2001.09-2006.10 中国科学院化学研究所 物理化学 博士学位
1997.09-2001.07 河南师范大学 化学教育 学士学位
2006.12–2008.10 德国 Max-Born-Institute 洪堡学者
2008.11–2010.8 德国 Max-Born-Institute 博士后
2010.9 –2014.1 美国 Brown University 博士后
2014.3 –至今 中国科学院上海应用物理研究所 研究员
1、2014-06-28-2024-06-30,中国核学会核测试与分析分会, 常务理事
( 1 ) 高温熔盐-金属相容性及其反应动力学研究, 负责人, 国家任务, 2023-01--2026-12
( 2 ) 超高纯稀土氧化物/氟化物制备基础, 负责人, 国家任务, 2022-01--2025-11
( 3 ) 放射性锕系分子结构探测的慢电子速度成像谱仪, 负责人, 中国科学院计划, 2020-01--2021-12
( 4 ) 铍团簇和含铍分子配位化学、电子结构和共价成键性质研究, 负责人, 国家任务, 2018-01--2021-12
( 5 ) 利用负离子光电子成像研究锕系化合物的电子结构和化学键, 负责人, 国家任务, 2016-01--2019-12
( 6 ) 负离子光电子能谱及应用, 负责人, 中国科学院计划, 2015-10--2018-09
( 7 ) 锕系元素及其熔盐络合物的激光光谱研究, 负责人, 地方任务, 2015-07--2017-06
( 8 ) 未来先进核裂变能——钍基熔盐堆核能系统, 参与, 中国科学院计划, 2011-05--2017-12
( 9) 乏燃料化学分离过程检测分析方法
( 10) 反射式飞行时间质谱仪及在线取样离子源装置研制项目
成功搭建了基于电喷雾离子源(ESI)的低温离子阱-高分辨光电子成像装置。光电子动能分辨率达到 0.5 meV(同类仪器世界领先)。利用该仪器研究了负离子处于偶极束缚态(DBS)时,振动-电子态耦合引起的电子自剥离(autodetachment)的态-态跃迁规律。在此研究基础上,利用 DBS 低电子结合能的特点成功获得极性小分子自由基的高分辨振动光谱。部分结果连续发表在 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2013, 52, 8976-8979 和 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 2464-2468 上。并且利用 ESI 在特殊条件下的碰撞诱导解离反应(CID),获取了硫化金负离子(AuS–)。在低温实验条件下,测量了 AuS–的 C(3–)电子激发态能量和分子振动频率,首次观测到了分子负离子处于特定振动激发态( > 0)时光电子成像的Frank-Condon 分布。该研究成果发表在 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2015, 6, 637-642。
系统研究了重元素(金、铀)复合物的电子结构和化学成键。主要包括 a) 发现金-炔基超强化学键和金与碳之间化学键的键级与强度成反比规律,该工作发表在 Nat. Commun. 2013, 4, 2223,并被 C&EN news 报导。b) 发现氢原子 2p 轨道参与配位π键导致金 5d 轨道能级分裂(Chem. Sci. 2012, 3, 3286-3295)。c) 金与卤素化学键的性质研究,发现 Au-X 随 X = F,Cl,Br,I 从离子键到共价键的演化(Chem. Sci. 2011, 2, 2101-2108)。d) 首次获得系列铀与铀酰基卤化物的负离子光电子能谱,电子结构信息用来较验了现有锕系计算理论化学,深入认识f 轨道电子的成键特性,部分结果发表在 Chem. Sci. 2012, 3, 223 和, .Chem. 2013, 52, 6617-6626,等重要专业学术期刊。
研究了钠水团簇 Na(H2O)n 第一电子激发态的弛豫动力学过程,获得 Na(H2O)n激发态寿命(n = 2 - 40)。成功产生小于 30 fs 的 VUV(中心波长 159 nm)超短脉冲。测量了中性水团簇的激发态解离时间(n = 2 – 9)。分别发表在 J. Chem.Phys. 2011, 134, 094305 和 J. Phys. Chem. A 2010, 114, 1508-1513。
[1]费泽杰, 刘洪涛, 李伟, 刘强, 张志伟, 邢涛, 夏水林, 王建强, 肖国萍, 李冰, 周露露, 苗阳. 一种离子探测装置及离子探测系统[P]. 山东省: CN116994938A, 2023-11-03.
[2]黄海龙, 付晓彬, 刘一阳, 仝路路, 葛敏, 刘洪涛, 钱渊. 一种具有光热响应性能的天然高分子水凝胶的制备及应用[P]. 上海市: CN116421548A, 2023-07-14.
[3]黄海龙, 黄刚, 付晓彬, 刘一阳, 苗海越, 曼阳阳, 葛敏, 刘洪涛, 钱渊. 一种绿色高效的离子型导电水凝胶及其制备方法以及应用[P]. 上海市: CN116396539A, 2023-07-07.
[4]黄海龙, 曼阳阳, 付晓彬, 刘一阳, 苗海越, 黄刚, 葛敏, 刘洪涛, 钱渊. 一种复合水合熔盐甲壳素溶剂及其制备方法和应用[P]. 上海市: CN116284845A, 2023-06-23.
[5]陆黄杰, 黄海龙, 王建强, 林健, 钱渊, 张林娟, 葛敏, 刘洪涛. 一种光敏有机晶体及其凝胶材料的制备方法与应用[P]. 上海市: CN115894344A, 2023-04-04.
[6]黄海龙, 曼阳阳, 付晓彬, 刘一阳, 苗海越, 葛敏, 刘洪涛, 钱渊. 一种再生甲壳素的制备方法[P]. 上海市: CN115611996A, 2023-01-17.
[7]黄海龙, 苗海越, 付晓彬, 刘一阳, 曼阳阳, 葛敏, 刘洪涛, 钱渊. 一种纤维素再生材料的制备方法[P]. 上海市: CN115612119A, 2023-01-17.
[8]黄海龙, 付晓彬, 刘一阳, 苗海越, 刘洪涛, 钱渊. 一种具有粉末自愈性能的天然高分子导电水凝胶及其制备方法与应用[P]. 上海市: CN114479121A, 2022-05-13.
[9]黄海龙, 付晓彬, 刘一阳, 苗海越, 刘洪涛, 钱渊. 一种绿色可循环的纤维素溶剂及其制备方法,以及一种实现纤维素再生的方法[P]. 上海市: CN114409813A, 2022-04-29.
[10]刘一阳, 鲍洪亮, 刘洪涛, 付晓彬, 高嶷, 钱渊. 一种通过熔盐廉价大规模合成金属团簇的方法[P]. 上海市: CN113732294A, 2021-12-03.
[11]费泽杰, 董常武, 刘洪涛, 葛敏, 杨晶, 付晓彬, 韩玲, 唐圆圆, 刘艳成, 钱渊, 侯惠奇. 一种氟化氢气体中微量水的分析装置以及分析方法[P]. 上海市: CN112213278A, 2021-01-12.
[12]王永天, 刘洪涛, 费泽杰, 韩昌财, 董常武, 洪静. 一种双重离子源慢电子速度成像装置[P]. 上海市: CN111739785A, 2020-10-02.
[13]韩昌财, 刘洪涛, 费泽杰, 王永天, 董常武, 洪静. 一种可平动和转动的激光溅射离子源[P]. 上海市: CN111739786A, 2020-10-02.
[14]费泽杰, 王永天, 刘洪涛, 韩昌财, 董常武, 洪静. 一种多级真空差分的电喷雾离子源引导装置[P]. 上海市: CN111668087A, 2020-09-15.
[15]苏涛, 刘一阳, 刘洪涛. 一种测定待测样品太阳能体吸收率的方法[P]. 上海市: CN109358007A, 2019-02-19.
[16]苏涛, 刘一阳, 刘洪涛. 一种熔盐中不溶性杂质的净化方法[P]. 上海市: CN109011696A, 2018-12-18.
[17]苏涛, 刘一阳, 刘洪涛, 侯惠奇. 一种反射式光谱探测系统[P]. 上海: CN108572145A, 2018-09-25.
[18]刘艳成, 崔荣荣, 李晓云, 韩玲, 葛敏, 刘洪涛, 姚思德. 一种熔融盐中金属元素的在线检测装置[P]. 上海: CN108088813A, 2018-05-29.
[19]刘艳成, 李晓云, 崔荣荣, 费泽杰, 韩玲, 葛敏, 刘洪涛, 姚思德. 一种气溶胶中金属元素的检测装置[P]. 上海: CN107831159A, 2018-03-23.
[20]费泽杰, 魏宝仁, 刘洪涛, 李艳丽, 王建强, 李晴暖, 黄良玉, 侯惠奇. 一种高温熔盐气相组分检测方法及系统[P]. 上海: CN106596705A, 2017-04-26.
[21]刘舒婷, 苏涛, 刘洪涛, 张鹏, 安学会, 唐晓星, 王建强, 谢雷东. 一种高吸热效率的硝酸熔盐及其制备方法与应用[P]. 上海: CN105838339A, 2016-08-10.
[22]苏涛, 葛敏, 刘洪涛, 张鹏, 左勇, 姚思德, 谢雷东, 侯惠奇. 一种综合光谱仪[P]. 上海: CN105092508A, 2015-11-25.
[23]苏涛, 张鹏, 刘洪涛, 程进辉, 姚思德, 谢雷乐, 侯惠奇. 一种吸收光谱仪[P]. 上海: CN104914059A, 2015-09-16.
[1]陆黄杰, 黄海龙, 王建强, 林健, 钱渊, 张林娟, 葛敏, 刘洪涛. 一种光敏有机晶体及其凝胶材料的制备方法与应用[P]. 上海市: CN115894344B, 2024-09-27.
[2]黄海龙, 付晓彬, 刘一阳, 苗海越, 刘洪涛, 钱渊. 一种具有粉末自愈性能的天然高分子导电水凝胶及其制备方法与应用[P]. 上海市: CN114479121B, 2024-08-30.
[3]韩昌财, 刘洪涛, 费泽杰, 王永天, 董常武, 洪静. 一种可平动和转动的激光溅射离子源[P]. 上海市: CN111739786B, 2024-02-06.
[4]费泽杰, 王永天, 刘洪涛, 韩昌财, 董常武, 洪静. 一种多级真空差分的电喷雾离子源引导装置[P]. 上海市: CN111668087B, 2023-10-27.
[5]黄海龙, 曼阳阳, 付晓彬, 刘一阳, 苗海越, 葛敏, 刘洪涛, 钱渊. 一种再生甲壳素的制备方法[P]. 上海市: CN115611996B, 2023-10-27.
[6]王永天, 刘洪涛, 费泽杰, 韩昌财, 董常武, 洪静. 一种双重离子源慢电子速度成像装置[P]. 上海市: CN111739785B, 2023-08-01.
[7]黄海龙, 付晓彬, 刘一阳, 苗海越, 刘洪涛, 钱渊. 一种绿色可循环的纤维素溶剂及其制备方法,以及一种实现纤维素再生的方法[P]. 上海市: CN114409813B, 2023-07-14.
[8]刘艳成, 崔荣荣, 李晓云, 韩玲, 葛敏, 刘洪涛, 姚思德. 一种熔融盐中金属元素的在线检测装置[P]. 上海市: CN108088813B, 2021-06-18.
[9]苏涛, 刘一阳, 刘洪涛. 一种测定待测样品太阳能体吸收率的方法[P]. 上海市: CN109358007B, 2021-06-04.
[10]苏涛, 刘一阳, 刘洪涛. 一种熔盐中不溶性杂质的净化方法[P]. 上海市: CN109011696B, 2020-12-08.
[11]刘舒婷, 苏涛, 刘洪涛, 张鹏, 安学会, 唐晓星, 王建强, 谢雷东. 一种高吸热效率的硝酸熔盐及其制备方法与应用[P]. 上海市: CN105838339B, 2019-03-15.
[12]苏涛, 葛敏, 刘洪涛, 张鹏, 左勇, 姚思德, 谢雷东, 侯惠奇. 一种综合光谱仪[P]. 上海市: CN105092508B, 2018-01-19.
[13]苏涛, 张鹏, 刘洪涛, 程进辉, 姚思德, 谢雷东, 侯惠奇. 一种吸收光谱仪[P]. 上海市: CN104914059B, 2017-12-22.
[1]刘艳成, 李晓云, 崔荣荣, 费泽杰, 韩玲, 葛敏, 刘洪涛, 姚思德. 一种气溶胶中金属元素的检测装置[P]. 上海: CN207730670U, 2018-08-14.
在国内外SCI收录期刊上,包括Nature Communications,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Chemical Science和J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 等重要专业学术期刊发表学术论文30余篇。
[1]Han, Ling; Li, Xiaoyun*; Cao, Changqing; Lin, Jun; Ge, Min; Qian, Yuan; Liu, Hongtao*.Effective determination of trace rare earth elements in ThF4 by ICP-MS with different material pretreatment procedures (21 Nov, 10.1007/s10967-023-09202-x, 2023).Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2024.
[2]韩玲; 唐圆圆; 葛敏; 钱渊; 刘洪涛.电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法测定LiF-UF4和LiF-ThF4熔盐中主量金属元素的含量.核技术, 2024, 47(03): 118-124.
[3]曼阳阳; 梁杰宏; 吕琰军; 于岩硕; 付晓彬; 黄海龙; 葛敏; 刘洪涛; 钱渊.ZnCl2水合熔盐溶剂的开发及其对甲壳素的溶解.功能高分子学报, 2024, 1-9.
[4]Miao, Haiyue; Liu, Yiyang; Man, Yangyang; Huang, Gang; Huang, Hailong*; Fu, Xiaobin*; Ge, Min; Liu, Hongtao*; Qian, Yuan.High-Efficiency and Recyclable Green Molten Salt Hydrate Solvent for Cellulose Hydrogels with High Conductivity and Freeze Tolerance.ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 2023, 11(24): 9225-9234.
[5]Fei, Zejie; Wang, Jia-Qi; Tang, Rulin; Lu, Yuzhu; Han, Changcai; Wang, Yongtian; Hong, Jing; Dong, Changwu; Hu, Han-Shi; Xiong, Xiao-Gen*; Ning, Chuangang*; Liu, Hongtao*; Li, Jun.The unusual quadruple bonding of nitrogen in ThN.Nature Communications, 2023, 14(1): 7677.
[6]Han, Ling; Li, Xiaoyun*; Cao, Changqing; Lin, Jun; Ge, Min; Yuan, Qian; Liu, Hongtao*. Effective determination of trace rare earth elements in ThF4 by ICP-MS with different material pretreatment procedures.Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2023.
[7]Liu, Yiyang; Bao, Hongliang*; Yang, Jinrong; Fu, Xiao-Bin; Han, Ling; Yang, Jing; Ge, Min; Jiang, Zheng; Huang, Yu-Ying; Qian, Yuan; Wang, Jian-Qiang; Gao, Yi*; Liu, Hong-Tao*. Macroscopic Synthesis of Ligand-Free Subnanometer Metal Clusters via Molten Salt.Chemistry of Materials, 2023, 35(15): 5832-5837.
[8]Yingsu, Junheng; Liu, Yiyang; Huang, Hailong; Yang, Lingyun; Qian, Yuan; Fu, Xiaobin*; Liu, Hongtao*.Molten-Salt Synthesis of Triazine-Based Carbon Nitride and Its Photocatalytic Degradation Mechanism Investigation by In Situ NMR.Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2023, 127(18): 8687-8694.
[9]Lu, Huangjie; Huang, Hailong; Yang, Junpu; Zheng, Zhaofa; Dong, Xue; Zhao, Lianjie; Xu, Chao; Hu, Jun; Liu, Hongtao; Qian, Yuan; Wang, Jian-Qiang; Lin, Jian*.Incorporating Photochromic Viologen Derivative to Unprecedentedly Boost UV Sensitivity in Photoelectrochromic Hydrogel.ACS Sensors, 2023, 8(4): 1609-1615.
[10]Fu, Xiaobin; Liu, Yiyang; Huang, Hailong; Wu, Huiyan; Sun, Jianchao; Han, Ling; Ge, Min; Qian, Yuan*; Liu, Hongtao*.Probing the local structure of FLiBe melts and solidified salts by in situ high-temperature NMR.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2023, 25(29): 19446-19452.
[11]Hong, Jing; Han, Changcai; Fei, Zejie; Tang, Yuanyuan; Liu, Yancheng; Xu, Hong-Guang; Wang, Mingqing; Liu, Hongtao; Xiong, Xiao-Gen*; Dong, Changwu*.The additional nitrogen atom breaks the uranyl structure: a combined photoelectron spectroscopy and theoretical study of NUO2-.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2023, 25(6): 4794-4802.
[12]洪静; 韩昌财; 费泽杰; 唐圆圆; 刘艳成; 周露露; 刘洪涛; 熊孝根; 董常武*.铀酰叠氮离子化合物的质谱分析与理论计算(英文).核化学与放射化学, 2023, 45(05): 466-476.
[13]吴慧妍; 应苏俊恒; 刘一阳; 黄海龙; 葛敏; 钱渊; 付晓彬*; 刘洪涛*.用于熔盐结构研究的高温原位核磁共振检测技术.核技术, 2023, 46(03): 113-120.
[14]Han, Changcai; Hong, Jing; Fei, Zejie; Xu, Hong-Guang; Wang, Muzhou; Xiong, Xiao-Gen; Dong, Changwu*; Liu, Hongtao*.Probing the structures and bonding of Ag/H end-capping acetylene and polyyne, AgC2nH- (n=1, 2), a combined photoelectron imaging and quantum chemical calculation study.Chemical Physics Letters, 2022, 802: 139783.
[15]Miao, Haiyue; Hao, Weiju; Liu, Hongtao; Liu, Yiyang; Fu, Xiaobin*; Huang, Hailong*; Ge, Min; Qian, Yuan*.Highly Flexibility, Powder Self-Healing, and Recyclable Natural Polymer Hydrogels.Gels, 2022, 8(2): 89.
[16]Wang, Yongtian; Han, Changcai; Hong, Jing; Fei, Zejie; Dong, Changwu*; Liu, Hongtao*; Xiong, Xiaogen. A combined photoelectron-imaging spectroscopic and theoretical investigation on the electronic structure of the VO2H anion.RSC Advances, 2021, 11(31): 18729-18736. 通讯作者
[17]Tang, Rulin; Si, Ran; Fei, Zejie; Fu, Xiaoxi; Lu, Yuzhu; Brage, Tomas; Liu, Hongtao*; Chen, Chongyang*; Ning, Chuangang*. Observation of electric-dipole transitions in the laser-cooling candidate Th- and its application for cooling antiprotons..Physical Review A, 2021, 103(4): 042817. 通讯作者
[18]Tang, Rulin; Lu, Yuzhu; Liu, Hongtao*; Ning, Chuangang*. Electron affinity of uranium and bound states of opposite parity in its anion.Physical Review A, 2021, 103(5): L050801. 通讯作者
[19]Liu, Yiyang; Lan, Rongshan; Dong, Changwu; Wang, Kun*; Fu, Xiaobin*; Liu, Hongtao*; Qian, Yuan; Wang, Jianqiang. High-Temperature Magic-Angle Spin Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Reveals Sodium Ion-Doped Crystal-Phase Formation in FLiNaK Eutectic Salt Solidification.Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2021, 125(8): 4704-4709. 通讯作者
[20]Lu, Yuzhu; Tang, Rulin; Fu, Xiaoxi; Liu, Hongtao; Ning, Chuangang*. Dipole-bound and valence excited states of AuF anions via resonant photoelectron spectroscopy.Journal of Chemical Physics, 2021, 154(7): 074303.
[21]High-Temperature MAS NMR Reveals a Sodium Ion Doped Crystal Phase Formation in FLiNaK Eutectic Salt Solidification, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2021, 第 1 作者 通讯作者
[22]Ai, Hua; Liu, Yiyang; Shen, Miao*; Liu, Huajian; Chen, Yanjun; Yang, Xinmei*; Liu, Hongtao; Qian, Yuan; Wang, Jianqiang.Dissolved valence state of iron fluorides and their effect on Ni-based alloy in FLiNaK salt.Corrosion Science, 2021, 192: 109794.
[23]Lan, Rongshan; Liu, Yiyang; Han, Ling; Yang, Jing; Yin, Huiqin; Ge, Min; Fu, Xiaobin; Liu, Hongtao; Qian, Yuan.Probing the ionic structure of FLiNaK-ZF4 salt mixtures by solid-state NMR.RSC Advances, 2021, 11(39): 23846-23850.
[24]蓝荣山; 刘一阳; 付晓彬*; 刘洪涛*; 钱渊.利用固体魔角旋转核磁共振研究ZrF4-FLiNaK的玻璃相变结构.核技术, 2021, 44(07): 48-54.
[25]Wang, Yong-Tian; Ning, Chuan-Gang; Liu, Hong-Tao*; Wang, Lai-Sheng.High-Resolution Photoelectron Imaging and Photodetachment Spectroscopy of Cryogenically Cooled IO-.Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2020, 124(28): 5720-5726. 通讯作者
[26]Xiong, Xiao-Gen; Liu, Hongtao*.Anion Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Theoretical Study of HAuCN and [HAuCN](-): Spin-Orbit Coupling and Low-Lying Excited States.Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2020, 124(23): 4712-4719. 通讯作者
[27]Liu, Yiyang; Tang, Zhongfeng; Li, Xiang; Li, Yanli; Su, Tao; Liu, Hongtao*; Yao, Side; Wang, Jianqiang.Insight into effects of molten KNO3-NaNO2-NaNO3 volumetric absorption of solar radiation from different factors by absorption spectroscopy.Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2020, 301: 110604. 通讯作者
[28]Wang, Xueliang; Liu, Yiyang; Shen, Miao; Fu, Xiaobin; Han, Ling; Ma, Guohong; Liu, Hongtao*; Yan, Long.The investigation of molten ZnCl2 natural particle suspensions.Analytical Methods, 2020, 12(9): 1229-1236. 通讯作者
[29]Liu, Yiyang; Song, Yulong; Ai, Hua; Shen, Miao; Liu, Hongtao*; Zhao, Sufang; Liu, Yancheng; Fei, Zejie; Fu, Xiaobin; Cheng, Jinhui.Corrosion of Cr in molten salts with different fluoroacidity in the presence of CrF3.Corrosion Science, 2020, 169: 108636. 通讯作者
[30]Fu, Xiaobin; Liu, Yiyang; Wang, Wei; Han, Ling; Yang, Jing; Ge, Min; Yao, Yefeng*; Liu, Hongtao*.Probing the Fast Lithium-Ion Transport in Small-Molecule Solid Polymer Electrolytes by Solid-State NMR.Macromolecules, 2020, 53(22): 10078-10085. 通讯作者
[31]Wang, Yongtian; Han, Changcai; Fei, Zejie; Dong, Changwu; Liu, Hongtao*. Probing the Hydrogen Bonding in Microsolvated Clusters of Au-1,2(-)(Solv)(n) (Solv = C2H5OH, n-C3H7OH; n=1-3 for Au-; n=1 for Au-2(-)).Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2020, 124(27): 5590-5598. 通讯作者
[32]王永天; 韩昌财; 刘洪涛*。负离子光电子能谱技术发展及应用, Development and Applications of Anion Photoelectron Spectroscopy, 化学通报, 化学通报, 2020, 83(01): 3-9.
[33]Fei Zejie; Zhang Yu; Ge Min; Wang Yongtian; Li Yanli; Cheng Jinhui*; Wei Baoren; Hou Huiqi; Liu Hongtao*.Probing thermal decomposition mechanism of molten nitrite/nitrates salt by time of flight mass spectrometry.Solar Energy, 2019, 183: 823-828. 通讯作者
[34]Tang, Rulin; Si, Ran; Fei, Zejie; Fu, Xiaoxi; Lu, Yuzhu; Brage, Tomas; Liu, Hongtao*; Chen, Chongyang*; Ning, Chuangang*.Candidate for Laser Cooling of a Negative Ion: High-Resolution Photoelectron Imaging of Th-. Physical Review Letters, 2019, 123(20): 203002. 通讯作者
[35]Han, Dong; She, Changfeng; Niu, Yongsheng; Yang, Xu; Geng, Junxia; Cui, Rongrong; Sun, Lixin; Hu, Congwei; Liu, Yiyang; Su, Tao; Liu, Hongtao; Huang, Wei*; Gong, Yu; Li, Qingnuan*.The oxidation of UF4 in FLiNaK melt and its electrolysis.Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2019, 319(3): 899-906.
[36]Li, Yan Li; Xiong, Xiao Gen; Liu, Hong Tao*.Theoretical analyses of chemical bonding in terminal EThF2 (E = O, S, Se, Te).Nuclear Science and Techniques, 2019, 30(5): 70. 通讯作者
[37]Bao, Hongliang; Duan, Peiquan; Zhou, Jing; Cao, Hanjie; Li, Jiong; Yu, Haisheng; Jiang, Zheng; Liu, Hongtao; Zhang, Linjuan; Lin, Jian; Chen, Ning; Lin, Xiao; Liu, Yancheng; Huang, Yuying*; Wang, Jian-Qjang*.Uranium-Induced Changes in Crystal-Field and Covalency Effects of Th4+ in Th1-xUxO2 Mixed Oxides Probed by High-Resolution X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy.Inorganic Chemistry, 2018, 57(18): 11404-11413.
[38]Li, Yanli; Zou, Jinghan; Xiong, Xiao-Gen*; Xie, Hua; Tang, Zichao; Ge, Min; Zhao, Yafan; Liu, Hongtao.Anion photoelectron spectroscopy and chemical bonding of ThO2- and ThO3-.Journal of Chemical Physics, 2018, 148(24): 244304.
[39]Yanli Li; Jinghan zou; Xiao-Gen Xiong; Jing Su; Hua Xie; Zejie Fei; Zichao Tang; Hongtao Liu*.Probing Chemical Bonding and Electronic Structures in ThO- by Anion Photoelectron Imaging and Theoretical Calculations .The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2017, 121(10): 2108-2113. 通讯作者
[40]Liu, Shu-ting; Su, Tao*; Zhang, Peng; Fei, Ze-jie; Liu, Hong-tao*.Identification of Superoxide O2- during Thermal Decomposition of Molten KNO3-NaNO2-NaNO3 Salt by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and UV-Vis Absorption Spectroscopy.Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 2017, 30(4): 372-378. 通讯作者
[41]Huang Dao Ling; Liu Hong Tao; Ning Chuan Gang; Phuong Diem Dau; Wang Lai Sheng.Resonant photoelectron imaging of deprotonated uracil anion via vibrational levels of a dipole-bound excited state.Chemical Physics, 2017, 482: 374-383.
[42]刘舒婷; 苏涛; 张鹏; 刘洪涛。 高温原位氟化熔盐红外吸收光谱装置研制, 核技术, 2017, (07): 73-79.
[43]Liu Shuting; Su Tao*; Cheng Jinhui; An Xuehui; Zhang Peng; Liu Hongtao*; Yao Side; Xie Leidong; Hou Huiqi.Investigation on molecular structure of molten Li2BeF4 (FLiBe) salt by infrared absorption spectra and density functional theory (DFT).Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2017, 242: 1052-1057. 通讯作者
[44]Xue, Wandong; Yang, Xinmei*; Qiu, Jie; Liu, Huajian; Zhao, Bin; Xia, Huihao; Zhou, Xingtai*; Huai, Ping; Liu, Hongtao; Wang, Jianqiang.Effects of Cr3+ on the corrosion of SiC in LiF-NaF-KF molten salt.Corrosion Science, 2017, 114: 96-101.
[45]Li, Wan-Lu#; Liu, Hong-Tao#; Jian, Tian#; Lopez, Gary V.; Piazza, Zachary A.; Huang, Dao-Ling; Chen, Teng-Teng; Su, Jing; Yang, Ping; Chen, Xin; Wang, Lai-Sheng*; Li, Jun*.Bond-bending isomerism of Au2I3-: competition between covalent bonding and aurophilicity.Chemical Science, 2016, 7(1): 475-481
[46]Su, Jing; Dau, Phuong D.; Liu, Hong-Tao; Huang, Dao-Ling; Wei, Fan; Schwarz, W. H. E.; Li, Jun*; Wang, Lai-Sheng*.Photoelectron spectroscopy and theoretical studies of gaseous uranium hexachlorides in different oxidation states: UCl6q- (q=0-2).Journal of Chemical Physics, 2015, 142(13): 134308.
[47]Huang, Dao-Ling; Liu, Hong-Tao; Ning, Chuan-Gang; Wang, Lai-Sheng*.Vibrational state-selective autodetachment photoelectron spectroscopy from dipole-bound states of cold 2-hydroxyphenoxide: o-HO(C6H4)O-.Journal of Chemical Physics, 2015, 142(12): 124309.
[48]Huang, Dao-Ling; Liu, Hong-Tao; Ning, Chuan-Gang; Wang, Lai-Sheng*.Conformation-Selective Resonant Photoelectron Spectroscopy via Dipole-Bound States of Cold Anions.Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2015, 6(12): 2153-2157.
[49]Huang, Dao-Ling; Liu, Hong-Tao; Ning, Chuan-Gang; Zhu, Guo-Zhu; Wang, Lai-Sheng*. Probing the vibrational spectroscopy of the deprotonated thymine radical by photodetachment and state-selective autodetachment photoelectron spectroscopy via dipole-bound states.Chemical Science, 2015, 6(5): 3129-3138.
[50]Liu, Hong-Tao; Huang, Dao-Ling; Liu,Yuan; Cheung,Ling-Fung; Dau,Phuong Diem; Ning,Chuan-Gang; Wang, Lai-Sheng*.Vibrational State-Selective Resonant Two-Photon Photoelectron Spectroscopy of AuS– via a Spin-Forbidden Excited state.Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2015, 4(6): 637-642.
[51]Liu, Hong-Tao; Ning, Chuan-Gang; Huang, Dao-Ling; Wang, Lai-Sheng.Vibrational Spectroscopy of the Dehydrogenated Uracil Radical by Autodetachment of Dipole-Bound Excited States of Cold Anions.Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2014, 53(9): 2464-2468.
[52]Leon, Iker; Yang, Zheng; Liu, Hong-Tao; Wang, Lai-Sheng*.The design and construction of a high-resolution velocity-map imaging apparatus for photoelectron spectroscopy studies of size-selected clusters.Review of Scientific Instruments, 2014, 85(8): 083106.
[53]Huang, Dao-Ling; Dau, Phuong Diem; Liu, Hong-Tao; Wang, Lai-Sheng*.High-resolution photoelectron imaging of cold C60- anions and accurate determination of the electron affinity of C60.Journal of Chemical Physics, 2014, 140(22): 224315.
[54]Niu, Shuqiang; Huang, Dao-Ling; Dau, Phuong D.; Liu, Hong-Tao; Wang, Lai-Sheng; Ichiye, Toshiko*.Assessment of Quantum Mechanical Methods for Copper and Iron Complexes by Photoelectron Spectroscopy.Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2014, 10(3): 1283-1291.
[55]Liu, Hong-Tao; Xiong, Xiao-Gen; Phuong Diem Dau; Wang, Yi-Lei; Huang, Dao-Ling; Li, Jun; Wang, Lai-Sheng*.Probing the nature of gold-carbon bonding in gold-alkynyl complexes.Nature Communications, 2013, 4: 2223.
[56]Liu, Hong-Tao; Ning, Chuan-Gang; Huang, Dao-Ling; Dau, Phuong Diem; Wang, Lai-Sheng*.Observation of Mode-Specific Vibrational Autodetachment from Dipole-Bound States of Cold Anions.Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2013, 52(34): 8976-8979.
[57]Su, Jing; Phuong Diem Dau; Xu, Chao-Fei; Huang, Dao-Ling; Liu, Hong-Tao; Wei, Fan; Wang, Lai-Sheng*; Li, Jun*.A Joint Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Theoretical Study on the Electronic Structure of UCl5- and UCl5.Chemistry-An Asian Journal, 2013, 8(10): 2489-2496.
[58]Su, Jing; Phuong Diem Dau; Qiu, Yi-Heng; Liu, Hong-Tao; Xu, Chao-Fei; Huang, Dao-Ling; Wang, Lai-Sheng*; Li, Jun*.Probing the Electronic Structure and Chemical Bonding in Tricoordinate Uranyl Complexes UO2X3- (X = F, Cl, Br, I): Competition between Coulomb Repulsion and U-X Bonding.Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, 52(11): 6617-6626.
[59]Sun, Zhang; Sun, Shutao; Liu, Hongtao; Tang, Zichao; Gao, Zhen*.Photoelectron Spectroscopic and Theoretical Study of Aromatic-Bi-m Anionic Complexes (Aromatic = C6H5, C5H4N, C4H3O, and C4H4N; m=1-3): A Comparative Study.Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2013, 117(20): 4127-4135.
[60]Winghart, Marc-Oliver; Yang, Ji-Ping; Kuehn, Michael; Unterreiner, Andreas-Neil; Wolf, Thomas J. A.; Dau, Phuong D.; Liu, Hong-Tao; Huang, Dao-Ling; Klopper, Wim; Wang, Lai-Sheng*; Kappes, Manfred M.*.Electron tunneling from electronically excited states of isolated bisdisulizole-derived trianion chromophores following UV absorption.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2013, 15(18): 6726-6736.
[61]Liu, Hong-Tao; Wang, Yi-Lei; Xiong, Xiao-Gen; Phuong Diem Dau; Piazza, Zachary A.; Huang, Dao-Ling; Xu, Cong-Qiao; Li, Jun*; Wang, Lai-Sheng*.The electronic structure and chemical bonding in gold dihydride: AuH2- and AuH2.Chemical Science, 2012, 3(11): 3286-3295.
[62]Phuong Diem Dau; Hruszkewycz, Damian P.; Huang, Dao-Ling; Chalkley, Matthew J.; Liu, Hong-Tao; Green, Jennifer C.*; Hazari, Nilay*; Wang, Lai-Sheng*.Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Palladium(I) Dimers with Bridging Allyl Ligands.Organometallics, 2012, 31(24): 8571-8576.
[63]Phuong Diem Dau; Liu, Hong-Tao; Huang, Dao-Ling; Wang, Lai-Sheng*.Note: Photoelectron spectroscopy of cold UF5- .Journal of Chemical Physics, 2012, 137(11): 116101.
[64]Phuong Diem Dau; Su, Jing; Liu, Hong-Tao; Huang, Dao-Ling; Li, Jun*; Wang, Lai-Sheng*.Photoelectron spectroscopy and the electronic structure of the uranyl tetrachloride dianion: UO2Cl42- .Journal of Chemical Physics, 2012, 137(6): 064315.
[65]Phuong Diem Dau; Liu, Hong-Tao; Yang, Ji-Ping; Winghart, Marc-Oliver; Wolf, Thomas J. A.; Unterreiner, Andreas-Neil; Weis, Patrick; Miao, Yu-Run; Ning, Chuan-Gang*; Kappes, Manfred M.*; Wang, Lai-Sheng*.Resonant tunneling through the repulsive Coulomb barrier of a quadruply charged molecular anion.Physical Review A, 2012, 85(6): 064503.
[66]Phuong Diem Dau; Su, Jing; Liu, Hong-Tao; Huang, Dao-Ling; Wei, Fan; Li, Jun*; Wang, Lai-Sheng*.Photoelectron spectroscopy and theoretical studies of UF5- and UF6-.Journal of Chemical Physics, 2012, 136(19): 194304.
[67]Dau, Phuong Diem; Su, Jing; Liu, Hong-Tao; Liu, Jian-Biao; Huang, Dao-Ling; Li, Jun*; Wang, Lai-Sheng*.Observation and investigation of the uranyl tetrafluoride dianion (UO2F42-) and its solvation complexes with water and acetonitrile.Chemical Science, 2012, 3(4): 1137-1146.
[68]Liu, H. T.; Mueller, J. P.; Beutler, M.; Ghotbi, M.; Noack, F.; Radloff, W.; Zhavoronkov, N.; Schulz, C. P.; Hertel, I. V.*. Ultrafast photo-excitation dynamics in isolated, neutral water clusters.Journal of Chemical Physics, 2011, 134(9): 094305.
[69]Liu, Hong-Tao; Xiong, Xiao-Gen; Phuong Diem Dau; Wang, Yi-Lei; Li, Jun*; Wang, Lai-Sheng*.The mixed cyanide halide Au(I) complexes, [XAuCN](-) (X = F, Cl, Br, and I): evolution from ionic to covalent bonding.Chemical Science, 2011, 2(11): 2101-2108.
[70]Liu, H. T.; Mueller, J. P.; Zhavoronkov, N.; Schulz, C. P.*; Hertel, I. V..Ultrafast Dynamics in Na-Doped Water Clusters and the Solvated Electron.Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2010, 114(3): 1508-1513.
[71]Yang Zheng; Liu Hong-Tao; Tang Zi-Chao; Gao Zhen*.Ionization and Dissociation of Methyl Bromide in Intense Laser Field.Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 2010, 31(2): 367-373.
[72]Sun, Zhang; Sun, Shutao; Liu, Hongtao; Zhu, Qihe; Gao, Zhen*; Tang, Zichao*.Photoelectron Spectroscopic and Theoretical Studies of MmC6F5 Anionic Complexes (M = Ph and Bi; m=1-4).Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2009, 113(28): 8045-8054.
[73]Sun Zhang; Sun Shu-tao; Liu Hong-tao; Zhu Qi-he; Gao Zhen*; Tang Zi-chao.Mass Spectrometric Studies on Metal-hexafluorobenzene Anionic Complexes(M=Ag, Au, Pd, Pt, Pb and Bi).Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2009, 25(2): 228-233.
[74]Sun, Zhang; Sun, Shutao; Liu, Hongtao; Zhu, Qihe; Gao, Zhen*; Tang, Zichao*.Photoelectron Spectroscopic and Theoretical Study of Aromatics-Pb-m Anionic Complexes (Aromatics = C6H5, C5H4N, C4H3O, and C4H4N; m=1-4): A Comparative Study.Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2008, 112(46): 11566-11574.
[75]Liu, Hongtao; Yang, Zheng; Gao, Zhen; Tang, Zichao*.Ionization and dissociation of CH3I in intense laser field.Journal of Chemical Physics, 2007, 126(4): 044316.
[76]Liu, Hongtao; Xing, Xiaopeng; Sun, Shutao; Gao, Zhen; Tang, Zichao*.Pb-m-phenyl (m=1-5) complexes: an anion photoelectron spectroscopy and density functional study.Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2006, 110(28): 8688-8694.
[77]Sun, ST; Liu, HT; Tang, ZC*.Experimental and theoretical investigation on binary semiconductor clusters of Bi/Si, Bi/Ge, and Bi/Sn.Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2006, 110(15): 5004-5009.
[78]Liu, HT; Sun, ST; Xing, XP; Tang, ZC*.Reactions of platinum cluster ions with benzene.Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2006, 20(12): 1899-1904.
[79]Sun, ST; Xing, XP; Liu, HT; Tang, ZC*.Phenyl-coinage metal (Ag, Au) complexes: An anion photoelectron spectroscopy and density functional study.Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2005, 109(51): 11742-11751.
[80]Xing, XP; Liu, HT; Sun, ST; Cao, YL; Tang, ZC*.The anion photoelectron spectrometer used in studying binary metal anion cluster.Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 2004, 17(3): 321-325.
[81]Xing, XP; Tian, ZX; Liu, HT; Tang, ZC*.A comparative study of cation and anion cluster reaction products: The reaction mechanisms of lead clusters with benzene in gas phase.Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2003, 107(41): 8484-8491.
[82]Xing, XP; Liu, HT; Tang, ZC*.Generation of [M-m-phenyl](-) (M = Mn-Cu) complexes in the gas phase: Metal cluster anions inducement of a selective benzene C-H cleavage.PhysChemComm, 2003, 6: 32-35.
[83]Xing, XP; Tian, ZX; Liu, HT; Tang, ZC*.Reactions between M+ (M = Si, Ge, Sn and Pb) and benzene in the gas phase.Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2003, 17(15): 1743-1748.
[84]Xing, XP; Tian, ZX; Liu, HT; Tang, ZC*.Magic bimetallic cluster anions of M/Pb (M = Au, Ag and Cu) observed and analyzed by laser ablation and time-of-flight mass spectrometry.Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2003, 17(13): 1411-1415.
[85]Liu, Yiyang; Huang, Hailong; Tang, Rui; Han, Ling; Yang, Jing; Xu, Min; Ge, Min; Tang, Yuanyuan; Fu, Xiaobin*; Liu, Hongtao*; Qian, Yuan.NMR study on the cellulose dissolution mechanism in CaCl22 center dot 6H2O-LiCl molten salt hydrate.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.
[1]苏涛; 刘舒婷; 刘一阳; 刘洪涛.高温熔盐原位结构研究.中国化学会.
[2]王永天; 李艳丽; 费泽杰; 刘洪涛; 唐紫超.光电子能谱研究镧系和锕系元素氟化物的电子结构.第十五届全国化学动力学会议, 2017-08-18.
[3]刘洪涛; 宁传刚; 王来生.利用高分辨冷离子光电子成像技术研究负离子激发态的电子-振动耦合动力学.中国化学会.
[4]刘洪涛; 王来生。利用冷离子光电子能谱研究锕系元素气相分子的电子结构.中国化学会应用化学学科委员会.
[5]Liu, H. T.*; Mueller, J. P.; Schulz, C. P.; Schroeter, C.; Zhavoronkov, N.; Hertel, I. V..Ultrafast Dynamics in Na-doped water Clusters.16th International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, Italy, 2008-05-09 to 2008-05-13.