1998--2002,华南理工大学, 应用数学系, 理学学士, 导师:郝志峰。
2002--2007,University of North Carolina (USA),数学系,博士,导师:R. McLaughlin / R. Camassa。
2007--2009,University of Michigan (USA), 数学系, 助理教授。
2009--2011,Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (USA), 研究员 。
2011至今, 浙江大学数学系,特聘研究员。
Professional Membership:
American Mathematical Society, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics,American Physical Society.
浙江大学 (Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China):
《计算方法》 (Methods of Scientific Computation) (Spring/Summer '11-'14; Fall/Winter '15-'16)
研究生公选课程:《数值计算方法》 (Methods of Scientific Computation) (Fall '13-'15)
《常微分方程》 (Ordinary Differential Equations) (Fall '12-'15; Summer '13-'15)
《偏微分方程》 (Partial Differential Equations) (Winter '12-'15)
《博士生专业英语/LaTeX入门》 (Introduction to LaTeX) (Spring '14-'15)
U. of Michigan at Ann Arbor:
Spring 2009, Math 450: Advanced Mathematics for Engineers I Sample syllabus
Fall 2007 - Fall 2008, Math 471: Introduction to Numerical Methods Sample syllabus (PDF)
U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill:
Fall 2006, Math 231 (Old 31): Calculus I: Functions of One Variable
Fall 2003, Math 230 (Old 30): Precalculus: Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry
Tutored and Assisted Courses:
Math 521 (Old 121): Advanced Calculus I
Math 547 (Old 147): Linear Algebra for Applications
Math 661 (Old 191): Scientific Computation I
Research Support:
1. Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.Postdoctoral Associate August 2009-present.
“Optimal Mixing and Biogenic Mixing", Institute for Mathematics and its Ap-plications: Thematic Year on Complex Fluids and Complex uids, Supported by National Science Foundation.
2. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.Postdoctoral Assistant Professor.August 2007-May 2009
“Mixing e ciency of turbulent ows", Department of Mathematics, Supported by NSF award \Studies in Mathematical Physics: Advection, Convection and Turbulent Transport" (PHY-0555324).
3. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA.Research Assistant.September 2004-July 2007
“Scale dependent, heavy-tailed distributions in geophysical ows: physical mech-anisms and data assimilation", Department of Mathematics, Supported by NSF award \Collaborations in Mathematical Geosciences" (ATM-0327906).
4. Research Assistant.January 2004-January 2005.
“Turbulent jets and plumes in a strati ed environment", UNC Fluids Lab, De-partment of Mathematics.
1. Passive Scalar Intermittency
The mixing and transport phenomena in various fluids are often characterized by the behavior of fluctuation fields of submerged physical observables, many of which can be modeled as passive scalars, such as temperature, moisture, and chemical concentrations. "Passive" means that they do not affect the underlying flow. These quantities not only are the subject matters in environmental control, combustion, and biochemical reactions but also serve as proxies for the study of turbulence.
Scalar intermittency refers to the non-Gaussian scalar statistics widely observed in laboratory and field experiments. These "intermittent" probability distributions usually possess heavy tails indicating "anomalously" high probabilities for large and rare fluctuations than a normal distribution would suggest. In other words, they are inconsistent with the general Gaussian assumptions used, on account of their mathematical simplicity, in operational meteorology and climatology and they may drastically change the estimates concerning the current and future states of the environment.
R. Camassa, ZL and R. M. McLaughlin, Evolution of the probability measure for the Majda model: new invariant measures and breathing PDFs, Journal of Statistical Physics, 130(2): 343--371 (2008).
J. Bronski, R. Camassa, ZL, R. M. McLaughlin and A. Scotti, An explicit family of probability measures for passive scalar diffusion in a random flow, Journal of Statistical Physics, 128(4): 927--968 (2007).
(Resources: '07 UMich Talk; '07 MSRI Talk Video)
2. Mixing Measures
When it comes to describing how well-mixed a body of fluid is with some dye in it, there's really no concensus on what measure to use. Scalar statistics is one such measure; traditionally the mean-squared displacement of scalar particles is also one. Spatial variances are yet another common class which measures the homogeneity: after all, they are what we preceive looking at these pictures. Depending on the physics involved, the most natural measure to use and consequently, the mathematical challenges, approaches can vary.
Using different measures for the same problem sometimes can lead to conflicting and confusing results, while at other times, they can be complementary to each other and put together a comprehensive picture of the science. With a particular choice of the mixing measure, it's also possible to derive flow-control strategies are to optimize the flow-enhanced scalar mixing and transport in industrial applications like microfluidics.
E. Lunasin, E., ZL, A. Novikov, A. Mazzucato and C. R. Doering, Optimal mixing and optimal stirring for fixed energy, fixed power or fixed palenstrophy flows, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 53(11): 115611 (2012).
ZL, J.-L. Thiffeault and C. R. Doering, Optimal stirring strategies for passive scalar mixing, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 675: 465--476 (2011).
ZL, K. Bodova and C. R. Doering, Models and measures of mixing and effective diffusion, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - A, 28(1): 259--274 (2010).
R. Camassa, ZL and R. M. McLaughlin, The Exact Evolution of the Scalar Variance in Pipe and Channel Flow, Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 8(2): 601--626 (2010).
(Resources: SIAM DS09 Talk, '10 UMN Talk)
3. Biogenic Mixing
Vertical mixing and transport in the ocean have always been central research topics for oceanographers and even more so for marine biologists. These mechanisms, by controlling the upwelling and sinking of nutrients/toxics and living species, play a vital role in almost all biological and chemical processes and eventually in the genesis and evolution of life on earth, especially in periods of climate change.
While the winds and tides have been naturally considered to be among the obvious driving forces, but: Do fish stir the ocean? And other marine species like whales and shrimps and planktons? Apparently their terrestrial and amphibious relatives such as earthworms and crabs are known to shape the geometry and composition of their surroundings. For decades scientists have been arguing about the significance of biogenic mixing in the oceans only based on some rough, top-down/energy budget/scaling calculations.
ZL, J.-L. Thiffeault and S. Childress, Stirring by squirmers, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 669: 167--177 (2011).
(Resources: '10 IMA Poster, '11 ICIAM Talk; Coverage 1, 2 and 3 feat. JLT and SC)
4. Underwater Turbulent Plumes and Jets
The recent Deepwater Horizon blowout in the Gulf of Mexico caused catastrophic damages to the local ecology and human society. This is one prominent example of how a better knowledge of underwater turbulent plumes and jets would have saved billions (of lives). One huge problem after the crisis was that the oil plumes got trapped and spreaded below the water surface which made the skimming impossible. Knowing when and how this happened will provide valuable insights in environmental loss estimation and prevention.
R. Camassa, ZL and R. M. McLaughlin, Internal trapping of plumes in stratified environments, in preparation.
(Resources: UNC Experiment on Youtube; Coverage 1 and 2 feat. RMM and RC)
5. Multiscale and Stochastic Simulations
6. Homogenization and Asymptotic Methods
7. Parallel Computing with GPUs
1 Lunasin, E., Lin, Z., Novikov, A. and et. al., Optimal mixing and optimal stirring for fixed energy, fixed power or fixed palenstrophy flows, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 53(11), 2012.(Top, SCI)
2 Adalsteinsson, D., Camassa, R., Lin, Z. and et. al, Subsurface Trapping of Oil Plumes in Stratification: Laboratory Investigations, Geophysical Monograph Series, 195, 2011.
3 Lin, Z., Thiffeault, J.-L. and Doering, C. R., Optimal stirring strategies for passive scalar mixing, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 675, 2011.(Top, SCI)
4 Lin, Z., Thiffeault, J.-L. and Childress, S., Stirring by squirmers, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 669, 2011.(Top, SCI)
5 Lin, Z., Bodova, K. and Doering, C. R., Models and measures of mixing and effective diffusion, Discrete and Continuous Dynamics Systems - A, 28(1), 2010.(Top, SCI)
6 Camassa, R., Lin, Z. and McLaughlin, R. M., The exact evolution of the scalar variance in pipe and channel flow, Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 8(2), 2010.(SCI)
7 Camassa, R., Lin, Z. and McLaughlin, R. M., Evolution of the probabilitymeasure for the Majda model: new invariant measures and breathing PDFs, Journal of Statistical Physics, 130(2), 2008.(SCI)
8 Bronski, J. C., Camassa, R., Lin, Z. and et. al., An explicit family of probability measures for passive scalar diffusion in a random flow, Journal of Statistical Physics, 128(4), 2007.(SCI)
Invited Presentations:
1. “Mixing and Transport of Passive Scalar in Fluids", Institute of Natural Sciences,Presentations Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China.November 2011
2. “A Simple Model for Biogenic Mixing", Applied Math Seminar, Guangdong Uni-versity of Technology, Guangzhou, China.September 2011
3. “A Stochastic Hydrodynamic Model for Biogenic Mixing", International Confer-ence on Interdisciplinary, Applied and Computation Mathematics, Zhejiang Uni-versity, Hangzhou, China.June 2011
4. “Optimal Mixing", The 63rd Annual Meeting of Division of Fluid Dynamics,American Physical Society, Long Beach, CA.November 2010
5. “Calculus of Variations and its Applications in Mixing", Minnesota Undergraduate Math Club, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.March 2010
6. “Mathematical models and measures of mixing", IMA Postdoc Seminar, Min-neapolis, MN.November 2009
7. “Measures of mixing and e ective di usion", SIAM Conference on Applied Dy-namical Systems, Snowbird, UT.May 2009
8. “Passive scalar intermittency in random ows", Applied and Industrial Math Sem-inar, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.February 2008
9. “The Majda model and scalar intermittency in random ows", SIAM Conference on Applied Dynamical Systems, Snowbird, UT.June 2007
10.“ Simple models of passive scalar intermittency", Mathematical Issues in Stochastic Approaches for Multiscale Modeling, MSRI, Berkeley, CA.May 2007
11. “Passive scalar intermittency in random ows", Applied Mathematics Lab Semi-nar, Courant Institute, New York, NY.February 2007
12. “Non-Gaussianity in turbulent transport", Southeastern Atlantic Mathematical Sciences Workshop, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC.September 2006
13. “An explicit family of probability measures for passive scalar di usion in a random ow", AIMS' Sixth International Conference on Dynamical Systems, Di erential Equations and Applications, University of Poitiers, Poitiers, France. June 2006
14. “The spatio-temporal evolution of the probability density function for a passive scalar advected by a rapidly varying random wind", Southeastern Atlantic Mathe-matical Sciences Workshop, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC. Septem-ber 2005
15.(Poster) “A Hydrodynamic Model of Biogenic Mixing", IMA Workshop for Natural Locomotion in Fluids and on Surfaces: Swimming, Flying, and Sliding, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. June 2010
16.(Poster) “Full PDF reconstruction from exact statistical moments of the advection-di usion of a passive tracer in a random ow", SIAM Conference on Applied Dy-namical Systems, Snowbird, UT.May 2005
17.(Poster) “Plume mixing and entrainment in a strati ed environment", Southeast-ern Atlantic Mathematical Sciences Workshop, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC September. 2004
1. Postdoctoral Summer Research Fellowship, University of Michigan 2008
2. Scholars for Tomorrow Fellowship, University of North Carolina 2002-2004
3. Dissertation Fellowship, South China University of Technology 2002
4. Meritorious, The Mathematical Contest in Modeling, COMAP 2001
5. Second Prize, Contemporary Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling,CSIAM 2000
6. Annual Collegiate Scholarship, South China University of Technology 1999 -2001
1. Organizer, Minisymposium on Mixing in Geophysics and Engineering, SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird, UT May 22-26,2011.
2. Organizer, Minisymposium on Optimal Mixing, The 7th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vancouver, BC, Canada July 18-22,2011.
Chair, Fundraising Team, Chinese Scholars and Students Association, University of Michigan 2009
2011年5月与7月分别于SIAM动力系统双年会及四年一度的国际工业及应用数学大会(ICIAM 2011)各组织了一次有关混合输运的专题研讨会。
林智,浙江大学应用数学研究所副所长。主要从事流体力学问题驱动的应用数学和计算数学研究。发表Top、SCI收录论文8篇。曾获美国北卡罗莱纳大学“明日学者”奖学金, 2008年暑期获美国密歇根大学博士后研究资助项目。回国之后,已在短时间内和新成立的浙大海洋科学和工程系、国家海洋局第二海洋研究所的相关科研人员开展了稳定广泛的学术交流。
“在美国攻读博士期间,由于二年级时进入了由Richard McLaughlin和Roberto Camassa两位教授主持的“应用数学及海洋科学联合流体力学实验室”担任助教,主要指导本科生进行实验研究和整理数据,自此对流场中的各种混合输运问题产生了浓厚的兴趣”。
来源:科学中国人 2015年第11期