唐少春 ,南京大学现代工程与应用科学学院教授,博士生导师。2008年进入南京大学现代工程与应用科学学院任教,历任讲师、副教授、教授。现为国家科技奖励专家库成员、国际期刊Sci. Rep.的编委、入选江苏省“333工程”中青年科学技术带头人、江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才、江苏省“博士聚集计划”等培养对象,中国材料研究学会委员、中国复合材料学会会员,教育部博士学位论文评审专家,江苏省工程材料领域高新技术企业评审专家、江苏省科技厅科技咨询专家。
先后承担国家自然科学青年、面上基金、江苏省自然科学基金面上、江苏省工业支撑、江苏省产学研联合创新资金、企业横向课题等科研项目。作为学术骨干参加科技部973计划课题2项、国家自然科学基金重点项目和江苏省重大成果转化项目等。已在国际权威期刊发表90多篇SCI论文,其中第一/通讯作者SCI论文50多篇。论文被SCI总引用已超过2000篇次,h-index为25,单篇引用超过130篇次的有4篇,单篇最高引用170篇次;2篇Adv. Energy. Mater.论文入选能源材料领域前1%高倍引用论文“Highly Cited Papers”;1篇Chem. Commun.论文入选材料领域前1%高倍引用论文“Highly Cited Papers”;1篇SCI综述论文被材料领域知名国际学术期刊评为“Excellent Article Award”,撰写中英文专著6章。同时,科研成果获得了省部级以上科技奖励8项以及市级科技进步奖4项,包括教育部科技进步二等奖(第1完成人),江苏省科技进步二等奖(第2完成人),2018年江苏省科技进步奖(第1完成人)。拥有已授权国家专利20多项,其中2项分别获第十七届中国专利优秀奖和江苏省第八届专利优秀奖。
2008.11-2010.12 南京大学现代工程与应用科学学院,讲师
2011.01-2016.12 南京大学现代工程与应用科学学院,副教授
2017.01-至今 南京大学现代工程与应用科学学院,教授
2020.05-至今 南京大学海安高新技术研究院院长
南京大学海安高新技术研究院院长,国家科技奖励项目(材料与冶金组)评审专家、国际期刊Sci. Rep.的编委、国际期刊Frontiers in Materials的客座编辑,江苏省“333工程”中青年科学技术带头人,江苏省“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人,江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才等培养对象。中国材料研究学会会员,中国复合材料学会常务委员,江苏省新材料产业协会理事、标准化委员会副主任,江苏省工程材料领域高新技术企业评审专家,江苏省科技厅科技咨询专家,江苏省教育厅科技专家。
本科生专业基础课《热学》 本科生专业实验课《材料科学与工程实验》 研究生专业必修课《材料科学与工程进展》 研究生专业选修课《二维材料与器件》。
[1] 碳基纳米功能复合材料及柔性器件。
[2] 超级电容/锂(钠、硫)电池材料与应用。
[3] 仿生微纳结构太阳能光热转化材料与器件。
[4] 仿生序构辐射降温材料的制备与应用。
1 低密度、高安全建筑节能软瓷关键技术与应用 陆洪彬;唐伟;丁丽萍;胡兰萍;张秋香;唐少春;毛忠伟;钱忠勤;陈旺;冷炎 海安南京大学高新技术研究院 2017
2 基于聚能超声空化效应的新材料制备与测试关键技术及应用 唐少春;孟祥康;戴玉明;高文华;谢浩;尹青堂;朱保刚;王雪;严静华 南京大学 2016
3 微波超声波的高效协同技术及设备开发与应用 唐少春;孟祥康;高文华;朱健;陆洪彬;尹青堂;谢浩;王勇光;任华 南京大学 2013
4 无刷马达极异方烧结铁氧体高效节能转子磁环 周连明;唐少龙;陆海鸣;曹阳;唐少春 南通万宝实业有限公司 2011
5 动力锂离子电池纳米复合隔膜关键技术研究与应用 孟祥康;吴培龙;陆洪彬;符朝贵;吴松;陈建国;陆海鸣;唐少春;操振华;任华 南京大学 2010
6 新型透波耐火材料在微波加热设备中的应用及产业化 唐少春;孟祥康;高文华;陆洪彬;风洒沙;尹青堂;戴玉明;任华;王翔宇 南京大学 2012
7 超声波微波紫外组合反应系统的研发及产业化 高文华;唐少春;尹青堂;朱健;王翔宇;赵勋 南京先欧仪器制造有限公司 2010
8 不锈钢表面高性能纳米防护涂层技术与产业化 孟祥康;朱善忠;胡勇;陆洪彬;桑志宏;施健;黄立新;沈学新;唐少春;顾敏豪 南京大学 2006
9 金属表面高性能纳米防护涂层技术及其产业化 孟祥康;朱善忠;陆洪彬;陆海鸣;唐少春;周友珍;桑志宏;黄立新;施健;沈学新 南京大学 2009
10 新型纳米结构涂层在不锈钢中的应用及其产业化 孟祥康;陆洪彬;朱善忠;桑志宏;胡勇;唐少春 南京大学南通材料工程技术研究院 2011
[1]Ju, Yanshan; Yang, Peng; He, Jiajun; Tang, Shaochun*.Calcium-Salt-Enhanced Fiber Membrane with High Infrared Emission and Hydrophilicity for Efficient Passive Cooling.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2024.
[2]Bian, Haifeng; Wang, Changhao; Wang, Yongkang; Ren, Yilun; Ge, Yu; Wu, Hao; Wang, Biao; Chen, Dongyuan; Yang, Beibei; Bin, Duan*; Li, Yunsong*; Gu, Jian; Ma, Yujie; Tang, Shaochun; Meng, Xiangkang*; Lu, Hongbin*.Phase Inversion-Induced Porous Polymer Coating for High Rate and Stable Zinc Anode.Advanced Functional Materials, 2024.
[3]Li, Fengqi; Wu, Hao; Lv, Shaochen; Ma, Yujie; Wang, Biao; Ren, Yilun; Wang, Cong; Shi, Yuxuan; Ji, Hurong; Gu, Jian; Tang, Shaochun; Meng, Xiangkang*.Two Birds with One Stone: Contemporaneously Enhancing OER Catalytic Activity and Stability for Dual-Phase Medium-Entropy Metal Sulfides.Small, 2024, 20(11).
[4]Ren, Yilun; Wang, Biao; Chang, Shaozhong; Wu, Hao; Ma, Yujie; Li, Fengqi; Wang, Cong; Gu, Jian; Yang, Yurong; Tang, Shaochun; Meng, Xiangkang*.Achieving high-rate and long-life Zn metal anodes via constructing interfacial gradient heterostructure.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 482: 148917.
[5]Wang, Yue; Wang, Yanjun; Xu, Chiwei; Meng, Yuhang; Liu, Pengyuan; Huang, Chaobo; Yang, Lijun; Li, Ruiqing*; Tang, Shaochun*; Zeng, Jinjue; Wang, Xuebin*.Phosphor-Doped Carbon Network Electrocatalyst Enables Accelerated Redox Kinetics of Polysulfides for Sodium-Sulfur Batteries.ACS Nano, 2024, 18(4): 3839-3849.
[6]Wang, Biao; Tang, Jiayi; Jia, Suyue; Xing, Zhanqi; Chen, Shaowei; Deng, Yu; Meng, Xiangkang*; Tang, Shaochun*.General Scalable Synthesis of Mesoporous Metal Oxide Nanosheets with High Crystallinity for Ultralong-Life Li-S Batteries.Advanced Functional Materials, 2024.
[7]Zhang, Zhibin; Zhou, Dongtao; Li, Zhun; Luan, Xiaowei; Yang, Jingjing*; Tang, Shaochun*; Song, Yujun*.A Nanoinhibitor Targeting cGAS-STING Pathway to Reverse the Homeostatic Imbalance of Inflammation in Psoriasis.Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2024, 63(2).
[8]Zhibin, Zhang; Dongtao, Zhou; Zhun, Li; Xiaowei, Luan; Jingjing, Yang; Shaochun, Tang; Yujun, Song.A Nanoinhibitor Targeting cGAS‐STING Pathway to Reverse the Homeostatic Imbalance of Inflammation in Psoriasis.Angewandte Chemie, 2024, 136(2).
[9]Zhang, Qingyuan; Chen, Yu; Wang, Yating; He, Jiajun; Yang, Peng; Wang, Yu; Tang, Shaochun*.Scalable Ultralight Wood-Inspired Aerogel with Vertically Aligned Micrometer Channels for Highly Efficient Solar Interfacial Desalination.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15(43): 50522-50531.
[10]Cui, Yuchen; Zhou, Xiaoya; Huang, Xin; Xu, Lei; Tang, Shaochun*.Binary Transition-Metal Sulfides/MXene Synergistically Promote Polysulfide Adsorption and Conversion in Lithium-Sulfur Batteries.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15(42): 49223-49232.
[11]Ren, Yilun; Ma, Yujie; Wang, Biao; Chang, Shaozhong; Zhai, Qingxi; Wu, Hao; Dai, Yuming; Yang, Yurong; Tang, Shaochun; Meng, Xiangkang*.Furnishing Continuous Efficient Bidirectional Polysulfide Conversion for Long-Life and High-Loading Lithium-Sulfur Batteries via the Built-In Electric Field.Small, 2023, 19(36).
[12]Zhang, Xiaomei; Yan, Nina; Wang, Min; Jiang, Xizhi; Xu, Rui; Feng, Min; Xu, Lei*; Tang, Shaochun*.Decorative ZIF-8 covered facet-dependent Cu2O toward highly efficient adsorption by reduction U(VI) to U(IV).Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2023, 11(4): 110234.
[13]Wu, Hao; Wang, Zhichao; Li, Zexu; Ma, Yujie; Ding, Fan; Li, Fengqi; Bian, Haifeng; Zhai, Qingxi; Ren, Yilun; Shi, Yuxuan; Yang, Yurong; Deng, Yu; Tang, Shaochun; Meng, Xiangkang*.Medium-Entropy Metal Selenides Nanoparticles with Optimized Electronic Structure as High-Performance Bifunctional Electrocatalysts for Overall Water Splitting.Advanced Energy Materials, 2023, 13(28).
[14]Wang, Biao; Ren, Yilun; Chen, Shaowei; Zhai, Qingxi; Shi, Yuxuan; Ma, Yujie; Tang, Shaochun*; Meng, Xiangkang*.Formation of hierarchically 3D cactus-like architecture as efficient Mott-Schottky electrocatalyst for long-life Li-S batteries.Nano Research, 2023, 16(7): 9318-9326.
[15]Bian, Haifeng; Zhang, Guoli; Zhai, Qingxi; Du, Yanyan; Ma, Yujie; Yang, Beibei; Tang, Shaochun; Bin, Duan*; Meng, Xiangkang*; Lu, Hongbin*.Enhanced corrosion resistance by polypyrrole and Ti3C2Tx-acrylic epoxy double-layer coating for 304SS bipolar plates of PEMFC.Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2023, 122: 520-528.
[16]Bian, Haifeng; Du, Yanyan; Ren, Yilun; Wu, Hao; Ma, Yujie; Yang, Beibei; Tang, Shaochun; Bin, Duan*; Lu, Hongbin*; Meng, Xiangkang*. One-step electrodeposition of polypyrrole/Ti3C2Tx MXene composite coating for 304SS bipolar plates in PEMFC.Surface and Coatings Technology, 2023, 462: 129460.
[17]He, Jiajun; Zhang, Qingyuan; Wu, Yipeng; Ju, Yanshan; Wang, Yu*; Tang, Shaochun*.Scalable nanofibrous silk fibroin textile with excellent Mie scattering and high sweat evaporation ability for highly efficient passive personal thermal management.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 466: 143127.
[18]Zhou, Xiaoya; Cui, Yuchen; Huang, Xin; Wu, Xin; Sun, Hao*; Tang, Shaochun*.Dual-Defect Engineering of Bidirectional Catalyst for High-Performing Lithium-Sulfur Batteries.Small, 2023, 19(40).
[19]Wu, Hao; Li, Zexu; Wang, Zhichao; Ma, Yujie; Huang, Sirui; Ding, Fan; Li, Fengqi; Zhai, Qingxi; Ren, Yilun; Zheng, Xiaowen; Yang, Yurong; Tang, Shaochun; Deng, Yu*; Meng, Xiangkang*.Regulation of electronic structure in medium-entropy metal sulfides nanoparticles as highly efficient bifunctional electrocatalysts for zinc-air battery.Applied Catalysis B: Environmental , 2023, 325: 122356.
[20]Zhang, Zhibin; Zhou, Dongtao; Luan, Xiaowei; Wang, Xuyuan; Zhu, Zhenxing; Luo, Wen; Yang, Jingjing*; Tang, Shaochun*; Song, Yujun*.Biodegradable Hollow Nanoscavengers Restore Liver Functions to Reverse Insulin Resistance in Type 2 Diabetes.ACS Nano, 2023, 17(10): 9313-9325.
[21]Zhao, Xiaoju; Geng, Shitao; Zhou, Tong; Wang, Yan; Tang, Shanshan; Qu, Zongtao; Wang, Shuo; Zhang, Xiao; Xu, Qiuchen; Yuan, Bin; Ouyang, Zhaofeng; Peng, Huisheng; Tang, Shaochun*; Sun, Hao*.Unlocking Deep and Fast Potassium-Ion Storage through Phosphorus Heterostructure.Small, 2023, 19(36): n/a-n/a.
[22]Yang, Peng; He, Jiajun; Ju, Yanshan; Zhang, Qingyuan; Wu, Yipeng; Xia, Zhengcai*; Chen, Liang*; Tang, Shaochun*.Dual-Mode Integrated Janus Films with Highly Efficient NaH2PO2-Enhanced Infrared Radiative Cooling and Solar Heating for Year-Round Thermal Management.Advanced Science, 2023, 10(7).
[23]Zhai, Qingxi; Hu, Kuo-Juei; Shi, Yuxuan; Ji, Hurong; Wu, Hao; Ren, Yilun; Wang, Biao; Tang, Shaochun; Ma, Yujie; Cui, Mingjin*; Meng, Xiangkang*.Amorphous Metal-Organic Framework-Derived Electrocatalyst to Boost Water Oxidation.Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2023, 14(5): 1156-1164.
[24]Zhou, Xiaoya; Cui, Yuchen; Huang, Xin; Zhang, Qingyuan; Wang, Biao; Tang, Shaochun*.Interface engineering of Fe3Se4/FeSe heterostructures encapsulated in MXene for boosting LiPS conversion and inhibiting shuttle effect.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 457: 141139.
[25]Chen, Yu; Yang, Jin*; Zhang, Dongfang; Wang, Sizhe; Jia, Xiaohua; Li, Yong; Shao, Dan; Feng, Lei; Song, Haojie*; Tang, Shaochun*.A wood-inspired bimodal solar-driven evaporator for highly efficient and durable purification of high-salinity wastewater.Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2023, 11(5): 2349-2359.
[26] Ren, Yilun; Wang, Biao; Liu, Hanlu; Wu, Hao; Bian, Haifeng; Ma, Yujie; Lu, Haiming; Tang, Shaochun; Meng, Xiangkang*. CoP nanocages intercalated MXene nanosheets as a bifunctional mediator for suppressing polysulfide shuttling and dendritic growth in lithium-sulfur batteries.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 450: 138046.
[27]Zhai, Qingxi; Zhang, Menghang; Ji, Hurong; Bian, Haifeng; Wu, Hao; Ma, Yujie; Yang, Yurong; Tang, Shaochun; Cui, Mingjin*; Meng, Xiangkang*.Freestanding Cactus-Like Dual-Phase Bimetallic Metal-Organic Framework as a High-Efficiency Electrocatalyst for Water Oxidation.Journal of Physical. Chemistry C, 2022, 126(48): 20204-20212.
[28]Wu, Hao; Huang, Sirui; Ding, Fan; Ma, Yujie; Zhai, Qingxi; Ren, Yilun; Yang, Yurong; Chen, Lan; Tang, Shaochun; Meng, Xiangkang*.Amorphous Bimetallic Metal-Organic Frameworks with an Optimized D-Band Center Enable Accelerating Oxygen Evolution Reaction.Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2022, 126(46): 19715-19725.
[29]Wang, Biao; Sun, Dongyue; Ren, Yilun; Zhou, Xiaoya; Ma, Yujie; Tang, Shaochun*; Meng, Xiangkang*.MOFs derived ZnSe/N-doped carbon nanosheets as multifunctional interlayers for ultralong-Life lithium-sulfur batteries.Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2022, 125(30): 97-104.
[30]Li, Fengqi; Ma, Yujie; Wu, Hao; Zhai, Qingxi; Zhao, Jingyuan; Ji, Hurong; Tang, Shaochun; Meng, Xiangkang*.Sub-3-nm High-Entropy Metal Sulfide Nanoparticles with Synergistic Effects as Promising Electrocatalysts for Enhanced Oxygen Evolution Reaction.Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2022.
[31]Wu, Hao; Zhai, Qingxi; Ding, Fan; Sun, Dongyue; Ma, Yujie; Ren, Yilun; Wang, Biao; Li, Fengqi; Bian, Haifeng; Yang, Yurong; Chen, Lan; Tang, Shaochun; Meng, Xiangkang*.Amorphous FeNiCu-MOFs as highly efficient electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction in an alkaline medium.Dalton Transactions, 2022, 51(37): 14306-14316.
[32]Yang, Beibei; Zhang, Guoli; Dong, Jiayu; Tang, Shaochun; Zhang, Lifang; Wu, Zhengguang; Bin, Duan*; Song, Yaqiong*; Lu, Hongbin*.A Ti3C2Tx-carbon black-acrylic epoxy coating for 304SS bipolar plates with enhanced corrosion resistant and conductivity.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47(80): 34244-34256.
[33]Niu, Richao; Han, Rubing; Tang, Shaochun*; Zhu, Junwu*.Microwave selective heating ultrafast construction of coral-like TiO2-MXene/graphene hybrid architectures for high-performance lithium-ion battery.Journal of Power Sources, 2022, 542: 231738.
[34]Ren, Yilun; Chang, Shaozhong; Hu, Libing; Wang, Biao; Sun, Dongyue; Wu, Hao; Ma, Yujie; Yang, Yurong; Tang, Shaochun*; Meng, Xiangkang*.A bidirectional electrocatalyst for enhancing Li2S nucleation and decomposition kinetics in lithium-sulfur batteries.Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022, 10(34): 17532-17543.
[35]Ren, Yilun; Zhai, Qingxi; Wang, Biao; Hu, Libing; Ma, Yujie*; Dai, Yuming; Tang, Shaochun*; Meng, Xiangkang*.Synergistic Adsorption-Electrocatalysis of 2D/2D heterostructure toward high performance Li-S batteries.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 439: 135535.
[36]Yang, Beibei; Dong, Jiayu; Bian, Haifeng; Lu, Haimin; Bin, Duan*; Tang, Shaochun*; Song, Yaqiong; Lu, Hongbin*.Expired Cefalexin Loaded into Mesoporous Nanosilica for Self-Healing Epoxy Coating on 304 Stainless Steel.Nanomaterials, 2022, 12(14): 2406.
[37]Zhou, Xiaoya; Long, Weiyu; Wang, Qian; Dong, Xiaochen; Tang, Shaochun*.Quadrangular Prism Porous Shells Constructed by Parallelly Interconnected and Lattice-Strained NiCoP Nanoflakes for Maximized Energy Storage.Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2022, 9(16): 2200590.
[38]Zhang, Rong; Xiang, Bo; Wang, Yating; Tang, Shaochun*; Meng, Xiangkang.A lotus-inspired 3D biomimetic design toward an advanced solar steam evaporator with ultrahigh efficiency and remarkable stability.Materials Horizons, 2022, 9(4): 1232-1242.
[39]Zhang, Rong; Zhou, Yuewei; Xiang, Bo; Zeng, Xujia; Luo, Yanlong; Meng, Xiangkang; Tang, Shaochun*.Scalable Carbon Black Enhanced Nanofiber Network Films for High-Efficiency Solar Steam Generation.Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2021, 8(24): 2101160.
[40]Zhang, Rong; Xiang, Bo; Shen, Yuchun; Xia, Liru; Xu, Lei*; Guan, Qingbao; Tang, Shaochun*.Energy-efficient smart window based on a thermochromic microgel with ultrahigh visible transparency and infrared transmittance modulation.Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021, 9(32): 17481-17491.
[41]Wu, Xian; Zhou, Xiaoya; Hu, Libing; Zhang, Sheng; Wang, Wangguang; Tang, Shaochun*.Porous NiCo2O4-FeCo2O4 Nanowire Arrays as Advanced Electrodes for High-Performance Flexible Asymmetric Supercapacitors.Energy & Fuels, 2021, 35(15): 12680-12687.
[42]Qiao Qing-Shan; Zhang Sheng; Zhou Xiao-Ya; Hu Li-Bing; Lu Hong-Bin; Tang Shao-Chun*.Preparation of Nickel Foam Supported Fe2O3@Ni3S2 Nanowires Network Electrode and Electrocatalytic Oxygen Evolution Performance.Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2021, 37(8): 1421-1429.
[43]Hao, Zongbin; Yang, Junchi; Yuan, Changsheng; Chen, Yanfeng; Ge, Haixiong; Tang, Shaochun*; Cui, Yushuang*.High rate capabilities and remarkably cycle-stable flexible pseudocapacitors based on nano-coralloid arrays with sulfide vacancies enhanced Ni-Co-S nanoparticle covering.Nanotechnology, 2021, 32(27): 275403.
[44]Xiang, Bo; Zhang, Rong; Luo, Yanlong; Zhang, Sheng; Xu, Lei; Min, Huihua; Tang, Shaochun*; Meng, Xiangkang*.3D porous polymer film with designed pore architecture and auto-deposited SiO2 for highly efficient passive radiative cooling.Nano Energy, 2021, 81: 105600.
[45]Niu, Richao; Han, Rubing; Wang, Yining; Zhang, Litong; Qiao, Qingshan; Jiang, Lili; Sun, Yuntong; Tang, Shaochun*; Zhu, Junwu*.MXene-based porous and robust 2D/2D hybrid architectures with dispersedLi3Ti2(PO4)3 as superior anodes for lithium-ion battery.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 405: 127049.
[46]Yu, Lili; Pan, Guanjun*; Cao, Zhenhua; Ma, Yujie; Tang, Shaochun; Meng, Xiangkang*.Tailorable stress window of stress-induced martensitic transition in NiTi/W nanostructured multilayer films.Intermetallics, 2021, 128: 106996.
[47]Richao Niu, Rubing Han, Yin Huang, Liming Dai, Hongan Zhao, Yining Wang, Junwu Zhu, Shaochun Tang⁎, Jingwen Sun*, Hydrothermal ion exchange synthesis of CoM(M=Fe or Mn)/MXene 2D/2D hierarchal architectures for enhanced energy storage, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 894, 162385 (2021).
[48]Hao, Zongbin; He, Xingchen; Li, Hongdou; Trefilov, Denis; Song, Yangyang; Li, Yang; Fu, Xinxin; Cui, Yushuang; Tang, Shaochun*; Ge, Haixiong*; Chen, Yanfeng.Vertically Aligned and Ordered Arrays of 2D MCo2S4@Metal with Ultrafast Ion/Electron Transport for Thickness-Independent Pseudocapacitive Energy Storage.ACS Nano, 2020, 14(10): 12719-12731.
[49]Ding, Yuying; Tang, Shaochun*; Han, Rubing; Zhang, Sheng; Pan, Guanjun; Meng, Xiangkang*.Iron oxides nanobelt arrays rooted in nanoporous surface of carbon tube textile as stretchable and robust electrodes for flexible supercapacitors with ultrahigh areal .energy density and remarkable cycling-stability.Scientific Reports, 2020, 10(1): 11023.
[50]Wang, G J; Cai, Y P; Ma, Y J; Tang, S C*; Syed, J A; Cao, Z H*; Meng, X K*.Ultrastrong and Stiff Carbon Nanotube/Aluminum-Copper Nanocomposite via Enhancing Friction between Carbon Nanotubes.Nano Letters, 2019, 19(9): 6255-6262.
[51]Zhou Yue Wei; Ji Yun Hui; Tan Chang Bin; Song Wei Jie; Xu Liang Liang; Tang Shao Chun*.Preparation and Electrochemical Properties of NiCo2S44@Carbon Nanotube Constructed Flexible Film Electrode for Supercapacitors.Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2019, 35(8): 1419-1426.
[52]Song, Weijie; Wang, Gengjie; Zhao, Dongbo; Zhou, Yuewei; Ding, Yuying; Tan, Changbin; Tang, Shaochun*; Dong, Hao*; Meng, Xiangkang*.Achieving Rich Mixed-Valence Polysulfide/Carbon Nanotube Films toward Ultrahigh Volume Energy Density and Largely Deformable Pseudocapacitors.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(28): 25271-25282.
[53]Su, Yingjie; Ren, Hua; Jiang, Haiping; Tang, Shaochun; Lu, Haiming*; Meng, Xiangkang*.Two-Stage Tunneling-Dominated Electrodeposition for Large-Scale Production of Ultralong Wavy Metal Microstructures on Native Oxide Layer-Passivated Si Electrode with Specific Surface Configuration.Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019, 123(26): 16326-16331.
[54]Chen, Gang; Tang, Shaochun*; Song, Yangyang; Meng, Xiangkang; Yin, Jiang; Xia, Yidong*; Liu, Zhiguo.High-intensity compact ultrasound assisted synthesis of porous N-doped graphene thin microsheets with well-dispersed near-spherical Ni2P nanoflowers for energy storage.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 361: 387-397.
[55]Niu Richao; Wang Gengjie; Ding Yuying; Tang Shaochun*; Hu Xuemin; Zhu Junwu*.Hexagonal prism arrays constructed using ultrathin porous nanoflakes of carbon doped mixed-valence Co-Mn-Fe phosphides for ultrahigh areal capacitance and remarkable cycling stability.Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7(9): 4431-4437.
[56]Song, Weijie; Wu, Juan; Wang, Gengjie; Tang, Shaochun*; Chen, Gang; Cui, Mingjin; Meng, Xiangkang*.Rich-Mixed-Valence NixCo3-xPy Porous Nanowires Interwelded Junction-Free 3D Network Architectures for Ultrahigh Areal Energy Density Supercapacitors.Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 28(46): 1804620.
[57]Cui, Mingjin; Tang, Shaochun*; Ma, Yujie; Shi, Xiling; Syed, Junaid Ali; Meng, Xiangkang*.Monolayer standing MnO2-Nanosheet covered Mn3O4 octahedrons anchored in 3D N-Doped graphene networks as supercapacitor electrodes with remarkable cycling stability.Journal of Power Sources, 2018, 396: 483-490.
[58]Ma, Jun; Tang, Shaochun; Syed, Junaid Ali; Su, Dongyun; Meng, Xiangkang*.High-performance asymmetric supercapacitors based on reduced graphene oxide/polyaniline composite electrodes with sandwich-like structure.Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2018, 34(7): 1103-1109.
[59]Wu, Juan; Shi, Xiling; Song, Weijie; Ren, Hua; Tan, Changbin; Tang, Shaochun*; Meng, Xiangkang*.Hierarchically porous hexagonal microsheets constructed by well-interwoven MCo2S4 (M = Ni, Fe, Zn) nanotube networks via two-step anion-exchange for high-performance asymmetric supercapacitors.Nano Energy, 2018, 45: 439-447.
[60]Syed, Junaid Ali; Ma, Jun; Zhu, Baogang; Tang, Shaochun*; Meng, Xiangkang*.Hierarchical Multicomponent Electrode with Interlaced Ni(OH)2 Nanoflakes Wrapped Zinc Cobalt Sulfide Nanotube Arrays for Sustainable High-Performance Supercapacitors.Advanced Energy Materials, 2017, 7(22): 1701228.
[61]Syed, Junaid Ali; Tang, Shaochun; Meng, Xiangkang*.Super-hydrophobic multilayer coatings with layer number tuned swapping in surface wettability and redox catalytic anti-corrosion application.Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1): 4403.
[62]Xie Hao; Tang Shaochun*; Li Dongdong; Vongehr Sascha; Meng Xiangkang.Flexible Asymmetric Supercapacitors Based on Nitrogen-Doped Graphene Hydrogels with Embedded Nickel Hydroxide Nanoplates.Chemsuschem, 2017, 10(10): 2301-2308.
[63]Tang, Shaochun*; Li, Dongdong; Meng, Xiangkang*.Reply to Comment on "Flexible Asymmetric Supercapacitors Based on Nitrogen-Doped Graphene Hydrogels with Embedded Nickel Hydroxide Nanoplates".CHEMSUSCHEM, 2017, 10(10): 2312-2315.
[64]Shaochun Tang*; Baogang Zhu; Xiling Shi; Juan Wu; Xiangkang Meng.General Controlled Sulfidation toward Achieving Novel Nanosheet-Built Porous Square-FeCo2S4-Tube Arrays for High-Performance Asymmetric All-Solid-State Pseudocapacitors.Adv. Energy Mater., 2017,7: 1601985. Highly Cited Paper (Top 1%)
[65]Hao Xie; Shaochun Tang*; Dongdong Li; Sascha Vongehr; Xiangkang Meng.Flexible Asymmetric Supercapacitors Based on NitrogenDoped Graphene Hydrogels with Embedded Nickel Hydroxide Nanoplates.ChemSusChem, 2016, 9: 1-9.
[66]Tianyu Li; Sascha Vongehr; Shaochun Tang*; Yuming Dai; Xiao Huang; Xiangkang Meng.Scalable Synthesis of Ag Networks with Optimized Sub-monolayer Au-Pd Nanoparticle Covering for Highly Enhanced SERS Detection and Catalysis.Scientific Reports, 2016, 6(37092).
[67]Jian Zhu; Shaochun Tang*; Juan Wu; Xiling Shi; Baogang Zhu; Xiangkang Meng.Wearable High-Performance Supercapacitors Based on Silver-Sputtered Textiles with FeCo2S4–NiCo2S4 Composite Nanotube-Built Multitripod Architectures as Advanced Flexible Electrodes.Adv. Energy Mater.2016, 2016, 1601234.
[68]Syed, Junaid Ali; Tang, Shaochun; Meng, Xiangkang*.Intelligent saline enabled self-healing of multilayer coatings and its optimization to achieve redox catalytically provoked anti-corrosion ability.Applied Surface Science, 2016, 383: 177-190.
[69]Vongehr, Sascha*; Tang, Shaochun.Formation of hollow nanoshells in solution-based reactions via collision coalescence of nanobubble-particle systems.Nanotechnology, 2016, 27(24): 245602.
[70]Vongehr, Sascha; Tang, Shaochun; Meng, Xiangkang*.Adapting Nanotech Research as Nano-Micro Hybrids Approach Biological Complexity, A Review.Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2016, 32(5): 387-401.
[71]Li, Nanting; Tang, Shaochun; Meng, Xiangkang*.Preparation of Pt-GO composites with high-number-density Pt nanoparticles dispersed uniformly on GO nanosheets.Progress in Natural Science:Materials International , 2016, 26(2): 139-144.
[72]Baogang Zhu; Shaochun Tang*; Sascha Vongehr; Hao Xie; Xiangkang Meng.Hierarchically MnO2−Nanosheet Covered Submicrometer FeCo2O4‑Tube Forest as Binder-Free Electrodes for High Energy Density All-Solid-State Supercapacitors.ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2016, 8: 4762-4770.
[73]Wan, Neng*; Pan, Wei; Tang, Shao-chun.Multiple value storage based on a nano-electronic-mechanical mechanism using graphene flakes.RSC Advances, 2016, 6(73): 68964-68968.
[74]Ma, Jun; Tang, Shaochun; Syed, Junaid Ali; Meng, Xiangkang*.Asymmetric hybrid capacitors based on novel bearded carbon fiber cloth-pinhole polyaniline electrodes with excellent energy density.RSC Advances, 2016, 6(86): 82995-83002.
[75]Zhu, Baogang; Tang, Shaochun*; Vongehr, Sascha; Xie, Hao; Zhu, Jian; Meng, Xiangkang.FeCo2O4 submicron-tube arrays grown on Ni foam as high rate-capability and cycling-stability electrodes allowing superior energy and power densities with symmetric supercapacitors.Chemical Communications, 2016, 52(12): 2624-2627. Highly cited Paper (Top 1%)
[76]Yongguang Wang; Xiangyu Wang; Bo Sun; Shaochun Tang*; Xiangkang Meng.Concentration-dependent Morphology Control of Pt-coated-Ag Nanowires and Effects of Bimetallic Interfaces on Catalytic Activity.Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2015, 32: 41-47.
[77]Jian Zhu; Shaochun Tang*; Sascha Vongehr; Hao Xie; Xiangkang Meng.Optimized spherical manganese oxide-ferroferricoxide-tin oxide ternary composites as advanced electrode materials forsupercapacitors.Nanotechnology, 2015, 26(374001): 1-12.
[78]Hao Xie; Shaochun Tang*; Jian Zhu; Sascha Vongehr; Xiangkang Meng.A high energy density asymmetric all-solid-statesupercapacitor based on cobalt carbonate hydroxide nanowire covered N-dopedgraphene and porous graphene electrodes.Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3: 18505-18513.
[79]Yongguang Wang; Xiangyu Wang; Shaochun Tang*; Sascha Vongehr; Junaid Ali Syed; Xiangkang Meng*.Highly processible and electrochemically active graphene-doped polyacrylic acid/polyaniline allowing the preparation of defect-free thinfilms for solid-state supercapacitors.RSC Advances, 2015, 5: 62670-62677.
[80]Min Sun; Shaochun Tang; Sascha Vongehr; Lan Chen; Yongguang Wang; Xiangkang Meng*.Shape versus porosity: A systematic survey of cobalt oxide nanosheetcalcination from 200 to 900oC.Materials Letters, 2015, 141: 165-167.
[81]Xiangyu Wang; Pinghui Zhang; Sascha Vongehr; Shaochun Tang; Yongguang Wang; Xiangkang Meng*.Large-scale fabrication of porous bulk silver thinsheets with tunable porosity for high-performance binder-free supercapacitorelectrodes.RSC Advances, 2015, 5: 45194-45200.
[82]Junaid Ali Syed; Shaochun Tang*; Hongbin Lu; Xiangkang Meng*.Smart PDDA/PAA multilayer coatings with enhanced stimuli responsiveself-healing and anti-corrosion ability.Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects , 2015, 476: 48-56.
[83]Junaid Ali Syed; Shaochun Tang*; Hongbin Lu; Xiangkang Meng*.Water-Soluble Polyaniline-Polyacrylic Acid Composites as EfficientCorrosion Inhibitors for 316SS.Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2015, 54: 2950-2959.
[84]Nanting Li; Shaochun Tang; Xiangkang Meng*.Reducedgraphene oxide supported bimetallic cobalt palladium nanoparticles with highcatalytic activity towards formic acid electro-oxidation.Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2015, 31(1): 30-36.
[85]Junaid Ali Syed; Shaochun Tang; Hongbin Lu; Xiangkang Meng*. Enhanced corrosion protective PANI-PAA/PEI multilayer composite coatings for 316SS by spin coatingtechnique.Applied Surface Science, 2015, 325: 160-169.
[86]Hao Xie; Shaochun Tang*; Zilun Gong; Sascha Vongehr; Fei Fang; Min Li; Xiangkang Meng.3D nitrogen-doped graphene/Co(OH)2-nanoplate composites for high-performance electrochemical pseudocapacitors.RSC Advances, 2014, 4: 61753-61758.
[87]Zhu, Jian; Tang, Shaochun*; Xie, Hao; Dai, Yuming; Meng, Xiangkang.Hierarchically Porous MnO2 Microspheres Doped with Homogeneously Distributed Fe3O4 Nanoparticles for Supercapacitors.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6(20): 17637-17646.
[88]Dai, Y. M.; Tang, S. C.; Peng, J. Q.; Chen, H. Y.; Ba, Z. X.; Ma, Y. J.; Meng, X. K.*.MnO2@SnO2 core-shell heterostructured nanorods for supercapacitors.Materials Letters, 2014, 130: 107-110.
[89]Nanting Li; Shaochun Tang; Xiangkang Meng*.Facile Synthesis of Bimetallic Au@Pd Nanoparticles with Core-shell Structures on Graphene Nanosheets.Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2014, 30(11): 1071-1077.
[90]Li, Nanting; Tang, Shaochun; Dai, Yumin; Meng, Xiangkang*.The synthesis of graphene oxide nanostructures for supercapacitors: a simple route.Journal of Materials Science, 2014, 49(7): 2802-2809.
[91]Dai Y M; Tang S C; Ba Z X; Zhu S S; Wang Q; Wang C; Meng X K*.Coating MnO2 nanowires by silver nanoparticles for an improvement of capacitance performance.Materials Letters, 2014, 117: 104-107.
[92]Dai Yuming; Tang Shaochun; Wang Xiaoyu; Huang, Xiang; Zhu Chao; Hang Zusheng; Meng Xiangkang.MnO2-Au Composite Electrodes for Supercapacitors.Chemistry Letters, 2014, 43(1): 122-124.
[93]Tang, Shaochun; Vongehr, Sascha; Wang, Yongguang; Cui, Juan; Wang, Xiangyu; Meng, Xiangkang*.Versatile synthesis of high surface area multi-metallic nanosponges allowing control over nanostructure and alloying for catalysis and SERS detection.Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2(10): 3648-3660.
[94]Tang, Shaochun; Vongehr, Sascha; Wang, Xiangyu; Wang, Yongguang; Meng, Xiangkang*.Bubble-assisted growth of hollow palladium nanospheres with structure control allowing very thin shells for highly enhanced catalysis.RSC Advances, 2014, 4(26): 13729-13732.
[95]Li Nanting; Tang Shaochun*; Dai Yumin; Meng Xiangkang.The synthesis of graphene oxide nanostructures for supercapacitors: a simple route.Journal of Materials Science, 2013, 49(2): 2802-2809.
[96]Dai Yuming; Tang Shaochun*; Vongehr Sascha; Meng Xiangkang.Silver Nanoparticle-Induced Growth of Nanowire-Covered Porous MnO2 Spheres with Superior Supercapacitance.ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2013, 11(2): 1-7.
[97]Y.M. Dai; S.C. Tang; Z.X. Ba; S.S. Zhu; Q. Wang; C. Wang; X.K. Meng*.Coating MnO2nanowires by silver nanoparticles for an improvement of capacitance performance.Materials Letters, 2013, 117: 104-107.
[98]Tang Shaochun; Vongehr Sascha; Wan Neng; Meng Xiangkang*.Rapid synthesis of pentagonal silver nanowires with diameter-dependent tensile yield strength.Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2013, 142(1).
[99]Nanting Li; Shaochun Tang*; Yi Pan; Xiangkang Meng.One-step and rapid synthesis of reduced graphene oxide supported Pt nanodendrites by a microwave-assisted simultaneous reduction.Materials Research Bulletin, 2013, 49(1): 119-125.
[100]Ren, Hua; Tang, Shaochun; Syed, Junaid Ali; Meng, Xiangkang*.Incorporation of silver nanoparticles coated with mercaptosuccinic acid/poly(ethylene glycol) copolymer into epoxy for enhancement of dielectric properties.Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2012, 137(2): 673-680.
[101]Vongehr, Sascha; Tang, Shaochun*; Meng, Xiangkang.Promoting Statistics of Distributions in Nanoscience: The Case of Improving Yield Strength Estimates from Ultrasound Scission.Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012, 116(34): 18533-18537.
[102]Shaochun Tang; Sascha Vongehr; Hua Ren; Xiangkang Meng*.Diameter-controlled synthesis of polycrystalline nickel nanowires and their size dependent magnetic properties.CrystEngComm, 2012, 14: 7209-7216.
[103]Tang, Shaochun*; Vongehr, Sascha; Zheng, Zhou; Ren, Hua; Meng, Xiangkang.Facile and rapid synthesis of spherical porous palladium nanostructures with high catalytic activity for formic acid electro-oxidation.Nanotechnology, 2012, 23(25): 1-11.
[104]Hua Ren; Shaochun Tang; Junaid Ali Syed; Xiangkang Meng*.A naphthyl-imide-based epoxy resin: Cure kinetics and application in carbon fiber reinforced composites.High Performance Polymers, 2012, 24(7): 580-588.
[105]Tang, Shaochun; Vongehr, Sascha; He, Guorong; Chen, Lan; Meng, Xiangkang*.Highly catalytic spherical carbon nanocomposites allowing tunable activity via controllable Au-Pd doping.Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2012, 375: 125-133.
[106]Lu HongBin; Zhou YouZhen; Vongehr Sascha; Tang ShaoChun; Meng XiangKang*.Effects of hydrothermal temperature on formation and decoloration characteristics of anatase TiO2 nanoparticles.Science China Technological Sciences, 2012, 55(4): 894-902.
[107]Tang, Shaochun*; Vongehr, Sascha; Meng, Xiangkang.Layered spherical carbon composites with nanoparticles of different metals grown simultaneously inside and outside.Nanotechnology, 2012, 23(9): 1-11.
[108]Tang, Shaochun; Zheng, Zhou; Vongehr, Sascha; Meng, Xiangkang*.Facile and rapid synthesis of nickel nanowires and their magnetic properties.Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2011, 13(12): 7085-7094.
[109]Chen, Lan; Tang, Shaochun; Vongehr, Sascha; Hu, Kun; Meng, Xiangkang*.Scalable synthesis and characterization of cobalt sodium tartrate nanowires with adjustable diameters.Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2011, 184(11): 3055-3061.
[110]Zheng, Zhou; Tang, Shaochun; Vongehr, Sascha; Meng, Xiangkang*.Square-wave electrochemical growth of lying three-dimensional silver dendrites with high surface-enhanced Raman scattering activities.Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2011, 129(1-2): 594-598.
[111]Vongehr, Sascha; Tang, Shaochun*; Meng, Xiangkang.On the Apparently Fixed Dispersion of Size Distributions.Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2011, 8(4): 598-602.
[112]Vongehr, Sascha; Tang, Shaochun; Meng, Xiangkang*.Quantitative Analysis of Particle Distributions by Comparison with Simulations.Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2011, 17(1): 61-66.
[113]Tang, Shaochun; Vongehr, Sascha; Zheng, Zhou; Liu, Hanjin; Meng, Xiangkang*.Silver Doping Mediated Route to Bimetallically Doped Carbon Spheres with Controllable Nanoparticle Distributions.Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2010, 114(43): 18338-18346.
[114]Tang, Shaochun; Vongehr, Sascha; Zheng, Zhou; Meng, Xiangkang.Co dendrite based bimetallic structures with nanoflake-built Pt covers and strong catalytic activity.Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2010, 351(1): 217-224.
[115]Huang, Jianfeng; Vongehr, Sascha; Tang, Shaochun; Meng, Xiangkang*.Highly Catalytic Pd-Ag Bimetallic Dendrites.Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2010, 114(35): 15005-15010.
[116]Tang, Shaochun; Vongehr, Sascha; Wang, Yang; Chen, Lan; Meng, Xiangkang.Ethanol-assisted hydrothermal synthesis and electrochemical properties of coral-like beta-Co(OH)(2) nanostructures.Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2010, 183(9): 2166-2173.
[117]Meng, X. K.; Tang, S. C.; Vongehr, S. A Review on Diverse Silver Nanostructures.Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2010, 26(6): 487-522.
[118]Tang, Shaochun; Chen, Lan; Vongehr, Sascha; Meng, Xiangkang.Heterogeneous nucleation and growth of silver nanoparticles on unmodified polystyrene spheres by in situ reduction.Applied Surface Science, 2010, 256(8): 2654-2660.
[119]Vongehr, Sascha; Tang Shao-Chun; Meng Xiang-Kang.Collision statistics of clusters: from Poisson model to Poisson mixtures.Chinese Physics B, 2010, 19(2): 023602.
[120]Lu, H. B.; Hu, Y.; Gu, M. H.; Tang, S. C.; Lu, H. M.; Meng, X. K..Synthesis and characterization of silica-acrylic-epoxy hybrid coatings on 430 stainless steel (vol 204, pg 91, 2009).Surface and Coatings Technology, 2010, 204(9-10): 1658-1658.
[121]Tang, Shaochun; Vongehr, Sascha; Meng, Xiangkang.Carbon Spheres with Controllable Silver Nanoparticle Doping.Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2010, 114(2): 977-982.
[122]Tang, Shaochun; Vongehr, Sascha; Meng, Xiangkang.Controllable incorporation of Ag and Ag-Au nanoparticles in carbon spheres for tunable optical and catalytic properties.Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2010, 20(26): 5436-5445.
[123]Zhu, Shaopeng; Huang, Jianfeng; Tang, Shaochun; Meng, Xiangkang.Synthesis of Ag microparticles with hierarchical nanostructure on the anode of a galvanic cell.Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2009, 118(2-3): 442-446.
[124]Huang, Jianfeng; Vongehr, Sascha; Tang, Shaochun; Lu, Haiming; Shen, Jiancang; Meng, Xiangkang.Ag Dendrite-Based Au/Ag Bimetallic Nanostructures with Strongly Enhanced Catalytic Activity.Langmuir, 2009, 25(19): 11890-11896.
[125]Lu, H. B.; Hu, Y.; Gu, M. H.; Tang, S. C.; Lu, H. M.; Meng, X. K..Synthesis and characterization of silica-acrylic-epoxy hybrid coatings on 430 stainless steel.Surface and Coatings Technology, 2009, 204(1-2): 91-98.
[126]Tang ShaoChun; Meng XiangKang.Controllable synthesis of metal particles by a direct current electrochemical approach.Science in China - Series E: Technological Sciences , 2009, 52(9): 2709-2714.
[127]Tang, Shaochun; Meng, Xiangkang; Lu, Hongbin; Zhu, Shaopeng.PVP-assisted sonoelectrochemical growth of silver nanostructures with various shapes.Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2009, 116(2-3): 464-468.
[128]Tang, Shaochun; Vongehr, Sascha; Meng, Xiangkang.Two distinct branch-stem interfacial structures of silver dendrites with vertical and slanted branchings.Chemical Physics Letters, 2009, 477(1-3): 179-183.
[129]Zhu Shao-Peng; Tang Shao-Chun; Meng Xiang-Kang.Monodisperse Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized by a Microwave-Assisted Method.Chinese Physics Letters, 2009, 26(7): 078101.
[130]Li, P. Y.; Lu, H. M.; Tang, S. C.; Meng, X. K. An in-situ TEM investigation on microstructure evolution of Ni-25 at.% Al thin films.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 478(1-2): 240-245.
[131]Li, P. Y.; Lu, H. M.; Cao, Z. H.; Tang, S. C.; Meng, X. K.; Li, X. S.; Jiang, Z. H.Order-disorder transition and Curie transition in Ni70Fe30 nanoalloy.Applied Physics Letters, 2009, 94(21): 213112.
[132]Tang, Shaochun; Meng, Xiangkang; Wang, Changchun; Cao, Zhenhua.Flowerlike Ag microparticles with novel nanostructure synthesized by an electrochemical app roach.Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2009, 114(2-3): 842-847.
[133]Tang, S. C.; Meng, X. K.; Vongehr, S. An additive-free electrochemical route to rapid synthesis of large-area copper nano-octahedra on gold film substrates.Electrochemistry Communications, 2009, 11(4): 867-870.
[134]Tang, Shaochun; Tang, Yuefeng; Vongehr, Sascha; Zhao, Xiaoning; Meng, Xiangkang.Nanoporous carbon spheres and their application in dispersing silver nanoparticles.Applied Surface Science, 2009, 255(11): 6011-6016.
[135]Cao, Z. H.; Liu, P.; Meng, X. K.; Tang, S. C.; Lu, H. M..In situ transmission electron microscopy observations of the crystallization of amorphous Ge films.Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing, 2009, 94(2): 393-398.
[136]Wang, Chang-Chun; Shen, Qun-Dong; Tang, Shao-Chun; Wu, Qiang; Bao, Hui-Min; Yang, Chang-Zheng; Jiang, Xi-Qun.Ferroelectric polymer nanotubes with large dielectric constants for potential all-organic electronic devices.Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2008, 29(9): 724-728.
[137]Tang, Shaochun; Zhu, Shaopeng; Lu, Haiming; Meng, Xiangkang.Shape evolution and thermal stability of Ag nanoparticles on spherical SiO2 substrates.Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2008, 181(3): 587-592.
[138]Lu, H. M.; Zhao, C. L.; Tang, S. C.; Meng, X. K..Does the nonmagnetic surface layer exist throughout ferromagnetic nanoparticles?Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2007, 111(50): 18585-18588.
[139]Tang, Shaochun; Tang, Yuefeng; Zhu, Shaopeng; Lu, Haiming; Meng, Xiangkang.Synthesis and characterization of silica-silver core-shell composite particles with uniform thin silver layers.Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2007, 180(10): 2871-2876.
[140]Lu, H. M.; Ding, D. N.; Cao, Z. H.; Tang, S. C.; Meng, X. K.Surface energy and melting temperature of elemental nanocavities.Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2007, 111(35): 12914-12917.
[141]Tang, Shaochun; Tang, Yuefeng; Gao, Feng; Liu, Zhiguo; Meng, Xiangkang.Ultrasonic electrodeposition of silver nanoparticles on dielectric silica spheres.Nanotechnology, 2007, 18(29): 295607.
[142]Yongguang Wang; Shaochun Tang*; Sascha Vongehr; Junaid Ali; Xiangyu Wang; Xiangkang Meng.High-Performance Flexible Solid-State Carbon Cloth Supercapacitors Based on Highly Processible N-Graphene Doped Polyacrylic Acid/Polyaniline Composites.Scientific Reports.
[143]Tang Shaochun*; Vongehr Sascha; Wang Xiangyu; Wang Yongguang; Meng Xiangkang.Bubble-assisted growth of hollow palladium nanospheres with structure control allowing monolayer-thin shells for highly enhanced catalysis.RSC Advances.
[1]张青原, 龙威宇, 崔玉琛, 徐磊*, 孟祥康, 唐少春*. 基于固废微波快速制备泡沫碳负载CoOx纳米片及电催化析氧性能[J]. 功能材料, 2023, 54 (08): 8148-8156.
[2]乔清山, 张晟, 周晓亚, 胡立兵, 陆洪彬, 唐少春*. 泡沫镍负载Fe2O3@Ni3S2纳米线网状结构电极的制备及其电催化析氧性能[J]. 无机化学学报, 2021, 37 (08): 1421-1429.
[3]周阅微, 季昀辉, 谭徜彬, 宋伟杰, 许亮亮, 唐少春. NiCo2S4@碳纳米管构筑柔性薄膜电极的制备及其电化学性能[J]. 无机化学学报, 2019, 35 (08): 1419-1426.
[4]Sascha Vongehr, 唐少春, 孟祥康. Collision statistics of clusters:from Poisson model to Poisson mixtures[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2010, 19 (02): 229-237.
[5]唐少春, 孟祥康. 银纳米粒子在聚苯乙烯球表面的异相成核与生长[J]. 南京大学学报(自然科学版), 2009, 45 (02): 122-128.
[6]刘建民, 唐少春, 徐复铭, 周伟良. 基于ANN的丁羟复合推进剂燃速预测[J]. 火炸药学报, 2006, (03): 13-16.
[1]陈维旺, 唐伟, 徐海涛, 朱勇敢, 胡坤, 唐少春 & 陆洪彬. (2022). 垃圾焚烧电厂尾部净烟道腐蚀分析及疏水涂层防护. (eds.) 中国环境科学学会2022年科学技术年会——环境工程技术创新与应用分会场论文集(二) (pp.254-257).
[2]Bi, Y.; Zhu, D.; Hong, T.; Jing, Y.; Zhang, P.; Tang, S..Insulin glargine as an adjunct to oral antidiabetic drugs for Asians with type 2 diabetes: a pooled analysis to identify predictors of dose and treatment response.52nd Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-Diabetes (EASD), 2016-09-12 To 2016-09-16.
[3]Tang, S.; Tang, W.; Wu, W.; Bi, Y.; Zhu, D..Decrement in Rho-kinase 1 and adenylate energy charge contribute to the interactive regulation of insulin and fatty acid on AMPK/SREBP-1c pathway in skeletal muscle cells.52nd Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-Diabetes (EASD), 2016-09-12 To 2016-09-16.
(3)2015年度教育部科技进步奖,微波超声波高效协同技术及环保节能设备的开发与应用,唐少春; 孟祥康; 高文华; 朱健; 陆洪彬; 尹青堂; 谢浩; 操振华; 王勇光,教育部, 科技进步, 省部二等奖, 2015。
(8)2010年度教育部科技进步奖,金属表面高性能纳米防护涂层技术及其产业化,孟祥康; 朱善忠; 陆洪彬; 胡勇; 唐少春; 周友珍; 桑志宏; 黄立新; 施健,教育部, 2010年度国家教育部科技进步奖, ( 二等奖 ), 2011。
(9)2011年度教育部科技进步奖,动力锂离子电池纳米复合隔膜关键技术研究与应用,孟祥康; 吴培龙; 陆洪彬; 符朝贵; 陈延峰; ***; 陆海鸣; 唐少春; 操振华; 陈兰,教育部, 2011年教育部科技进步奖, ( 二等奖 ), 2012。
(11)2012年度江苏省科学技术奖,新型纳米结构涂层在不锈钢中的应用及其产业化,孟祥康; 陆洪彬; 朱善忠; 桑志宏; 胡勇; 唐少春,江苏省委组织部,江苏省科技厅,江苏省教育厅, 江苏省科学技术奖三等奖, ( 三等奖, 2013。
(12)多功能微波高温设备的研制及产业化,唐少春; 高文华; 谢浩; 朱健; 尹青堂; 杨娟,南京市科学技术局, 科技进步, 其它, 2016。
(13)基于选择性吸收和能量转换效应的微波制备技术开发与应用,范大明; 唐少春; 高文华; 陆春华; 赵建新; 尹青堂; 闫博文; 王丽云; 卢兵,2011年江苏省科技厅, 科技进步, 省部二等奖, 2016。
(14)高压锅炉用大口径高精度无缝钢管关键技术与应用,尤凤志; 唐少春; 张圣确; 谢浩; 汪路军; 朱健; 刘泽君; 夏魁; 戴玉明,扬州市人民政府, 2014年度扬州市科学技术奖, ( 二等奖 ), 2014。
(15)超声波微波紫外光组合反应系统的研发及产业化,高文华; 唐少春; 尹青堂; 朱健; 王翔宇; 赵勋,南京市科学技术委员会, 2013年南京市科学技术进步奖, 三等奖, 2014。
(16)不锈钢用高性能纳米复合涂层材料的研究及其应用,朱善忠; 朱善兵; 洪亮; 孟祥康; 胡勇; 唐少春; 丁道宁,南通市市委组织部、南通市科技局、南通市科协, 南通市科技进步奖, ( 二等奖 ), 2011。