于玉国,男,1973年10月出生,现任复旦大学智能复杂体系基础理论与关键技术实验室、类脑智能科学与技术研究院, 教授 博士生导师。
智能复杂体系基础理论与关键技术实验室 学术主任(2020-)
研究方向包括大脑神经信号动力学特性和生物物理机制、神经信息处理和神经计算、神经元和神经网络计算模型,仿生智能等。近年来构建了哺乳动物和人脑能量连接图谱三维数学模型,揭示脑皮层普适性信号传导和基础代谢依赖的大脑耗能规律和机制。从离子通道层次到神经元、神经网络和神经环路等多个尺度,研究了高等动物大脑如何实现低功耗神经网络线路连接、和高效节能处理信息和神经计算机制。在Nature, PNAS, Neuron, Physical Review Letters, J Neurosci, PLoS Comp Biol, J Cereb Blood Flow & Metabolism等学术期刊发表SCI论文70余篇,主持/承担国家基金项目10余项。
1、智能复杂体系基础理论与关键技术实验室 (2020- ) 教授
2、复旦大学表型研究院 (2018- ) 教授
3、复旦大学生命科学学院 (2014-2020) 教授
4、复旦大学医学神经生物学国家重点实验室 (2015- ) 研究员
5、复旦大学计算系统生物学中心 (2011-2014) 研究员、博士生导师。
6、耶鲁大学核磁共振成像中心 (2010-2012) 副研究员
3、Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience副主编。
4、Cognitive Neurodynamics编委。
2011-2012, 2017上海交通大学计算神经科学冬季短期培训班
1. 神经信息编码和神经计算理论:动作电位的时空发放模式是如何在大脑内表述自然界信号,又是如何在不确定的环境中实现有效信息提取、特征模式识别、学习和记忆等功能的?了解神经信息编码的机制和原理,以及神经计算的基本原则和理论将我们能清楚描述大脑高级功能的关键。技术手段:数学模型和神经电生理。
2. 神经系统的非线性动力学:神经系统的电生理、信息、认知和控制活动具有非线性、复杂性和随机性的本质,以及多层次、大系统、跨学科的特征。神经系统的动力学与控制问题是神经科学与非线性动力学、复杂网络系统等多学科有机融合的交叉研究领域,是神经信息学和计算神经科学的重要组成部分。
3. 神经元的数学模型构建:神经元是构成大脑的基本单元,它由神经细胞体、树突和轴突构成,神经元之间通过突触连接。神经元研究对象包括:1)不同种类的神经元;2)发育过程的神经元;3)不同脑区的神经元;4)不同物种的神经元(从无脊椎动物神经系统到灵长类动物脑,再到人脑),神经元的动力学机制的不同和离子机制的变化。
4. 局部和大尺度神经环路的计算模拟:结合功能核磁共振、神经电生理等大量实验数据,创建基于生物脑的真实神经环路数学模型,来研究学习和记忆的神经机制、研究高级认知活动比如决策的神经机理等,将有助于我们理解智能的产生。
5. 精神疾病的神经机制:在神经元水平上的钠、钾、钙等离子通道的异常;以及在网络水平上的兴奋性和抑制性神经元的比例失衡会导致各种神经疾病的产生。针对临床的癫痫、抑郁等精神疾病,我们利用计算机仿真数学模型来研究常见精神疾病发生发展的内在机理。
1. 皮层神经元能量效率的生物物理机制。
2. 视皮层视觉信息编码的动力学机制。
3. 大尺度嗅球神经网络气味编码的超级计算机仿真模拟。
(1) 课题组通过构建构建人眼视觉搜索时空概率模型揭示人眼目标搜索过程规律,遵循低能耗和高效率贝叶斯信息最大化的均衡原则
Zhou Y and Yu Y, (2021)
Human Visual Search Follows Suboptimal Bayesian Strategy Revealed by a Spatiotemporal Computational Model and Experiment.
Communications Biology, 4:34.
(2) 同纽约州立大学石溪分校葛少宇教授团队合作,构建了海马齿状回DG区能量计算模型,揭示新颖环境海马产生更多新生神经元的抑制神经活动调控网络能量机制
Wang X, Liu H, Morstein J, Novak AJE, Trauner DH, *Xiong Q, *Yu Y, and *Ge S, (2020)
Metabolic tuning of inhibition regulates hippocampal neurogenesis in the adult brain.
Proc Natl Acad Sci (PNAS), 117(41):25818-25829.
(3) 通过认知脑电实验研究揭示人脑在自然环境比在城市建筑环境具有更强alpha-theta振荡活动和网络联通性能
Chen Z, He Y, *Yu Y,(2020)
Attention restoration during environmental exposure via alpha-theta oscillations and synchronization,
Journal of Environmental Psychology, 68, 101406.
(4) 课题组通过电生理和计算模型综合交叉研究揭示哺乳动物脑皮层神经元和网络在生理温度具有最佳的信息编码和传输效率
Fu X and *Yu Y. (2019)
Reliable and efficient processing of sensory information at body temperature by rodent cortical neurons.
Nonlinear Dynamics, 98(1):215-31.
(5) 课题组和耶鲁大学核磁共振成像中心合作,构建人脑能量模型揭示皮层所有脑区能量分布图谱
*Yu Y, Herman P, Rothman DL, Agarwal D, & Hyder F. (2019).
Human brain gray matter energy map computed on the basis of cellular staining from BigBrain.
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 39, 205.
(6) 课题组通过电生理和计算模型综合交叉研究揭示哺乳动物脑皮层神经元轴突纳钾离子通道电导密度决定了椎体神经元和中间神经元的放电特性
Zhang W, Fan, B, Agarwal D, Li T, & *Yu Y. (2019).
Axonal sodium and potassium conductance density determines spiking dynamical properties of regular-and fast-spiking neurons.
Nonlinear Dynamics, 95(2), 1035-1052.
(7) 构建神经元-星形胶质细胞网络计算模型,揭示胶质细胞调控皮层神经放电动力学的重要性,以及产生自发癫痫的胶质细胞Kir4.1通道和缝隙链接通道的机制
Du MM, *Yu Y and *Wu Y, (2018)
Astrocytic Kir4.1 channels and gap junctions account for spontaneous epileptic seizure,
PLoS Comp. Biol. 14(3): e1005877
(8) 构建了大鼠和人脑皮层能量预算计算模型,揭示了哺乳动物大脑能量分配的普适性规律
*Yu Y, Herman P, Rothman DL, Agarwal D and Hyder F, (2018)
Evaluating the gray and white matter energy budgets of human brain function,
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 38(8):1339-1353.
(9) 和中山医院钟春玖教授合作,构建艾兹海默症血液维生素代谢物的生物标志物数学模型
Pan XL. et al, ... *Yu Y and *Zhong CJ. (*Co-PI) (2016).
Measurement of Blood Thiamine Metabolites for Alzheimer’s disease Diagnosis,
EBioMedicine, 26(3):155-162.
(10) 构建嗅球大尺度神经网络模型,解析生神经网络通过突触可塑性调控兴奋和抑制突触链接达到最佳比例实现了稀疏编码和侧向抑制功能
*Yu Y, Migliore M, Hines ML, and Shepherd GM (2014)
Sparse coding and lateral inhibition arising from balanced and unbalanced dendrodendritic excitation and inhibition.
Journal of Neuroscience 34: 13701-13713.
(11) 构建嗅球大尺度神经网络模型,研究了嗅球网络通过突触可塑性自组织演化出稀疏放电机制
*Yu Y, McTavish TS, Valenti C, Hines ML, Shepherd GM and Migliore M. (2013)
Sparse distributed representation of odors in a large-scale olfactory bulb circuit.
PLoS Comp. Biol., 9(3): e1003014.
(12) 构建哺乳动物皮层神经元计算模型,揭示了生理温度条件使高等动物皮层神经元实现动作电位放电的高效节能生物物理机制
Yu Y, Hill A. and McCormick DA. (2012)
Warm body temperature facilitates energy efficient cortical action potentials.
PLoS Comp. Biol., 8(4) e1002456.
(13) 率先发现皮层神经元轴突存在大量P/Q和N型钙离子通道亚型的实验证据
Yu Y, Maureira C and McCormick DA (2010)
P/Q and N channels control baseline and spike-triggered calcium levels in neocortical axons and synaptic boutons,
Journal of Neuroscience, 30: 118580-11869
(14) 通过实验和皮层神经元Hodgkin-Huxley三维计算模型相互验证,进一步证实作电位传输过程产生的轴向电流可导致动作电位快速上升相和阈值离散现象。得到国际同行普遍认可
Yu Y, Shu Y, Duque A, Haider B and McCormick DA (2008)
Cortical Action Potential Back-propagation Explains Spike Threshold Variability and Rapid-Onset Kinetics.
Journal of Neuroscience, 28: 7260-7272. PMCID: 2664555
(15) 构建皮层神经元Hodgkin-Huxley三维轴突和树突计算模型,在国际上首先提出动作电位传输过程产生轴向电流导致动作电位快速上升相和阈值离散的机制。在专业顶级期刊NATURE发表
McCormick DA, Shu Y and Yu Y (2007)
Hodgkin and Huxley model—still standing?
Nature. 445: E1-E2.
(16) 首次揭示皮层神经元对自然界信号的高度适应性,来自于皮层神经元对自然界信号1/f统计特性的适应性
*Yu Y, Richard RD and Lee TS (2005)
Preference of sensory neural coding for 1/f signals.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 94, 1081031-4
(17) 通过构建计算模型揭示视觉神经元对输入信号对比度适应的信息最大化原则和调控机制
*Yu Y, Richard RD and Lee TS. (2005)
Adaptive contrast gain control and information maximization.
Neurocomputing, 65-66 111-116
(18) 通过计算模型和数学分析揭示神经元响应曲线的阈值和饱和值在编码信号过程的调制机制
*Yu Y and Lee TS. (2003)
Adaptation of the transfer function of the Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) neuronal model.
Neurocomputing 52-54, 441-446
1. 在卡耐基-梅隆大学视觉认知实验室,通过神经行为和电生理实验方法,首次揭示视皮层对自然界信号的适应性信息处理机制,来自于视皮层神经元动力学特性对自然界信号统计特性长程相关特性(1/f特征)的适应性调谐效应。同时他还应用数学模型分析方法,刨析了神经元发放阈值和饱和值这些非线性特性对神经感知的被动适应性机制,并进一步解释了神经环路自适应性和信息编码最大化的关系。
2. 2006年,在耶鲁大学神经生物学系,他同合作者一起揭示了哺乳动物皮层神经元能以“数字-模拟”两种方式进行网络突触信号通讯,所建立的皮层神经元数学模型成功地解释了皮层神经元阈下电位和动作电位在细胞轴突上产生和传输的动力学机制。
3. 2007年,德国权威神经科学小组在《Nature》发表系列文章,指出基于低等动物神经电活动的经典Hodgkin-Huxley(HH)神经元理论模型无法解释高等动物皮层神经元动作电位产生的普遍特征:阈值离散特性和动作电位快速上升相等。本着对学术严谨的态度,于玉国和合作者在理论和实验两方面进行了重新分析和大量计算机仿真模拟,严格证实了皮层神经元动作电位产生时的阈值离散特性和动作电位快速上升相等特点是由动作电位在神经元轴突的空间传播导致,这一重要成果被国际顶尖杂志《Nature》发表,指出揭示经典HH神经元理论依然适用于哺乳动物皮层神经元的动作电位发放过程,驳斥了德国小组新建立的动作电位钠离子协同机制。
4. 2010年,通过对哺乳动物前额皮层脑切片进行双光子成像和膜片钳电生理记录手段,在该领域率先发现皮层神经元轴突上分布着大量的P/Q和N型钙离子通道,并最早揭示了轴突上的钙通道激活的钾通道对动作电位的发放率、发放精确时刻和波形产生具有重要的调制作用。
5. 2010年,通过大规模神经网络建模揭示了初级视皮层神经网络在对自然界信号进行信息处理时采用的同步和稀疏编码机制,表明大脑网络在信号处理方面遵从了能量最优化原则。这些突破性成果均发表在专业顶级杂志上。
6. 研究成果发现:当动物处于没有外界刺激的静息状态、尤其是麻醉状态,动物大脑皮层的神经电活动和对应区域的血氧信号出现了明显的去耦合状态。这一结论意味着,当前基于动物麻醉状态下来测量反映神经功能连接的脑影像的实验原理是不合理的,静息态脑功能连接的实验研究必须使动物处于适度的清醒状态。这一重要研究成果已经被国际著名期刊《自然通讯》考虑接收。
目前已经在国际一流学术期刊发表学术论文30多篇,研究成果分别发表在国际顶级学术刊物如《Nature》、《Physical Review Letters》、《Journal of Neuroscience》、《Neuron》、《PNAS》和《PLoS Computational Biology》等上面,同行总引用率超过1000次。
90 Mingyi Huang and Yuguo Yu* (2023). Wiring Cost Minimization: A Dominant Factor in the Evolution of Brain Networks across Five Species, 2023 CogSci (CCF-B).
89 Shen, Hao; Yu, Yuguo* (2023). Robust Evaluation and Comparison of EEG Source Localization Algorithms for Accurate Reconstruction of Deep Cortical Activity. Mathematics, 11(11):2450. https://doi.org/10.3390/math11112450
88 Chen, Zhongyu; Yu, Yuguo*; Xue, Xiangyang (2023). A Connectome-Based Digital Twin Caenorhabditis elegans Capable of Intelligent Sensorimotor Behavior. Mathematics, 11(11):2442. https://doi.org/10.3390/math11112442
87 Ruizhe Zheng*, Jun Li*, Yi Wang, Tian Luo, and Yuguo Yu (2023). ScatterFormer: Locally-Invariant Scattering Transformer for Patient-Independent Multispectral Detection of Epileptiform Discharges. 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Washington, DC. https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.14919
86 Peng Tao#, Qifan Wang#, Jifan Shi#, Xiaohu Hao, Xiaoping Liu, Bin Min, Yiheng Zhang, Chenyang Li, He Cui*, Luonan Chen*. Detecting dynamical causality by intersection cardinal concavity. Accepted by Fundamental Research. (2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fmre.2023.01.007
85 Qunxi Zhu*, Xin Li, Wei Lin* [2023], Leveraging neural differential equations and adaptive delayed feedback to detect unstable periodic orbits based on irregularly-sampled time series, CHAOS, Fast Track, Editor's Pick, 33(3): 031101. https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/5.0143839
84 Jingdong Zhang, Qunxi Zhu*, Wei Yang*, Wei Lin* [2023], SYNC: Safety-aware Neural Control for Stabilizing Stochastic Delay-Differential Equations, The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2023). https://openreview.net/forum?id=_8mS2NE-HXN
83 Zhang J, Huang M, Gu Y, *Chen A and *Yu Y, (2022),Visual-based spatial coordinate dominates probabilistic multisensory inference in Macaque MST-d disparity encoding. Brain Sciences, 12,1387. https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci12101387
82 Yu, Yuguo*; Akif, Adil; Herman, Peter; Cao, Miao; Rothman, Douglas L.; Carson, Richard E.; Agarwal, Divyansh; Evans, Alan C.; Hyder, Fahmeed*. A 3D atlas of functional human brain energetic connectome based on neuropil distribution, Cerebral Cortex, 2023, 33(7): 3996-4012. https://doi.org/10.1093/cercor/bhac322
81 Zhang J, Gu Y, *Chen A and *Yu Y, (2022) Unveiling dynamical systems strategies for multisensory processing: from neuronal fixed-criterion integration to population Bayesian inference, Research, 2022,1-12. https://doi.org/10.34133/2022/9787040
80 Pei, Xinzhen; Xu, Guiying; Zhou, Yunhui; Tao, Luna; Cui, Xiaozhu; Wang, Zhenyu; Xu, Bingru; Wang, An-Li; Zhao, Xi; Dong, Haijun; An, Yan; Cao, Yang; Li, Ruxue; Hu, Honglin*; Yu, Yuguo*, 2022, A simultaneous EEG and eye-tracking dataset in elite athletes during alertness and concentration tasks, Scientific Data, 9(1): 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-022-01575-0
79 Du, M., Li, J., Ying, W., & *Yu, Y. (2022). A dynamics model of neuron-astrocyte network accounting for febrile seizures. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 16(2), 411-423. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11571-021-09706-w
78 Qi, Xiaoying; Wang, Yingying; Lu, Yingzhi; Zhao, Qi; Chen, Yifan; Zhou, Chenglin*; Yu, Yuguo*. (2022). Enhanced brain network flexibility by physical exercise in female methamphetamine users. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11571-022-09848-5
77 Jifan Shi, Kazuyuki Aihara, Tiejun Li, and Luonan Chen. Energy landscape decomposition for cell differentiation with proliferation effect. National Science Review, 9(8): nwac116, 2022.】 https://doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwac116
76 Yang Li, Jifan Shi, and Kazuyuki Aihara. Mean-field analysis of Stuart-Landau oscillator networks with symmetric coupling and dynamical noise. Chaos, 32: 063114, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0081295
75 Jingdong Zhang, Qunxi Zhu*, Wei Lin* [2022], Neural Stochastic Control, The Thirty-sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022). https://openreview.net/forum?id=5wI7gNopMHW
74 Qnxi Zhu*, Yifei Shen, Dongsheng Li, Wei, Lin* [2022], Neural Piecewise-Constant Delay Differential Equations, Proceedings of the Thirty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2022). https://ojs.aaai.org/index.php/AAAI/article/download/20911/20670
73 Zheng G, Li YZ, Qi XY, Zhang W, *Yu Y, (2021) Mental Calculation Drives Reliable and Weak Distant Connectivity While Music Listening Induces Dense Local Connectivity, Phenomics, 1.6: 285-298. https://doi.org/10.1007/s43657-021-00027-w
72 Lei, Yu; Li, Yuzhu; Yu, Lianchun; Xu, Longzhou; Zhang, Xin; Zheng, Gaoxing; Chen, Liang; Zhang, Wei; Qi, Xiaoying; Gu, Yuxiang*; Yu, Yuguo*; Mao, YingFaded Critical Dynamics in Adult Moyamoya Disease Revealed by EEG and fMRI.Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2021, 2021:1-17. https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/6640108
71 Pei Xinzhen; Qi Xiaoying; Jiang Yuzhou; Shen Xunzhang; Wang An Li; Cao Yang; Zhou Chenglin; Yu Yuguo*. (2021) Sparsely Wiring Connectivity in the Upper Beta Band Characterizes the Brains of Top Swimming Athletes. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:661632. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.661632
70 Lu, Yingzhi; Qi, Xiaoying; Zhao, Qi; Chen, Yifan; Liu, Yanjiang; Li, Xiawen; Yu, Yuguo*; Zhou, Chengling*Effects of exercise programs on neuroelectric dynamics in drug addiction.Cognitive Neurodynamics, 2021, 15(1): 27-42. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11571-020-09647-w
69 Zheng, Gaoxing; Lei, Yu; Li, Yuzhu; Zhang, Wei; Su, Jiabin; Qi, Xiaoying; Chen, Liang; Zhang, Xin; Gu, Yuxiang*; Yu, Yuguo*; Mao, YingChanges in Brain Functional Network Connectivity in Adult Moyamoya Diseases. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 2021, 15(5): 861-872. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11571-021-09666-1
68 Zhou, Yunhui; Yu, Yuguo*, (2021) Human Visual Search Follows Suboptimal Bayesian Strategy Revealed by a Spatiotemporal Computational Model and Experiment. Communications Biology, 4(1),1-16. https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-020-01485-0
67 Wang, Xinxing; Liu, Hanxiao; Morstein, Johannes; Novak, Alexander J. E.; Trauner, Dirk; Xiong, Qiaojie*; Yu, Yuguo*; Ge, Shaoyu*.Metabolic tuning of inhibition regulates hippocampal neurogenesis in the adult brain, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020, 117(41): 25818-25829. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2006138117
66 Lu Y, Qi X, Zhao Q, et al, *Yu Y and *Zhou C (2020) Effects of exercise programs on neuroelectric dynamics in drug addiction. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 1-16.
65 Lei, Yu; Song, Benshen; Chen, Liang; Su, Jiabin; Zhang, Xin; Ni, Wei; Yu, Yuguo; Xu, Bin; Yu, Lianchun*; Gu, Yuxiang*; Mao, Ying. Reconfigured functional network dynamics in adult moyamoya disease: a resting-state fMRI study. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 2020, 14(3): 715-727.
64 Chen Z, He Y, *Yu Y,(2020) Attention restoration during environmental exposure via alpha-theta oscillations and synchronization. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 68, 101406.
63 Yang, Lei; Jin, Yuqing; Wang, Xuejun; Yu, Bin; Chen, Renzhong; Zhang, Cong; Zhao, Yan; Yu, Yuguo; Liu, Yunqi; Wei, Dacheng*.Antifouling Field‐Effect Transistor Sensing Interface Based on Covalent Organic Frameworks. Advanced Electronic Materials, 2020, 6(5): 1901169.
62 Fu, Xin; Yu, Yuguo*.Reliable and efficient processing of sensory information at body temperature by rodent cortical neurons. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2019, 98(1): 215-231.
61 YZ Li, GX Zheng, XY Qi, *Yu Y. (2019) Critical Dynamics Characteristics of Human Brain EEG Activity During Music-listening State and Resting State, Journal of Fudan University 05-0586-10.
60 Yu, Bin; Jin, Yuqing; Shen, Yi; Yang, Yenan; Wang, Gang; Zhu, Haiying*; Yu, Yuguo*; Wang, Jingqiang*.Loss of homeoprotein Msx1 and Msx2 leading to athletic and kinematic impairment related to the increasing neural excitability of neurons in aberrant neocortex in mice. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2019, 516(1): 229-235.
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58 Qu, Guojie; Fan, Boqiang; Fu, Xin; Yu, Yuguo*.The impact of frequency scale on the response sensitivity and reliability of cortical neurons to 1/fβ input signals. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 2019, 13: 311.
57 Zhang Wen; Fan Boqiang; Agarwal Divyansh; Li Tun; Yu Yuguo *. Axonal sodium and potassium conductance density determines spiking dynamical properties of regular-and fast-spiking neurons. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2019, 95(2): 1035-1052.
56 Yu Lianchun; Shen Zhou; Wang Chen; Yu Yuguo*.Efficient coding and energy efficiency are promoted by balanced excitatory and inhibitory synaptic currents in neuronal network.Frontiers in cellular neuroscience, 2018, 12: 123.
55 Du, Mengmeng; Li, Jiajia; Chen, Liang; Yu, Yuguo*; Wu, Ying*.Astrocytic Kir4.1 channels and gap junctions account for spontaneous epileptic seizure,PLoS Computational Biology, 2018, 14(3): e1005877.
54 Zheng, Gaoxing; Qi, Xiaoying; Li, Yuzhu; Zhang, Wei; Yu, Yuguo*.A comparative study of standardized infinity reference and average reference for EEG of three typical brain states. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2018;12:158.
53 Liu, Yujiang; Yue, Yuan; Yu, Yuguo; Liu, Liwei; Yu, Lianchun*.Effects of channel blocking on information transmission and energy efficiency in squid giant axons. Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 2018, 44(2): 219-231.
52 Zhou Shanglin; Yu Yuguo*.. Synaptic E-I balance underlies efficient neural coding,Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2018,12:46.
51 Wang YiYan; Wang Pingxiao; Yu Yuguo*.Decoding English alphabet letters using EEG phase information, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2018, 12: 62.
50 Yu Yuguo*; Herman Peter; Rothman Douglas L; Agarwal Divyansh; Hyder Fahmeed*. Evaluating the gray and white matter energy budgets of human brain function, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 2018, 38(8): 1339-1353.
49 Yu Lianchun; Yu Yuguo*. Energy-Efficient Neural Information Processing in Individual Neurons and Neuronal Networks, Journal of Neuroscience Research, 2017, 95(11): 2253-2266.
48 Li J, Xie Y, Yu Y, Wu Y, (2017) A neglected GABAergic astrocyte: Calcium dynamics and involvement in seizure activity. Sci. China Technol. Sci. 60: 1003.
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46 Chen, Zheng; He, Yujia; Yu, Yuguo *. Enhanced functional connectivity properties of human brains during in- situ nature experience, PeerJ, 2016, 4: e2210.
45 Ye, Weijie; Liu, Shenquan*; Liu, Xuanliang; Yu, Yuguo.A neural model of the frontal eye fields with reward-based learning. Neural Networks, 2016, 81: 39-51.
44 Ju H, Hines ML, *Yu Y .Cable energy function of cortical axons,Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 29686.
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38 Boqiang Fan; Yu Guo Yu*.Key factorsdominating the neural coding preference to 1/f signal.BMC Neuroscience, 2015, 16: 296-297.
37 Wen Zhang; Boqiang Fan; Yu Guo Yu*.Axon initial segment potassium channel density in cortical neurons.BMC Neuroscience, 2015, 16: 295-296.
36 Li, Jiajia; Liu, Shaobao; Liu, Weiming; Yu, Yuguo; Wu, Ying.Suppression of firing activities in neuron and neurons of network induced by electromagnetic radiation.Nonlinear Dynamics, 2016, 83(1-2): 801-810.
35 Zhou Shanglin; Fan Boqiang; Migliore Michele; Yu Yuguo.Learning experience facilitates sparse coding of new odors in a large-scale olfactory bulb model.BMC Neuroscience, 2015, 16(Suppl 1).
34 Fan B.Q.; Yu Y.G.Computational investigation of biophysical mechanism of individual neurons to 1/f signal.PLoS Computational Biology, 2015, in submission.
33 Yu, Yuguo*; Migliore, Michele; Hines, Michael L.; Shepherd, Gordon M. Sparse Coding and Lateral Inhibition Arising from Balanced and Unbalanced Dendrodendritic Excitation and Inhibition. Journal of Neuroscience, 2014, 34(41): 13701-13713.
32 Yu Yuguo*; Karbowski Jan; Sachdev Robert N S; Feng Jianfeng.Effect of temperature and glia in brain size enlargement and origin of allometric body-brain size scaling in vertebrates. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 2014, 14:71801-71814. PMCID: 4193995
31 Yu Guo Yu*. Constant Warm Body Temperature Ensures High Response Reliability of Neurons in Endothermic Brains. Austin J Comput Biol Bioinform, 2014; 1(1): 5.
30 Yu, Yuguo*; McTavish, Thomas S.; Hines, Michael L.; Shepherd, Gordon M.; Valenti, Cesare; Migliore, MicheleSparse Distributed Representation of Odors in a Large-scale Olfactory Bulb Circuit. PLoS Comput Biol, 9(3):e1003014.
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28 Yuguo Yu*. Properties of cortical axons for energy efficient cortical action potentials. BMC Neurosci. 2012, 13: P6.
27 Yuguo Yu* Temperature-fastened sodium inactivation accounts for energy efficient cortical action potentials in mammalian brains. BMC Neurosci. 2012, 13:P5.
26 Yu Yuguo*; Hill Adam P; McCormick David A. Warm body temperature facilitates energy efficient cortical action potentials. PLoS Computational Biology, 2012, 8(4): 16.
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18 Shu Y, Duque A, Yu YG, Haider B and McCormick DA (2007) Properties of action potential initiation in neocortical pyramidal cells: evidence from whole cell axon recordings. J Neurophysiol, 2007, 97(1): 746-760.
17 Haider B., Duque A., Hasenstaub A.R., Yu Y.G., McCormick D.A. Enhancement of visual responsiveness by spontaneous local network activity in vivo. Journal of Neurophysiology, 2007, 97(6): 4186-4202.
16 Shu Y, Hasenstaub A, Duque A, Yu YG and McCormick DA (2006) Modulation of intracortical synaptic potentials by presynaptic somatic membrane potential. Nature, 2006, 441(7094): 761-765.
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1、上海市优秀学术带头人 (2021)。
3、上海市东方学者 (2013)。
接下来,社政院张学新教授主要介绍了人类不同的心理学思维模式,如逻辑思维,形象思维,创造思维,批判性思维等,并分析了 “对分课堂”的教学模式是如何激发学生的学习积极性和主动性的。
来源:脑科学研究院 2015-06-12
Sparse coding and lateral inhibition arising from balanced and unbalanced dendrodendritic excitation andinhibition.
Yu et al.,J Neurosci. 2014 Oct 8;34(41):13701-13. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1834-14.2014.
The precise mechanism by which synaptic excitation and inhibition interact with each other in odor coding through the unique dendrodendritic synaptic microcircuits present in olfactory bulb is unknown. Here a scaled-up model of the mitral-granule cell network in the rodent olfactory bulb is used to analyze dendrodendritic processing of experimentally determined odor patterns. We found that the interaction between excitation and inhibition is responsible for two fundamental computational mechanisms: (1) a balanced excitation/inhibition in strongly activated mitral cells, leading to a sparserepresentation of odorant input, and (2) an unbalanced excitation/inhibition (inhibition dominated) in surrounding weakly activated mitral cells, leading to lateral inhibition. These results suggest how both mechanisms can carry information about the input patterns, with optimal level of synaptic excitation and inhibition producing the highest level of sparseness and decorrelation in the network response. The results suggest how the learning process, through the emergent development of these mechanisms, can enhance odor representation of olfactory bulb.
来源:于玉国博客 2014-10-11
BMC Evol Biol. 2014 Oct 3;14(1):178. [Epub ahead of print]
Effect of temperature and glia in brain size enlargement and origin of allometric body-brain size scaling in vertebrates.
Yu Y, Karbowski J, Sachdev R, Feng J.
长期以来,已经普遍认识到,在同样身体质量的情况,哺乳动物和鸟类的大脑质量超过冷血动物的数十倍。考虑到大脑神经元耗能极高,是身体细胞的10倍,在几乎相同的新陈代谢机制下,同样的身体质量,哺乳动物是如何向耗能极高的大脑供应能量的?而进化上,在2亿年前的爬行动物和恐龙时代,早期的哺乳动物又是什么力量驱动自然界演化出超过爬行动物数十倍 大脑的呢?
BackgroundBrain signaling requires energy. The cost of maintaining and supporting energetically demanding neurons is the key constraint on brain size. The dramatic increase in brain size among mammals and birds cannot be understood without solving this conundrum: larger brains, with more neurons, consume more energy.ResultsHere we examined the intrinsic relationships between metabolism, body-brain size ratios and neuronal densities of both endothermic and ectothermic animals. We formulated a general model to elucidate the key factors that correlate with brain enlargement, and the origin of allometric body-brain size scaling. This framework identified temperature as a critical factor in brain enlargement via temperature-regulated changes in metabolism. Our framework predicts that ectothermic animals living in tropical climates should have brain sizes that are several times larger than those of ectothermic animals living in cold climates. This prediction was confirmed by data from experiments in fish brains. Our framework also suggests that a rapid increase in the number of less energy-demanding glial cells may be another important factor contributing to the ten-fold increase in the brain sizes of endotherms compared with ectotherms.ConclusionsThis study thus provides a quantitative theory that predicts the brain sizes of all the major types of animals and quantifies the contributions of temperature-dependent metabolism, body size and neuronal density.
来源:于玉国博客 2014-10-11
躬身做学问 赤诚卫初心
来源:科学中国人 2014年第6期