2. 水资源评价。
3. RS和GIS在水资源领域的应用。
1.2010-2012国家自然科学基金:地表水与地下水相互作用下双层包气带水分运移机制研究 (主持)。
8.2010-2013 中非科技合作项目:Eco-geo-hydrological studies in relation to human impact: Comparative research between Beijing and Cape Town (区域水文过程子课题负责人)。
9.2008-2009 校博士启动基金项目:基于RS和GIS的分布式水文模型构建。
11.2006-2008Environmental Consulting & Technology Inc. (ECT): South Fl Meade Extension Project Hydrogeologic Modeling Effort, U.S.A. (Key member)。
12.2005-2006Florida Tampa Bay Water: Certification of IHM-MODFLOW96 (PI)。
13.2004-2007 SWFWMD: Simulation and Measurement of Micro-scale surface and groundwater interactions at the Tampa eco-site (Key member)。
发表多篇高水平国际学术论文, 其中近五年来以第一作者发表10篇SCI期刊文章,并出版专著一部。
1.在地表水与地下水相互作用下双层包气带水分运移机制课题中,提出的Two Layer Vadose Zone创新理论,使得该集成模型考虑包气带土壤水分运移规律时,物理机制更趋完善,从而更好地描述地表水-地下水相互作用过程。该模型已在中非国际合作项目(2010DFA2400)中得到较好验证,目前在与美方合作者一起申请相关专利。
1.张静,宫辉力,李小娟. 地表水和地下水集成模型中包气带土壤水分动态研究(专著).北京:中国环境科学出版社,2010.
2.《水文学》(全国普通高等教育师范类地理系列教材) (编委).上海:科学出版社,2010.
1. Zhang, J., M. Ross. (2012). "Hydrologic simulation of clay-settling areas in the phosphate mining district", Hydrological Processes, 26(24):3770-3778. (SCI)
2. Zhang, J., M. Ross, J. Geurink. (2012). "Discretization approach in integrated hydrologic model for surface and groundwater interaction", Chinese Geographical Science,22(6):659-672. (SCI)
3. Zhang, J., A. Said and M. Ross. (2010). "An approach using Active Groundwater Storagefor Hydrologic Model Calibration in West-Central Florida", ASCE Journal of Irrigation andDrainage Engineering, 136(1):58-62. (SCI)
4. Zhang, J., H.L.Gong, M. Ross. (2011). Numerical Modeling of Shallow Water TableBehavior with Lisse Effect" Chinese Geographical Science, 21 (2): 249-256.(SCI)
5. Zhang, J., M. Ross, J. Geurink, H. L. Gong. (2010). "Modeling Vadose Zone Moisture Dynamics in Shallow Water Table Settings with the Integrated Hydrologic Model (IHM):Field-Scale Testing and Application", Water and Environment Journal, 24(1):9-20. (SCI)
6. Zhang, J. and M. Ross (2010). "Modeling Evapotranspiration of Two Land Covers in West-central Florida using Integrated Hydrologic Model", ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 136(8):522-533. (SCI)
7. Gong, H.L., Zhang., J., D.M. Zhou, X.J. Li, Y. Pan. (2010). "Hydroinformatics and Ecohydrology Tools for Ecologically Sustainable", IAHS-AISH Publication,v 338, p 129-136. (EI)
8. Zhang, J., M. Ross, K. Trout and D.M Zhou. (2009). "Calibration of the HSPF model with a new coupled FTABLE generation method". Progress in Natural Science, 19 (12): 1747–1755. (SCI)
9. Zhang, J., N. Shah and M. Ross. (2009). "Long Term Air Entrapment Affecting Runoff and Water Table Observations", International Journal of Water, 5(2):140-162. (EI)
10. Zhang, J., Murch, R., M. Ross, Ganguly, M. Nachabe. (2008). "Evaluation of Statistical Rainfall Disaggregation Methods Using Rain-Gauge Information for West-Central Florida", ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 13(12):1158-1169. (SCI)
11. Zhang, J. and M. Ross. (2007). "Two-Layer Vadose Zone Model for Surface - Groundwater Interactions", ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 12(6): 663-675. (SCI)
12. Said A, Ross MA, Trout K, Zhang, J. (2007). "Simulation of surface water for ungauged areas with storage-attenuation wetlands". J Am Water Resour Assoc (JAWRA), 43(2):546– 556. (SCI)
13. CeO2-ZrO2的一步合成法及其形貌探究 张晓辉; 张静; 王继刚; 王强 中国化学会第九届全国无机化学学术会议论文集——C固体无机化学 2015-07-25
14. 银纳米立方体的快速合成和表征 张静; 张晓辉; 王继刚; 郭明; 王强 中国化学会第九届全国无机化学学术会议论文集——C固体无机化学 2015-07-25
15. 基于SUFI-2算法和SWAT模型的妫水河流域水文模拟及参数不确定性分析 李谦; 张静; 宫辉力 水文 2015-06-25
16. MIKE SHE水文模型参数的不确定性研究 优先出版 郑震; 张静; 宫辉力 人民黄河 2015-01-20 15:54
17. 半干旱半湿润地区HSPF模型水文模拟及参数不确定性研究 优先出版 程晓光; 张静; 宫辉力 环境科学学报 2014-06-12 15:39
18. 基于PEST自动校正的HSPF水文模拟研究 优先出版 程晓光; 张静; 宫辉力 人民黄河 2014-04-08 15:22
19. 妫水河流域未来气候变化下的水文响应研究 优先出版 郭彬斌; 张静; 宫辉力; 程晓光 人民黄河 2014-01-10 10:38
20. 刘玉明, 张静, 宫辉力. (2012)."北京市妫水河流域人类活动的水文响应", 生态学报, 32(23), pp 7549-7558 (权威核心期刊)
21.马国斌, 蒋卫国, 李京, 张静 (2012)"中国短时洪涝灾害危险性评估与验证", 地理研究 2012, 31(1) 34-44. (权威核心期刊)
22. 宋林蕊, 张静, 宫辉力,李小娟. (2011). "土地利用时空变化及其对农业灌溉的影响—以北京市延庆县为例". 安徽农业科学,24期:14731-14735
23. 马国斌, 蒋卫国, 李京, 张静, 马兰燕. (2011). "基于气象预测数据的中国洪涝灾害危险性评估与预警研究". 灾害学,26卷3期:8-12.
24. 潘云,宫辉力,李小娟,朱琳,张静.(2011). "蒸散发模拟的Valiantzas方法在中国的应用".水科学进展,22(1):30-37. (EI)
1. Zhang, J. and G.B. Ma. (2012). "Risk Assessment of Field-Scale Flood Disaster Based On Combined GIS and Hydrological Dynamics Model", Applied Mechanics and Materials, 169 (2810-2813). (EI)
2. Zhang, J., L.R. Song, H.L. Gong, Q. Li (2011) "Hydrologic Information Extraction for Flood Disaster Risk Assessment in Pearl River Basin and Luan River Basin, China". Proceedings of the 19th international conference on Geoinformatics,DOI: 10.1109/GeoInformatics.2011.5981166. (EI)
3. Zhang, J., Q. Li, H.L. Gong. (2010). "Hydrologic Information Extraction Based on Arc Hydro Tool and DEM", International Conference on CESCE,v 1, p 503-506. (EI)
4. Zhang, J., L.R. Song, H.L. Gong, X.J. Li (2010). "Strategy of Water Resources Protection for Guishui River Beijing", Proceedings of 4th International conference on ICBBE,DOI: 10.1109/ICBBE.2010.5516113. (EI)
5. Zhang, J., L.R. Song, H.L. Gong, Q. Li, X.J. Li (2010). "Hydrologic Simulation with HSPF based on ArcHydro Data Model", Proceedings of the 18th international conference on Geoinformatics,DOI: 10.1109/GEOINFORMATICS.2010.5567778. (EI)
6. Zhang, J., H.L. Gong, X.J. Li and M. Ross. (2009). "Assessment of Nitrogen Loading from Landuse of Miyun Reservoir Using Bayesian Decision Network", Proceedings of 3rd International conference on ICBBE,DOI: h10.1109/ICBBE.2009.5162417. (EI)
7. Zhang, J., H. L.Gong, X. J. Li and M. Ross. (2009). "Effects of Mining on the Ecosystems Integrating GIS and Hydrological Model". Proceedings of the 17th international conference on Geoinformatics,DOI: 10.1109/GEOINFORMATICS.2009.5293541. (EI)
8. Li Q., J. Zhang, H.L. Gong (2012). "The SWAT model applied in water resources management for Guishui River Basin, Beijing", Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering, RSETE. DOI: 10.1109/RSETE.2012.6260790 (EI)
9. Liu Y.M., J. Zhang, H.L. Gong (2012). "The hydrological response to human activities in Guishui River Basin, Beijing, China", Proceedings of the 19th international conference on Geoinformatics. DOI: 10.1109/Geoinformatics.2012.6270318 (EI)
10. Cheng X.G, J. Zhang, H.L. Gong (2012). "Hydrologic model application based on automatic calibration with PEST", Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering, RSETE. DOI: 10.1109/RSETE.2012.6260588 (EI)
11. Guo B.B., J. Zhang, H.L. Gong (2012). "Hydrologic scenario simulation and related techniques forecasting land use/land cover changes", Proceedings of RSETE. DOI: 10.1109/RSETE.2012.6260589 (EI)
12. Liu Y.M., J. Zhang, H.L. Gong, X. J. Li. (2011). "The Establishment of SWAT Database in Guishui River Basin, Beijing, China", International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Protection,v 4, p 2721-2724. (EI)
13. Song L.R., J. Zhang, H.L. Gong, X. J. Li. (2011). "Land cover change and effect on agricultural irrigation based on RS and GIS for 20 years in yanqing county, Beijing".International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS),p 700-703. (EI)
14. Ma, G.B., J. Zhang, W.G. Jiang, L.Y. Ma. (2010). "GIS-based Risk Assessment Model for Flood Disaster in China", Proceedings of the 18th international conference on Geoinformatics,DOI: 10.1109/GEOINFORMATICS.2010.5567758. (EI)