Selected Publications
1. Bingpu Zhou, Xiao Xiao, Ting Liu, Yibo Gao, Yingzhou Huang, Weijia Wen, “Real-time concentration monitoring in microfluidic system via plasmonic nanocrescent arrays”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 77,385–392 (2015)
2. Bingpu Zhou, Xinghua Gao, Cong Wang, Ziran Ye, Yibo Gao, Jiao Xie, Xiaoxiao Wu, and Weijia Wen, “Functionalized PDMS with Versatile and Scalable Surface Roughness Gradients for Cell Culture”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 7, 17181−17187 (2015)
3. Cong Wang, Xinghua Gao, Yibo Gao, Wenbin Cao, Jingxuan Tian, Xiaoxiao Wu, Ziran Ye, Xiping Zeng, Bingpu Zhou, Jinbo Wu,a Zhengyu Fang, Jun Wan, Jianhua Qin and Weijia Wen, “Controlled H2O2 release via long-lived electron–hole separation mediated to induce tumor cell apoptosis”, J. Mater. Chem. B,3, 8115 (2015)
4. Xiao Xiao, Bingpu Zhou, Xinke Wang, Jingwen He, Bo Hou, Yan Zhang and Weijia Wen, “An Analog of electrically induced transparency via surface delocalized modes” Scientific Reports 5 : 12251 (2015)
5. Xiping Zeng, Yifan Zhang, Zengzilu Xia, Li Wang, Cong Wang, Yingzhou Huang, Rong Shen & Weijia Wen, “Surface evolution of manganese chloride aqueous droplets resulting in self-suppressed evaporation”, Scientific Reports 5, 13322 (2015)
6. Xiao Xiao, Ho Ming Leung, C. T. Chan and Weijia Wen, “Manipulation of the polarization of Terahertz wave in subwavelength regime”, Scientific Reports 5 : 8306 (2015)
7. Ruo-Yang Zhang, Yan-Wang Zhai, Shi-Rong Lin, Qing Zhao, Weijia Wen & Mo-Lin Ge, “Time Circular Birefringence in Time-Dependent Magnetoelectric Media”, Scientific Reports 5 : 13673 (2015)
8. Shunbo Li, Ziran Ye, Yu Sanna Hui, Yibo Gao, Yusheng Jiang, and Weijia Wen, “On-chip DNA preconcentration in different media conductivities by electrodeless dielectrophoresis”, Biomicrofluidics 9, 054115 (2015)
9. Jingjing Hao, Ting Liu, Yingzhou Huang, Guo Chen, Anping Liu, Shuxia Wang, and Weijia Wen, “Metal Nanoparticle−Nanowire Assisted SERS on Film”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 119, 19376−19381 (2015)
10. Yanna Yang, Shuxia Wang, Zhen Zhang, Yingzhou Huang, Guo Chen and Weijia Wen, Chemical Physics Letter, 639, 47 (2015)
11. Bingpu Zhou, Cong Wang, Xiao Xiao, Yu Sanna Hui, Yulin Cao and Weijia Wen, “Controllable microdroplet splitting via additional lateral flow and its application in rapid synthesis of multi-scale microspheres”, RSC Adv., 5, 10365–10371 (2015)
12. Hong Xiang, Yan Meng , Qiang Zhang, Fei Fei Qin, Jun Jun Xiao, De zhuan Han, Weijia Wen, “Spoof surface plasmon polaritons on ultrathin metal strips with tapered grooves”, Optics Communications, 356, 59–63 (2015)
13. Lixin Ge, Li Wang, Meng Xiao, Weijia Wen, C. T. Chan, and Dezhuan Han, “Topological edge modes in multilayer graphene systems”, Opt. Express, 23, 21585 (2015)
14. Xinghua Gao, Yeung Yeung Chau, Jiao Xie, Jun Wan, Yanxiao Ren, Jianhua Qin and Weijia Wen, “Regulating cell behaviors on micropillar topographies affected by interfacial energy”, RSC Adv.,, 5, 22916–22922 (2015)
15. Bingpu Zhou, Wei Xu, Ahad A Syed, Yeungyeung Chau, Longqing Chen, Basil Chew, Omar Yassine, Xiaoxiao Wu, Yibo Gao, Jingxian Zhang, Xiao Xiao, Jürgen Kosel, Xi-Xiang Zhang, Zhaohui Yao and Weijia Wen, “Design and fabrication of magnetically functionalized flexible micropillar arrays for rapid and controllable microfluidic mixing”, Lab Chip, 15, 15, 2125–2132 (2015)
16. K. Bougot-Robin, W. Cao, S. Li, H. Benisty, W. Wen, “A multispectral resonant waveguide nanopatterned chip for robust oilquality monitoring” Sensors and Actuators B, 216 221–228 (2015)
17. Bingpu Zhou, Wei Xu, Cong Wang, Yeungyeung Chau, Xiping Zeng, Xi-Xiang Zhang Rong Shen, Weijia Wen “Generation of tunable and pulsatile concentration gradients via microfluidic network”, Microfluid Nanofluid 18, 175–184 (2015)
18. C. Wang, B. P. Zhou, X. P. Zeng, Y. Y. Hong, Y. B. Gao and W. J. Wen, “Enhanced photochromic efficiency of transparent and flexible nanocomposite films based on PEO–PPO–PEO and tungstate hybridization”, J. Mater. Chem. C, 3, 177–186 (2015)
19. Siu Yeung Cheung, Weijia Wen, Ping Gao, “Disentanglement and Micropore Structure of UHMWPE in an Athermal Solvent”, Polym. Eng. Sci., 55, 1177 (2015)
20. Yaying Hong and Weijia Wen, “Influence of carrier liquid on nanoparticle-based giant electrorheological fluid”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures DOI: 10.1177/1045389X15596623 (2015)
21. Yin Chen, Wenbin Cao, Junli Zhou, Bidhari Pidhatika, Bin Xiong, Lu Huang, Qian Tian, Yiwei Shu, Weijia Wen, I-Ming Hsing, , and Hongkai Wu, “Poly(L‑lysine)-graft-folic acid-coupled poly(2-methyl-2-oxazoline) (PLL‑g‑PMOXA‑c‑FA): A Bioactive Copolymer for Specific Targeting to Folate Receptor-Positive Cancer Cells”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 7, 2919−2930 (2015)
22. Ziran Ye, Shunbo Li, Bingpu Zhou, Yu Sanna Hui, Rong Shen, and Weijia Wen, “Nanofluidic mixing via hybrid surface”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 105, 163501 (2014)
23. Xiao Xiao, Yu Liu, Weijia Wen, “Ruderman–Kittel–Kasuya–Yosida interaction in silicone”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 26, 266001 (2014)
24. Zhen Zhang, Bingpu Zhou, Yingzhou Huang, Zhongwei Liao, Zhipeng Li, hunbo Li, Shuxia Wang, and Weijia Wen, “Gold crescent nanodisk array for nanoantennaenhanced sensing in subwavelength areas”, Appl. Opt. 53 7236 (2014)
25. Zhongwei Liao, Bingpu Zhou, Yingzhou Huang,Shunbo Li, Shuxia Wang, and Weijia Wen, “Fano resonance properties of gold nanocrescent arrays”, Appl. Opt, 53, 6431 (2014)
26. Xinghua Gao, Xu Zhang, Hui Xu, Bingpu Zhou, Weijia Wen,and Jianhua Qin,” Regulation of cell migration and osteogenic differentiation in mesenchymal stem cells under extremely low fluidic shear stress”, Biomicrofluidics, 8, 052008 (2014)
27. Kristelle Bougot-Robin, Rimantas Kodzius, Weisheng Yue, Longqing Chen, Shunbo Li, Xi Xiang Zhang, Henri Benisty & Weijia Wen, “Real time hybridization studies by resonant waveguide gratings using nanopattern imaging for Single Nucleotide Polymorphism detection”, Biomed Microdevices 16, 287–299 (2014)
28. M Li, W H Li, J Zhang, G Alici and W Wen, “A review of microfabrication techniques and dielectrophoretic microdevices for particle manipulation and separation”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 47 063001 (2014)
29. Darius Virzonis, Gailius Vanagas, Almira Ramanaviciene, Asta Makaraviciute, Dovydas Barauskas,,Arunas Ramanavicius, Weijia Wen & Rimantas Kodzius, “Resonant gravimetric immunosensing based on capacitive micromachined ultrasound transducers”, Microchim Acta, 181, 1749 (2014)
30. Bingpu Zhou, Wei Xu, Cong Wang, Yeungyeung Chau, Xiping Zeng, Xi-Xiang Zhang , Rong Shen, Weijia Wen, “Generation of tunable and pulsatile concentration gradients via microfluidic network” Microfluid Nanofluid, DOI 10.1007/s10404-014-1432-9, (2014)
31. Shunbo Li, Wenbin Cao, Yu Sanna Hui and Weijia Wen, “Simple and reusable picoinjector for liquid delivery via nanofluidics approach”, Nanoscale Research Letters, 9, 147 (2014)
32. ZENG XiPing, WU JinBo, LI ShunBo, CHAU YeungYeung, HE GuangHong, WEN WeiJia & YANG GuoZhen, “Perspectives on water science: transport and application of confined water”, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 57, 829 (2014)
33. Yusheng Jiang, Hui Wang, Shunbo Li and Weijia Wen, “Applications of Micro/Nanoparticles in Microfluidic Sensors: A Review”, Sensors, 14, 6952 (2014)
34. Siu Yeung Cheung, Weijia Wen, Ping Gao, “Disentanglement and icropore Structureof UHMWPE in an Athermal Solvent”, Polymer Engineering and Science, DOI 10.1002/pen.23989 (2014)
35. Wei Qiua,∗, Yaying Hongb, Yosuke Mizunoa, Weijia Wenb, Kentaro Nakamura, “Non-contact piezoelectric rotary motor modulated by giantelectrorheological fluid” Sensors and Actuators A 217 124–128 (2014)
36. Jiao Xie, Li Wang, Zhongwei Liao, Yingzhou Huang, Shunbo Li, Shuxia Wang, Weijia Wen, Selective plasmonic trapping in periodic gold polygon tetramers”, Superlattices and Microstructures 75 593–600 (2014)
37. LIAO Zhong-Wei, HUANG Ying-Zhou, WANG Xiao-Yong, CHAU Irene Yeung-Yeung, WANG Shu-Xia, WEN Wei-Jia, “Near-Infrared Properties of Hybridized Plasmonic Rectangular Split Nanorings”, Chin. Phys. Lett., 31 067803 (2014)
38. Jinbo Wu, Tsz Yan Kwok, Xiaolin Li, Wenbin Cao, Yu Wang, Junying Huang, Yaying Hong, Dongen Zhang and Weijia Wen, "Mapping three-dimensional temperature in microfluidic chip", Scientific Reports, 3 : 3321 | DOI: 10.1038/srep03321, (2013) PDF
39. Dongen Zhang, Jinbo Wu, Bingpu Zhou, Yaying Hong, Shunbo Li and Weijia Wen, "Efficient photocatalytic activity with carbon-doped SiO2 nanoparticles", Nanoscale, 5, 6167 (2013)
40. Xiao Xiao and Weijia Wen, "Optical conductivities and signatures of topological insulators with hexagonal warping" Phys. Rev. B, 88, 045442 (2013)
41. Xiao Xiao, S. Li, K. T. Law, Bo Hou, C. T. Chan, and Weijia Wen, "Thermal coherence properties of topological insulator slabs in time-reversal symmetry breaking fields", Phys. Rev. B, 87, 205424 (2013)
42. Guo Chen, Peng Tan, Shuyu Chen, Jiping Huang, Weijia Wen and Lei Xu, Phys. Rev. Lett., 110, 064502 (2013)
43. Zhaojian He ,2, Shasha Peng, Manzhu Ke, Jing Shi, Ke Deng, Heping Zhao, Zhengyou Liu, Weijia Wen and Ping Sheng "Acoustic surface-guided modes in phononic crystals", EPL, 104, 34005 (2013)
44. Jingyun Ma , Yu Sanna Hui , Min Zhang , Yue Yu , Weijia Wen , and Jianhua Qin "Facile Synthesis of Biomimetic Honeycomb Material with Biological Functionality" Small, 9, 497(2013)
45. Ming Li, Shunbo Li, Wenbin Cao, Weihua Li, Weijia Wen and Gursel Alici, “Continuous manipulation and separation of particles using combined obstacle-and curvature-induced DC dielectrophoresis” Elelctrophoresis,34, 952 (2013)
46. Shunbo Li, Ming Li, Kristelle Bougot-Robin, Wenbin Cao, Irene Yeung Yeung, Weihua Li and Weijia Wen, Biomicrofluidics, 7, 024106 (2013)
47. Ming Li, Shunbo Li, Wenbin Cao, Weihua Li, Weijia Wen and Gursel Alici "Improved concentration and separation of particles in a 3D dielectrophoretic chip integrating focusing, aligning and trapping" Microfluid Nanofluid, 14,527 (2013)
48. Jiaxing Li, Xiang Wang, Cheng Cheng, Limu Wang , Eric Zhao, Xiangke Wang, and Weijia Wen "Selective modification for polydimethylsiloxane chip by micro-plasma" J Mater Sci 48, 1310 (2013)
49. Shunbo Li, Ming Li, Yu Sanna Hui, Wenbin Cao, Weihua Li, Weijia Wen "A novel method to construct 3D electrodes at the side wall of microfluidic channel" Microfluid Nanofluid 14, 499 (2013)
50. Jinbo Wu, Mengying Zhang, Xiaolin Li, and Weijia Wen, “Multiple and High-Throughput Droplet Reactions via Combination of Microsampling Technique and Microfluidic Chip”, Analytical Chemistry, 84,9689 (2012)
51. Limu Wang, Rimantas Kodzius, Xin Yi, Shunbo Li, Yu Sanna Hui and Weijia Wen "Prototyping chips in minutes: Direct Laser Plotting (DLP) of functional microfluidic structures" Sensors and Actuators B 168 214 (2012)
52. X. Xiao, Y. Li, B. Hou, B. Zhou, and W. Wen "Subwavelength polarization rotators via double-layer metal hole arrays" Optics Letters, 37, 3594 (2012)
53. Bingpu Zhou, Limu Wang, Shunbo Li, Xiang Wang, Yu Sanna Hui and Weijia Wen "Universal logic gates via liquid-electronic hybrid divider" Lab Chip 12, 5211 (2012)
54. Jinbo Wu, Weijia Wen and Ping Sheng "Smart electroresponsive droplets in microfluidics" Soft Matter 8,11589 (2012)
55. Bo Hou, Xiao Xiao and Weijia Wen, "Photonic bands from cascaded metallic plates with subwavelength slits" J. Opt. 14 055102 (2012)
56. Ming Li, Shunbo Li, Wenbin Cao,Weihua Li,Weijia Wen, and Gursel Alici1"Continuous particle focusing in a waved microchannel using negative dc dielectrophoresis" J. Micromech. Microeng. 22 095001 (2012)
57. Shunbo Li, Xiao Xiao, Bo Hou, and Weijia Wen "Green Function Formulism for Electromagnetic Wave Generated in Nanostructured Metamaterial of Finite Thickness: Isotropy and Anisotropy", International Journal of Optics, 2012, 532316 (2012)
58. K. Bougot-Robin, W. Wen, and H. Benisty, "Resonant waveguide sensing made robust by on chip peak tracking through image correlation" Biomedical Optics Express, 3, 2436 (2012)
59. Kristelle Bougot-Robin, Shunbo Li, Yinghua Zhang, I-Ming Hsing, Henri Benisty and Weijia Wen, "'Peak tracking chip' for label-free optical detection of bio-molecular interaction and bulk sensing" Analyst, 137, 4785 (2012)
60. Ping Sheng and Weijia Wen, “Electrorheological fluids: Mechanisms, Dynamics, and Microfluidics Applications”, Annual Review: Fluid Mechanics, 44: 143-174 (2012)
61. Jun Mei, Guancong Ma, Min Yang, Zhiyu Yang, Weijia Wen and Ping Sheng, “Dark acoustic metamaterials as super absorbers for low-frequency sound”, Nature Communication, 3 756 (2012)
62. Lei Jiang , Min Zhang , Jiaxing Li , Weijia Wen and Jianhua Qin, “Simple Localization of Nanofiber Scaffolds via SU-8 Photoresist and Their Use for Parallel 3D Cellular Assays”, Advanced Materials, 24, 2191 (2012)
63. Ming Li, Shunbo Li, Jinbo Wu, Weijia Wen, Weihua Li, Gursel Alici, “A simple and cost-effective method for fabrication of integrated electronic-microfluidic devices using a laser-patterned PDMS layer”, Microfluid Nanofluid, 12, 751 (2012)
64. Rimantas Kodzius, Kang Xiao, Jinbo Wu, Xin Yi, Xiuqing Gong, Ian G. Foulds, Weijia Wen, Inhibitory effect of common microfluidic materials on PCR outcome, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 161, 349 (2012)
65. Jinbo Wu, Rimantas Kodzius, Kang Xiao, Jianhua Qin and Weijia Wen, “Fast detection of genetic information by an optimized PCR in an interchangeable chip” Biomed Microdevices 14,179 (2012)
66. Jinbo Wu, Mengying Zhang, Longqing Chen, Vivian Yu, Joseph Tin-Yum Wong, Xixiang Zhang, Jianhua Qin and Weijia Wen, “Patterning cell using Si-stencil for high-throughput assay”, RSC Advances, 1, 746 (2011)
67. M. Zhang, L. Wang, X. Wang, J. Wu, J. Li, X. Gong, J. Qin, W. Li, and W. Wen, “Microdroplets-based Universal Logic Gates by electrorheological fluid”, Soft Matter, 7, 7493 (2011)
68. G. Zhao, S. Chen, W. Wen, F. Miyamaru, M. W. Takeda, J. Yu and Ping Sheng, “Single-phase Electrorheological Effect in Microgravity,” Soft Matter, 7, 7198 (2011)
69. L. Wang, X. Gong and W. Wen, “Electrorheological Fluid and Its Applications Microfluidics” Top Curr Chem Vol. 305 1-25, (2011)
70. J. Li, X. Gong, X. Yi, P. Sheng, Ping, W. Wen, Facile fabrication, properties and application of novel thermo-responsive hydrogel, Smart Materials and Structures, 20,075005 (2011)
71. Z. Xu, J. Miao, N. Wang, W. Wen and P. Sheng, Maximum efficiency of the electro-osmotic pump, Phys. Rev. E, 83, 066303 (2011)
72. J. Wu, M. Zhang, X. Wang, S. Li and W. Wen, A Simple Approach for Local Contact Angle Determination on a Heterogeneous Surface, Langmuir, 27, 5705 (2011)
73. S. Chen, X. Huang, W. Wen, P. Sheng and N. F. A. Van Der Vegt, Microscopic mechanism of the giant electrorheological effect,” Int. J. of Mod. Phys. B, 25, 897 (2011).
74. Xu, Zuli, Miao, Jianying, Wang, Ning, Wen, Weijia, Sheng, Ping, Digital flow control of electroosmotic pump: Onsager coefficients and interfacial parameters determination, Solid State communication, 151, 440, (2011)
75. Jiaxing Li, Mengying Zhang, Limu Wang, Weihua Li, Ping Sheng and Weijia Wen, “Design and fabrication of microfluidic mixer from carbonyl iron–PDMS composite membrane”, Microfluid Nanofluid, (2011)
76. Xiao Xiao, Jinbo Wu, Fumiaki Miyamaru, Mengying Zhang, Shunbo Li, Mitsuo W. Takeda, Weijia Wen, and Ping Sheng “Fano effect of metamaterial resonance in terahertz extraordinary transmission”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 98, 011911 (2011)
77. Shuyu Chen, Xianxiang Huang, Nico F. A. van der Vegt, Weijia Wen, and Ping Sheng, “Giant Electrorheological Effect: A Microscopic Mechanism”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 105, 046001 (2010)
78. Limu Wang, Mengying Zhang, Jiaxing Li, Xiuqing Gong and Weijia Wen, “Logic control of microfluidics with smart colloid”, Lab Chip, 10, 2869 (2010)
79. Mengying Zhang, Jinbo Wu, Limu Wang, Kang Xiao and Weijia Wen,”A simple method for fabricating multi-layer PDMS structures for 3D microfluidic chips” , Lab Chip, 10, 1199 (2010)
80. Xiuqing Gong, Xin Yi, Kang Xiao, Shunbo Li, Rimantas Kodzius, Jianhua Qin and Weijia Wen, “Wax-bonding 3D Microfluidic Chips” Lab Chip, 10, 2622 (2010)
81. Xiao Xiao, Wu Jinbo, Yuki Sasagawa, Fumiaki Miyamaru, Mengying Zhang, Mitsuo W. Takeda, Chunyin Qiu, Weijia Wen and Ping Sheng, “Resonant terahertz transmissions through metal hole array on silicon substrate”, Optics Express, 18, 18558, (2010)
82. Liu, Fengming, Ke, Manzhu, Zhang, Anqi, Wen, Weijia, Shi, Jing, Liu, Zhengyou, Sheng, Ping, “Acoustic analog of electromagnetically induced transparency in periodic arrays of square rods”, Phys. Rev. E, 82, 026601 (2010)
83. Xin Yi, Rimantas Kodzius, Xiuqing Gong, Kang Xiao, and Weijia Wen, “A simple method of fabricating mask-free microfluidic devices for biological analysis”, Biomicrofluidics 4, 036503 (2010)
84. Kang Xiao, Mengying Zhang, Shuyu Chen, Limu Wang, Donald Choy Chang and Weijia Wen, “ Electroporation of Micro-droplet Encapsulated HeLa Cells in Oil Phase”, Electrophoresis, 31, 3175, (2010)
85. Jiaxing Li, Xiuqing Gong, Shuyu Chen, Weijia Wen and Ping Sheng, “Giant Electrorheological Fluid Comprising Nanoparticles-Carbon Nanotube Composite” J. of Appl. Phys. 107 093507 (2010)
86. X. W. Zhang, T. X. Yu and W. J. Wen, “Electro-rheological cylinders used as impact energy absorbers” J. of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 21, 729-745 (2010)
87. Weijia Wen and Ping Sheng, “Electrorheology: Statics and dynamics” Solid State Communications 150, 1023 (2010)
88. Xiao Xiao, Xin Yi, Bo Hou, Weijia Wen, Zhengyou Liu, Jing Shi and Ping Sheng, “Subwavelength waveguiding and imaging with a one-dimensional array of metallic H-fractals” New J. Phys., 12, 073021(2010)
89. Fumiaki Miyamaru, Yu Saito, Mitsuo Wada Takeda, Bo Hou, Weijia Wen, and Ping Sheng, “Characteristics of Terahertz Radiation Emitted From Fractal Photoconductive Antennas” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 49, 070205 (2010)
90. H Chen, B. Hou, S. Chen, X. Ao, W. Wen and C. T. Chan, “Design and Experimental Realization of a Broadband Transformation Media Field Rotator at Microwave Frequencies”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, 183903 (2009)
91. Xiuqing Gong, Jiaxing Li, Shuyu Chen, and Weijia Wen,Copolymer solution-based “smart window”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 95, 251907 (2009)
92. F. Miyamaru,Y. Saito, M. W. Takeda, L. Liu, B. Hou, W. Wen, and Ping Sheng, “Emission of terahertz radiations from fractal antennas”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 95, 221111 (2009)
93. Xiuqing Gong, Limu Wang and Weijia Wen, “Design and fabrication of monodisperse hollow titania microspheres from a microfluidic droplet-template”, Chem. Commun., 31, 4690, (2009)
94. Xiuqing Gong, Weijia Wen, Ping Sheng, “Microfluidic fabrication of porous polymer microspheres: Dual reactions in single droplet” , Langmuir, 25, 7072 (2009)
95. Xiuqing Gong, Suili Peng, Weijia Wen, Ping Sheng, and Weihua Li, “Design and Fabrication of Magnetically Functionalized Core/Shell Microspheres for Smart Drug Delivery”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 19, 292 (2009)
96. Xiuqing Gong and Weijia Wen, “Polydimethylsiloxane-based conducting composites and their applications in microfluidic chip fabrication” , Biomicrofluidics 3, 012007 (2009)
97. Xize Niu, Mengying Zhang, Jinbo Wu, Weijia Wen and Ping Sheng, “Generation and manipulation of ‘‘smart’’ droplets”, Soft Matter, 5, 576, (2009)
98. Jinbo Wu, Wenbin Cao, Weijia Wen, Donald Choy Chang, and Ping Sheng, “Polydimethylsiloxane microfluidic chip with integrated microheater and thermal sensor”, Biomicrofluidics, 3, 012005 (2009)
99. Mengying Zhang, Xiuqing Gong and Weijia Wen, “Manipulation of Microfluidicroplets by electrorheological fluid” Electrophoresis, 30, 3116 (2009)
100. Limu Wang, Mengying Zhang, Min Yang, Weiming Zhu, Jinbo Wu, Xiuqing Gong, and Weijia Wen, “Polydimethylsioxane-integratable micropressure sensor for microfluidic chips” Biomicrofluidics, 3, 034105 (2009)
101. Xiao Xiao, Bo Hou, Weijia Wen, and Ping Sheng, “Tuning birefringence by using two-dimensional photonic band structure”, J. Appl. Phys., 106, 086103 (2009)
102. Yun-Yang Ling, Yechi Zhang, Weijia Wen, Patrick Tabeling, Yi-Kuen Lee, “Integrated microgiant electrorheological fluid valves for microflow cytometry” , J. Micro/Nanolith. MEMS MOEMS 8, 021103, (2009)
103. Mengying Zhang, Jinbo Wu, Xize Niu, Weijia Wen, and Ping Sheng, “Manipulations of microfluidic droplets using electrorheological carrier fluid” Phys. Rev. E, 78, 066305 (2008)
104. Jianwei Zhang, Xiuqing Gong, Chun Liu, Weijia Wen, and Ping Sheng, “Electrorheological Fluid Dynamics” Phys. Rev. Lett., 101, 194503 (2008)
105. Bo Hou and Weijia Wen “ Transmission resonances of electromagnetic wave through metallic gratings: phase and field characterizations” Optics Express, 16, 17098 (2008)
106. Bo Hou, Jun Mei, Manzhu Ke, Zhengyou Liu, Jing Shi, and Weijia Wen, “Experimental determination for resonance-induced transmission of acoustic waves through subwavelength hole arrays”, J. of Appl. Phys., 104, 014909 (2008)
107. Liyu Liu, Wenbin Cao, Jinbo Wu, Weijia Wen, Donald Choy Chang, and Ping Sheng, “Design and fabrication of an All-in-One biomicrofluidic chip”, Biomicrofluidics, 2, 034103 (2008)
108. Jun Mei, Bo Hou, Manzhu Ke, Shasha Peng, Han Jia, Zhengyou Liu, Jing Shi, Weijia Wen, and Ping Sheng, "Acoustic wave transmission through a bull's eye structure", Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 124106 (2008)
109. X. W. Zhang, C. B. Zhang, T. X. Yu and W. J. Wen, “Characterization of electro-rheological fluids under high shear rate in parallel ducts”, Inter. J. of Mod. Phys. B,, 22, 6029 (2008)
110. Xianzhou Zhang, Suili Peng, Weijia Wen and Weihua Li, “Analysis and fabrication of patterned magnetorheological elastomers” Smart Mater. Struct. 17, 045001, (2008)
111. Bo Hou, Hang Xie, Weijia Wen and Ping Sheng, "Three-Dimensional Metallic Fractals and Their Photonic Crystal Characteristics”, Phys. Rev. B, 77, 125113 (2008)
112. Xiuqing Gong, Jinbo Wu, XianXiang Huang, Weijia Wen and Ping Sheng, “Influence of Liquid Phase on Nanoparticle-based Giant Electrorheological Fluid” Nanotechnology, 19, 165602 (2008)
113. Weijia Wen, Xianxiang Huang and Ping Sheng, “Electrorheological fluids: structures and mechanisms”, Soft Matter, 4, 200, (2008)
114. Suili Peng, Mengying Zhang, Xize Niu, Weijia Wen, Zhengyou Liu, Jing Shi and Ping Sheng, “Magnetically Responsive Elastic Microspheres”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 92,012108, (2008)
115. F. Miyamaru, Y. Saito, M. W. Takeda, B. Hou, L. Liu, W. Wen, and P. Sheng, “Terahertz electric response of fractal metamaterial structures”, Phys. Rev. B, 77, 045124 (2008)
116. Xize Niu, Mengying Zhang, Suili Peng, Weijia Wen and Ping Sheng, Real-time Detection, Control and Sorting of Microfluidic Droplets, Biomicrofluidics, 1, 044101, (2007)
117. Liyu Liu, Suili Peng, Weijia Wen and Ping Sheng, “Micro Thermo Indicators and Optical-Electronic Temperature Control for Microfluidic Applications”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 093513 (2007)
118. Huang, X., Wen, W., Yang, S., Sheng, P., “Formation of polarized contact layers and the giant electrorheological effect”, Inter. J. of Mod. Phys. B, 21, 4907 (2007)
119. X. Niu, S. Peng, L. Liu, W. Wen and P. Sheng, “PDMS-based conducting composite and its application in micro-fabrications” Advanced Materials, 19, 2682 (2007)
120. Bo Hou, Jun Mei, Manzhu Ke, Weijia Wen,1, Zhengyou Liu, Jing Shi, and Ping Sheng, “Tuning Fabry-Perot resonances via diffraction evanescent waves” Phys. Rev. B 76, 054303 (2007)
121. Manzhu Ke, Zhaojian He, Shasha Peng, Zhengyou Liu, Jing Shi, Weijia Wen and Ping Sheng, “Surface Resonant-States-Enhanced AcousticWave Tunneling in Two-Dimensional Phononic Crystals” Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 044301 (2007)
122. Liyu Liu, Suili Peng, Weijia Wen and Ping Sheng, “ Paperlike thermochromic display”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 90, 213508 (2007)
123. B. Hou, H. Wen, Y. Leng and W. Wen, “Enhanced transmissions of electromagnetic waves through metamaterials”, Appl. Phys. A, 87, 217 (2007)
124. Ke M, Liu ZY, Pang P, Qiu CY, Zhao DG, Peng SS, Shi J, Wen WJ, “Experimental demonstration of directional acoustic radiation based on two-dimensional phononic crystal band edge states”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 90 083509 (2007)
125. Sheng, P., Mei, J., Liu, Z., Wen, W. , “Dynamic mass density and acoustic metamaterials”, Physica B: Cond. Mat. 394, 256, (2007)
126. P. Sheng, J. Mei, Z. Liu and W. Wen, “ Dynamic mass density and acoustic metamaterials” Wuli, 36, 1 (2007)
127. H. Liao, W. Wen and G. K. L. Wong, “ Photoluminescence from Au nanoparticles embedded in Au:oxide composite films”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 23, 2518 (2006)
128. X. Huang, W. Wen, S. Yang and P Sheng, "Mechanism of the giant electrorheological effect" , Solid State Communications, 139, 581 (2006)
129. B. Hou, Z. Hang, W. Wen, C. T. Chan and P. Sheng, “Microwave transmission through metallic hole array: Surface electric field measurements” Appl. Phys. Lett., 89, 131917, (2006)
130. L. Liu, S. Peng, X. Niu and W. Wen, “Microheater fabricated from a conducting composite”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 89, 223521 (2006)
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Selected Patents
1. “Planar Band Gap Materials ”, US Patent No.: 6,727,863,
2. " Acoustic attenuation materials" US Patent No.: 7,249,653
3. “Composite Materials with Negative Elastic Constants”, USA Patent No.: 6,576,333,
4. “Electrorheological fluids”, US Patent No.: 6,852,251
5. “Bistable magneto-electronic relay”, US Patent No.: 6,831,535
6. “Electrorheological clutch”, US Patent 6,942,081
7. "Fluid suspension with electrorheological effect" US patent No: 6,984,343
8. "Display apparatus" US Patent No: 7,053,882
9. "Parallel field electrode configurations for electrorheological fluid applications" US Patent No.: 7,137,496
10. "Sound Attenuating structures", US patent No.: 7,395,898
11. “Three-dimensional H-fractal bandgap materials and antennas”, US Patent No: 7,482,994
12. "Subwavelength waveguide and delay line with fractal cross sections", US patent No: 7,567,149
13. "Constructing planar and three-dimensional microstructures with PDMS-based conducting composite", US patent No.8,243,358
14. "Acoustic energy absorption metamaterials", US patent No: 8,579,073
15. "Liquid-electronic hybrid divider", US patent No. 9,132,425
16. “Doped SrTiO3 ER Fluid”, China Patent No.: 95107425.3
17. “High/Low Voltage Power Supply with its Frequency, Voltage, and Waveform Tunable Consecutively”, China Patent No.: 94115559.5
18. “A Kind of Thin Film Electroluminescence Device and its Fabrication”, China Patent No.: 88101492.3
19. "A device and method to enhance ER effect", China Patent . No. 94111558.5