及器件, 2011, 42 (06): 42-46.
[78]邱万奇, 陈星婷, 刘仲武, 钟喜春, 余红雅, 曾德长. 镶嵌结构界面金刚石涂层研究进展[J]. 真空科学与技术学报, 2011, 31 (06): 691-695.
[79]吴姚莎, 邱万奇, 余红雅, 钟喜春, 刘仲武, 曾德长, 李尚周. 纳米Ni60-TiB2 复合涂层的超音速火焰喷涂制备及600℃循环氧化特性[J]. 材料研究学报, 2011, 25 (04): 391-398.
[80]吴姚莎, 邱万奇, 余红雅, 钟喜春, 刘仲武, 曾德长, 李尚周. 高能球磨制备Ni60-TiB2 纳米金属基陶瓷结构喂料及其结构特性[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程, 2011, 40 (S2): 507-511.
[81]张辉, 曾德长, 刘仲武. 压应力对Fe_(0.81)Ga_(0.19)单晶磁化和磁致伸缩的影响[J]. 物理学报, 2011, 60 (06): 672-676.
[82]吴姚莎, 邱万奇, 余红雅, 钟喜春, 刘仲武, 曾德长, 李尚周. PS45/CuAl8伪合金复合涂层高温循环氧化行为[J]. 材料研究学报, 2011, 25 (02): 129-134.
[83]单小璇, 刘仲武, 余红雅, 钟喜春, 邱万奇, 曾德长. 化学共沉法制备的高饱和磁化强度Fe_(65)Co_(35)合金纳米颗粒[J]. 磁性材料及器件, 2011, 42 (02): 20-24.
[84]黄华勇, 刘仲武, 李小强, 高学绪, 余红雅, 钟喜春, 朱洁, 曾德长. 放电等离子烧结纳米晶NdFeB合金的组织特征和磁性能[J]. 磁性材料及器件, 2011, 42 (02): 9-12.
[85]黄华勇, 刘仲武, 李小强, 高学绪. 基于快淬NdFeB粉末的放电等离子烧结永磁的组织和性能[J]. 热加工工艺, 2011, 40 (06): 15-18.
[86]唐鹏飞, 钟喜春, 郑志刚, 余红雅, 邱万奇, 刘仲武, 曾德长. Gd55Fe30 P 15 非晶条带的磁热效应[J]. 磁性材料及器件, 2011, 42 (01): 12-15.
[87]郑志刚, 钟喜春, 唐鹏飞, 余红雅, 邱万奇, 刘仲武, 曾德长. 熔体快淬Gd96 V 4 合金的磁性能和磁热效应[J]. 材料研究与应用, 2010, 4 (04): 504-508.
[88]邱万奇, 蔡明, 钟喜春, 余红雅, 刘仲武, 曾德长. 电弧离子镀AlN薄膜的光致发光性能的研究[J]. 材料研究与应用, 2010, 4 (04): 572-576.
[89]郑志刚, 钟喜春, 余红雅, 苏昆朋, 刘仲武, 曾德长. Fe3 O 4 磁性纳米颗粒的制备及性能表征[J]. 电子元件与材料, 2010, 29 (07): 27-29+39.
[90]郑志刚, 余红雅, 钟喜春, 刘仲武, 曾德长. 室温磁制冷工质金属Gd的防腐研究[J]. 磁性材料及器件, 2010, 41 (03): 19-21+45.
[91]罗洁, 陈川, 刘仲武, 余红雅, 钟喜春, 曾德长, 闻立时. Ta取代对纳米复合NdFeB合金的影响机理研究[J]. 磁性材料及器件, 2010, 41 (02): 11-15.
[92]李宇明, 余红雅, 刘仲武, 曾德长. 冷却速度对快淬Fe-Si-B-Cu合金结构和磁性能的影响[J]. 热加工工艺, 2010, 39 (06): 135-138.
[93]戴慧萃, 刘仲武, 曾德长, 余红雅. 沸腾回流法制备的MnZn铁氧体纳米粉末[J]. 磁性材料及器件, 2010, 41 (01): 20-23+31.
[94]容胜忠, 余红雅, 钟喜春, 刘仲武, 曾德长, 谢金强. 基于YF30预烧料的La-Co掺杂锶铁氧体的磁性能研究[J]. 磁性材料及器件, 2010, 41 (01): 48-50+55.
[95]张存芳, 余红雅, 钟喜春, 曾德长, 刘仲武, 邬曙国, 单连军. 高能球磨法制备Mn-Zn铁氧体材料的研究[J]. 材料导报, 2009, 23 (12): 8-10.
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[1]曾超超, 魏祖春, 余红雅 & 刘仲武. (2023). 轻稀土晶界扩散提升烧结钕铁硼矫顽力的机制研究. (eds.) 中国稀土学会第四届青年学术会议摘要集 (pp.78).
[2]刘仲武. (2023). 钕铁硼永磁材料中稀土资源的综合高效利用. (eds.) 中国稀土学会第四届青年学术会议摘要集 (pp.89).
[3]周帮, 李伟, 文林, 余红雅, 钟喜春, 赵利忠 & 刘仲武. (2023). 微量元素Ge改善纳米晶(Ce,La,Y)-Fe-B合金的磁性能及其机制研究. (eds.) 中国稀土学会第四届青年学术会议摘要集 (pp.77).
[4]何家毅, 宋文玥, 余红雅 & 刘仲武. (2022). 利用异质晶界扩散提高钕铁硼永磁矫顽力与重稀土利用效率. (eds.) 中国稀土学会2022学术年会、第十四届中国包头•稀土产业论坛摘要集 (pp.123).
[5]赵利忠, 刘仲武 & 张雪峰. (2022). 多稀土协同永磁材料. (eds.) 中国稀土学会2022学术年会、第十四届中国包头•稀土产业论坛摘要集 (pp.120).
[6]刘仲武, 何家毅, 宋文玥, 俞志高 & 余红雅. (2021). 钕铁硼永磁制备中晶界扩散剂的高效利用技术研究. (eds.) 中国稀土学会2021学术年会论文摘要集 (pp.74).
[7]钟喜春, 吴思梦, 刘仲武, 余红雅, 黄焦宏, 钟明龙 & 钟震晨. (2021). LaFe11.6 Si 1.4 /Pr-Co磁制冷复合材料的SPS制备与性能研究. (eds.) 中国稀土学会2021学术年会论文摘要集 (pp.110).
[8]许可,廖雪峰,张家胜,何家毅,范文兵,余红雅... & 刘仲武. (2020). 磁粉状态和原位扩散对热变形钕铁硼磁体组织和性能的影响. (eds.) 中国稀土学会2020学术年会暨江西(赣州)稀土资源绿色开发与高效利用大会摘要集 (pp.99).
[9]范文兵,廖雪峰,张家胜,许可,何家毅,余红雅... & 刘仲武. (2020). 双主相Nd-Ce-Fe-B热变形磁体的热稳定性和磁性能研究. (eds.) 中国稀土学会2020学术年会暨江西(赣州)稀土资源绿色开发与高效利用大会摘要集 (pp.100).
[10]钟喜春, 董旭涛, 黄焦宏, 张虎, 余红雅 & 刘仲武. (2020). 基于热压烧结与晶界扩散的LaFe11.6 Si 1.4 /Ce 40 Co 60 大块复合材料的磁热效应与力学性能研究. (eds.) 中国稀土学会2020学术年会暨江西(赣州)稀土资源绿色开发与高效利用大会摘要集 (pp.183).
[11]吴思梦,董旭涛,钟喜春,黄焦宏,张虎,钟明龙... & 刘仲武. (2020). 高致密La-Fe-Si基磁制冷材料的SPS制备与性能研究. (eds.) 中国稀土学会2020学术年会暨江西(赣州)稀土资源绿色开发与高效利用大会摘要集 (pp.182).
[12]何家毅,廖雪峰,张家胜,许可,范文兵,余红雅... & 刘仲武. (2020). 利用Al-Cr涂层实现钕铁硼永磁表面防护和改善矫顽力的研究. (eds.) 中国稀土学会2020学术年会暨江西(赣州)稀土资源绿色开发与高效利用大会摘要集 (pp.97).
[13]廖雪峰,张家胜,许可,何家毅,范文兵,余红雅... & 刘仲武. (2020). 基于纯高丰度稀土的多元RE-Fe-B永磁材料的设计和制备. (eds.) 中国稀土学会2020学术年会暨江西(赣州)稀土资源绿色开发与高效利用大会摘要集 (pp.98).
[14]刘仲武. (2020). 全高丰度稀土纳米晶永磁材料研究进展. (eds.) 中国稀土学会2020学术年会暨江西(赣州)稀土资源绿色开发与高效利用大会摘要集 (pp.120). 华南理工大学材料科学与工程学院;
[15]董旭涛,彭得然,吴思梦,钟喜春,黄焦宏,张虎... & 刘仲武. (2019). LaFe11.6 Si 1.4 /Ce 2 Co 7 复合材料制备工艺改进及晶界扩散过程研究. (eds.) 稀土元素镧铈钇应用研究研讨会暨广东省稀土产业技术联盟成立大会摘要集 (pp.16).
[16]钟喜春,彭得然,董旭涛,吴思梦,黄焦宏,张虎... & 刘仲武. (2019). 基于热压与晶界扩散的La(Fe,Si)_(13)基磁热复合材料的制备与性能研究. (eds.) 稀土元素镧铈钇应用研究研讨会暨广东省稀土产业技术联盟成立大会摘要集 (pp.18).
[17]赵利忠, 刘仲武 & 严密. (2019). 含镧铈RE-Fe-B磁体的冶金行为及磁性能优化研究. (eds.) 稀土元素镧铈钇应用研究研讨会暨广东省稀土产业技术联盟成立大会摘要集 (pp.7-8).
[18]刘仲武. (2019). 基于全丰量稀土的纳米晶永磁合金和热变形磁体. (eds.) 稀土元素镧铈钇应用研究研讨会暨广东省稀土产业技术联盟成立大会摘要集 (pp.14-15).
[19]廖雪峰, 张家胜, 余红雅, 钟喜春 & 刘仲武. (2019). Y、Si添加对Ce-Fe-B快淬合金成分非均质性和磁性能的影响. (eds.) 稀土元素镧铈钇应用研究研讨会暨广东省稀土产业技术联盟成立大会摘要集 (pp.22).
[20]廖雪峰, 张家胜, 刘奕彤, 余红雅, 钟喜春 & 刘仲武. (2019). 纳米晶RE-Fe-B(RE=La,Ce,Y)永磁合金的性能优化. (eds.) 稀土元素镧铈钇应用研究研讨会暨广东省稀土产业技术联盟成立大会摘要集 (pp.21).
[21]何家毅, 曾慧欣, 张家胜, 廖雪峰, 余红雅, 钟喜春 & 刘仲武. (2019). 利用高丰度稀土晶界扩散改善NdFeB永磁矫顽力的探索研究. (eds.) 稀土元素镧铈钇应用研究研讨会暨广东省稀土产业技术联盟成立大会摘要集 (pp.23-24).
[22]胡锦文, 李兆玉, 钟喜春, 余红雅, 龙克文, 张虎 & 刘仲武. (2019). Ce2 O 3 、La 2 O 3 等稀土氧化物添加对锰锌铁氧体软磁性能的影响. (eds.) 稀土元素镧铈钇应用研究研讨会暨广东省稀土产业技术联盟成立大会摘要集 (pp.25).
[23]刘奕彤, 廖雪峰, 张家胜, 余红雅 & 刘仲武. (2019). 钕和钆替代对快淬钇铁硼合金热稳定性和耐腐蚀性的影响. (eds.) 稀土元素镧铈钇应用研究研讨会暨广东省稀土产业技术联盟成立大会摘要集 (pp.26).
[24]刘仲武. (2019). 稀土永磁晶界扩散技术和理论发展的几个问题. (eds.) 第九届国际稀土开发与应用研讨会暨2019中国稀土学会学术年会摘要集 (pp.76).
[25]杨旖旎, 唐春梅, 田忆兰, 钟喜春 & 刘仲武. (2015). 烧结NdFeB表面溅射沉积Al(Ni)薄膜及其耐腐蚀性研究. (eds.) 2015中国功能新材料学术论坛暨第四届全国电磁材料及器件学术会议摘要集 (pp.68).
[26]彭翰林, 焦东玲, 李周, 刘仲武 & 张国庆. (2015). 氩气雾化第三代镍基高温合金粉末粒度对组织和结构的影响. (eds.) 第十三届中国高温合金年会摘要文集 (pp.202).
[27]焦东玲, 彭翰林, 郑亮, Hong Z.L., 李周, 刘仲武 & 张国庆. (2015). 一种氩气雾化镍基高温合金粉末的组织结构研究. (eds.) 第十三届中国高温合金年会论文集 (pp.420-424).
[28]伍雪花, 王刚, 曾德长 & 刘仲武. (2013). 相场法预测Fe-25%B二元非晶合金的玻璃形成能力. (eds.) 2013广东材料发展论坛——战略性新兴产业发展与新材料科技创新研讨会论文摘要集 (pp.172-173).
[29]钟喜春, 刘云鹤, 胡庚, 刘仲武, 余红雅 & 曾德长. (2013). 粘结钕铁硼/锶铁氧体复合磁体的制备与性能. (eds.) 2013广东材料发展论坛——战略性新兴产业发展与新材料科技创新研讨会论文摘要集 (pp.181-182).
[30]曾燕萍, 刘仲武, 郑志刚, 余红雅 & 曾德长. (2012). FeCo-Si-N颗粒膜中的大的室温正磁电阻. (eds.) 2012中国功能新材料学术论坛暨第三届全国电磁材料及器件学术会议论文摘要集 (pp.124).
[31]闵继雄, 钟喜春, 郑志刚, 刘仲武, 曾德长 & 余红雅. (2012). 晶化处理对Gd65 Mn 25 Si 10 快淬条带磁性能的影响. (eds.) 2012中国功能新材料学术论坛暨第三届全国电磁材料及器件学术会议论文摘要集 (pp.70).
[32]黄有林, 刘仲武 & 曾德长. (2012). 放电等离子烧结纳米晶NdFeB磁体的微观结构及其热变形行为. (eds.) 2012中国功能新材料学术论坛暨第三届全国电磁材料及器件学术会议论文摘要集 (pp.46).
[33]檀竹才, 郑志刚, 钟喜春, 刘仲武, 余红雅 & 曾德长. (2012). Mn1.2 Fe 0.8 P 0.6 Si 0.4 B x (x=0,0.03,0.05)合金的结构和磁热效应. (eds.) 2012中国功能新材料学术论坛暨第三届全国电磁材料及器件学术会议论文摘要集 (pp.52).
[34]冯德元 & 刘仲武. (2012). 快速凝固Sm(Co,Zr)7 合金的结构、各向异性与硬磁性能. (eds.) 2012中国功能新材料学术论坛暨第三届全国电磁材料及器件学术会议论文摘要集 (pp.53).
[35]郑志刚, 钟喜春, 唐鹏飞, 余红雅, 邱万奇, 刘仲武 & 曾德长. (2010). 熔体快淬Gd96 V i 4 合金的磁性能和磁热效应. (eds.) 低碳技术与材料产业发展研讨会论文集 (pp.276-280).
[36]邱万奇, 蔡明, 钟喜春, 余红雅, 刘仲武 & 曾德长. (2010). 电弧离子镀AIN薄膜的光致发光性能的研究. (eds.) 低碳技术与材料产业发展研讨会论文集 (pp.344-348). 华南理工大学材料科学与工程学院;
[37]钟喜春,张虎,刘仲武,曾德长,余红雅,邱万奇... & V.K.Pecharsky. (2010). 热处理对Gd5 Sn 4 合金结构与磁性能的影响. (eds.) 第七届中国功能材料及其应用学术会议论文集(第3分册) (pp.435-438).
[38]邱万奇, 曾艳祥, 贺礼贤, 刘仲武, 曾德长, 钟喜春 & 余红雅. (2010). 铜基镶嵌结构界面金刚石涂层及其膜/基结合力的研究. (eds.) 第七届中国功能材料及其应用学术会议论文集(第5分册) (pp.391-394).
[39]陈川, 刘仲武, 曾德长, 钟喜春, 余红雅, 邱万奇 & Raju V.Ramanujan. (2010). 碳、硼和稀土添加MnAl基合金的结构和硬磁性能. (eds.) 第七届中国功能材料及其应用学术会议论文集(第5分册) (pp.130-132).
[40]张智慧, 张国庆, 米国发, 李周, 刘仲武 & 田世藩. (1998). 喷射成形高温合金柱状坯的过程控制. (eds.) ’98上海有色合金及特种铸造国际会议论文集 (pp.166-173).
1、 入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才” 2011年
2、入选广东省“千百十工程”学术骨干 2008年
3、入选华南理工大学“兴华人才工程-百人计划”“杰出青年教师” 2006年
4、2006年Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics优秀论文 2007年
5、英国工程材料和设计优秀研究奖 Daniel Doncaster Prize in Engineering Materials and Design 谢菲尔德大学授予 2005年
6、中英学者奖学金 Award from Sino-British Fellowship Trust 2004年
7、优秀学生论文资助参会奖 Student Travel Award for 9th
7、 MMM/Intermag Conference电子与电气工程学会 IEEE 2004年
8、 英国海外研究奖学金 ORS award from Universities UK 2001-2004年
9、 中国航空工业总公司科技进步二等奖“喷射成形高温合金工艺研究”获奖号:991155 1999年
10、中国航空工业总公司科技进步二等奖“多功能高温材料喷射雾化沉积装置的研制“获奖号: 981211), 1998年